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File 13055648808.jpg - (108.79KB , 846x547 , Untitled.jpg )
979 No. 979 [Edit]
Ever thought about adding various images/videos/music to one post like krautchan?

I don't think it's that useful, but it would be a pretty cool thing to have.
Expand all images
>> No. 980 [Edit]
Inmy opinion, the posting area is already way too big. We don't need more useless features.
>> No. 981 [Edit]
We used to have it on ib4f, and it was sort of nice. I imagine with the posting limit being set at 7mb it wouldn't be very useful though, if possible at all.
>> No. 982 [Edit]
We used to have multi-image uploading in old /tc/ (4-5 per post, I think). We had to give up that (along with other things) when we moved. Back then it was significant, because we were MUCH less dudes contributing here; now I'm not sure...

Post edited on 16th May 2011, 10:11am
>> No. 983 [Edit]
I think I remember Hamish saying he was trying to get working, but it was a bit tricky on how it worked, since it basically created one post per image then merged them into one post. I'm not sure if he was just saying it was tricky or if he was trying to get it working though.
>> No. 984 [Edit]
krautchan is a shit imageboard
modeling anything you do after what they do is almost certain to be mistake
>> No. 985 [Edit]

Even if the first part is true, I won't bother trying to explain how stupid that statement was.
>> No. 986 [Edit]
KC really is crap, but its board software isn't too bad.
Although it confuses me that they have all kinds of useless functions, yet lack essential stuff that could actually improve the board's post quality, like a catalog.
>> No. 987 [Edit]
People use catalogs?
>> No. 989 [Edit]
Probably depends on the site.
English and German *chan culture is obviously dominated by 4chan, which doesn't have catalogs.
I tend to use it when it's available.
On it's the standard mode of using the site for most people.
>> No. 990 [Edit]
Speaking of catalogs, I know there's a catalog for /a/, but is there one for the entirety of 4chan?
>> No. 991 [Edit]
File 130558519750.jpg - (186.51KB , 600x823 , 1279800839420.jpg )
This is the only catalog I know of.

I just felt like posting a picture.
>> No. 992 [Edit]
I like this picture.
>> No. 993 [Edit]
I don't really care about multi image posting.

I must comment that it makes the format of the site look a little crappier though.
>> No. 994 [Edit]
its possible to add in i guess but I'm not sure if it's really worth the effort
>> No. 995 [Edit]
We used to have it, I don't really see a point though. it just messes up the layout.
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