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File 148783540594.jpg - (59.38KB , 855x480 , nbKHigX.jpg )
261 No. 261 [Edit]
I haven't seen a single character in this show that isn't cute.
41 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 304 [Edit]
File 149147411199.jpg - (651.29KB , 900x1200 , 7SQbPYF.jpg )
Wouldn't it have turned into lava then?
>> No. 306 [Edit]
....What's in Kaban's kaban anyway?
>> No. 307 [Edit]
File 149153333392.jpg - (135.97KB , 450x450 , Kemono_Friends_full_2079115.jpg )
Serval's heart
>> No. 308 [Edit]
I love how there's so much fan made content that just keeps coming and coming.
>> No. 309 [Edit]
I meant the bridge collapsed after the fellow crossed.
>> No. 310 [Edit]
File 149174491134.webm - (555.12KB , arai.webm )
It's unstoppable really, already on its second convention, the Japariket:
Makes me wonder if this will reach pre 2000s Touhou levels. Also found this jewel, pic related.
>> No. 311 [Edit]
File 149174517468.jpg - (43.10KB , 800x600 , 1491731828317.jpg )
Also getting a lot of doujin games:
>> No. 312 [Edit]
File 149174548219.jpg - (325.72KB , 743x2000 , 1491736898593.jpg )
For all your news needs:
Upcoming events in Japan:
>4/2 ジャパリパークで大騒ぎ!(大田区産業プラザPiO)
>4/9 ジャパリケット(大田区産業プラザPiO)
>5/5 フレンズチホー(都立産業貿易センター)
>5/14 ジャパリケット2(大田区産業プラザPiO)
>5/21 ジャパリフェスタ(大田区産業プラザPiO)
>5/28 ジャパリパークで大騒ぎ!2(東京ビッグサイト)
>7/16 ジャパリケット3(不明)
>> No. 313 [Edit]
Some edge lord kid made a really fucked up side scrolling platformer based on this series.
>> No. 314 [Edit]
File 149176532963.jpg - (195.25KB , 1200x900 , C8-d36KUIAAS7Zd.jpg )
I want one...
>> No. 315 [Edit]
File 149181211257.jpg - (254.33KB , 1400x988 , 093a0f43ae96aa5cf5c9620701aed4bb_jpeg.jpg )
This show makes me want to kill myself so I can die happy.
>> No. 317 [Edit]
File 149184530655.jpg - (747.89KB , 1920x1080 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Trigger warning.
>> No. 318 [Edit]
pretty much what I expected that to be lol.
>> No. 319 [Edit]
File 1492041143632.webm - (1.88MB )
>> No. 320 [Edit]
File 14921557776.png - (696.22KB , 989x654 , Tsuchinoko_ep12.png )
"I'm helping"
>> No. 321 [Edit]
File 149220782065.jpg - (1.71MB , 1800x1350 , 1492207320745.jpg )
Find your favourite animal.
>> No. 322 [Edit]
>> No. 323 [Edit]
I don't see it.
>> No. 324 [Edit]
I started watching this a couple of days ago. It only took one episode for me to like it.

I love the designs of the Friends. No wonder this has gotten the popularity that it has since it's very interesting. I really want to see what Kaban and Serval are going to do.

It's just too cute!
>> No. 325 [Edit]
I meant that you should think of your favourite animal and then try finding who you think it's the corresponding friend.
>> No. 326 [Edit]
The chances of there being a Scrub Turkey or a Torresian Crow are astronomically low, so I'll settle for the one that is probably a Carrion Crow since they're common in Japan. Left of the Japari Park sign there are three friends, I think the furthest left is the crow. Could be wrong though.

One that is almost certain, and is probably my next favourite animal is the Peregrine Falcon, seen in the race near the water agains presumably a cheetah.
>> No. 327 [Edit]
Guys, this is really bothering me

