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File 130301544750.png - (229.50KB , 600x850 , b7d05d96e03921be6f1c108df8d86765.png )
694 No. 694 [Edit]
From a thread on /ot/:
>It [the recent posts list on the front page] only shows the past 15 posts, and there's plenty more than that each day.

Can you make it so you can click on a link and it'll extend the list, or something? So that way the people that don't F5 constantly don't miss out on posts?
>> No. 697 [Edit]
Shit, that's really handy. Usually the only time I'm behind on posts is when I first wake up, but still
>> No. 702 [Edit]
Whoa, just saw the change. Pretty sweet.
>> No. 733 [Edit]
This is the first time ive been on Tohno Chan for a week, and I saw the new thingy. I must say, good job. Very good job mate.
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