Why were Kaban's hands black after resurrecting in the last episode?
>> No. 328 [Edit]
I was wondering about that too. My best guess is when shit got real the gloves came off and she got her hands dirty. The creators possibly had trouble illustrating this.
That or maybe there was an issue with the character model. possibly something got screw up with it or they were using an old version that had no gloves for one reason or another, so they colored some on thinking it wouldn't be noticeable?
>> No. 329 [Edit]
File 149236806145.png - (609.45KB , 935x935 , f2b9faac74f353c7316f24f29fd02169.png )
I was expecting to see a lot more of this sort of thing...
>> No. 330 [Edit]
Her gloves were regenerating. Watch it again and you'll notice the same happens to her thigh socks. The effect is fully intended and is not a continuity nor animation error.
>> No. 331 [Edit]
Kaba (Hippo) is cute!
>> No. 332 [Edit]
They ALL are! All of the girls are so, so cute! <3
>> No. 333 [Edit]
File 149283854679.jpg - (153.95KB , 640x750 , 20170422.jpg )
Looking for the 'female' peacock
>> No. 334 [Edit]
File 149304145499.jpg - (81.72KB , 646x813 , 20170422.jpg )
Ocean animal Friends next?
>> No. 335 [Edit]
Unless they have a means of traveling underwater, I feel like that would get boring pretty quickly. Even then the variety in landscape was one of the things I felt keep Kemono Friends interesting every week. Keeping everything water themed would be tiresome after three or four ep. I don't think they have many water themed friends anyway from what I've seen.
>> No. 336 [Edit]
They're sailing at the end of season one, so they could totally work in some salt water Friends and move on to something else before it gets stale. I'd personally love to see an octopus. I bet she'd be cute!
>> No. 337 [Edit]
File 149319853117.webm - (291.64KB , eKemono.webm )
Japari OS loading scene. Haha
>> No. 338 [Edit]
File 14932859658.jpg - (188.34KB , 1024x768 , 20170430.jpg )
Hello from KANGAROO in Australia
>> No. 339 [Edit]
>> No. 340 [Edit]
I really like that KF can make cute friends even out of overgrown vermin like kangaroos.
>> No. 341 [Edit]
Vermin? really?
>> No. 342 [Edit]
I grew up in the country during a really dry period. There was not a lot of grass to go around and the roos would eat all of it. Plus they make getting anywhere once the sun starts to go down close to suicidal. If you didn't grow up with them being a pain in the arse then it's very understandable why you might like them. Most wouldn't consider them vermin, it's really a rural thing.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't go out of my way to get rid of them like I would the rabbits which are a genuine pest. It's just that I'm not hugely fond of them either.
>> No. 343 [Edit]
Interesting. I always thought of them as being uncommon animals that humans wouldn't often interact with.
>> No. 344 [Edit]
File 149372692444.jpg - (122.10KB , 850x1339 , 20170502.jpg )
TOKI is my favourite bird Friend.
>> No. 345 [Edit]
Kangaroos are far less common than wallabies, and the big roos that everybody thinks about (and in that picture) are Red Kangaroos which are very uncommon for 90% of the population, though if you go into their areas, there are a lot of them. Eastern Grey Kangaroos live all over the eastern half of the country which is the most densely populated part. Only deep in the city would you not see any, and even then the highway about 20 minutes out of the capital city has a lot of roadkill.
>> No. 346 [Edit]
I think I'd be really sad to see dead kangaroo on the side of the road.
>> No. 347 [Edit]
File 149411927488.jpg - (98.98KB , 525x731 , 20170507.jpg )
Phoenix Friend
>> No. 348 [Edit]
File 149526000452.jpg - (594.95KB , 2048x2048 , 1495157709796.jpg )
That's a damn good looking custom fig.
And considering what the original fig was, nothing of value was lost! (Materia sucks imo)
>> No. 349 [Edit]
File 149542547224.jpg - (34.19KB , 618x701 , Haunter laugh.jpg )
>> No. 353 [Edit]
I'd be pretty stoked with a Harvest Moon clone with friends grafted onto it. That would be stupidly comfy to play.
>> No. 355 [Edit]
KADOKAWA kills Kemono Friends
>> No. 418 [Edit]
One year ago, 29th March 2017, the last episode of Kemono Friends aired. I'll celebrate in a low key by posting the long overdue "Oozora Dreamer".
>> No. 425 [Edit]
Feels like it was just a couple months ago. Time sure flies.
>> No. 426 [Edit]
File 152248007740.jpg - (111.16KB , 500x495 , VICL-64997.jpg )
There will be a new album for PPP released at April 25th.
>> No. 427 [Edit]
File 152459744499.jpg - (503.90KB , 1423x1411 , 81nr8t44IoL_SL1423.jpg )
And there it is already
https://mega.nz/#!FoQEXQKB!gOIPpKF8XDeCHYU_RHHXwufulFhW3TepefSS4pMX7bE DDL just for you
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