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6878 No. 6878 [Edit]
Thank you for existing, tohno-chan.

The internet may change, friends may disappear and betray you, but the one constant has been that I can always come back here and see tohno-chan and know it hasn't changed, the band of misfits here will still be here and depressed and never getting better, just like me, even the threads and banners from a decade ago will still be here. And I thank you for keeping this site running tohno and mods/admins. You get next to nothing in return but from me, at least you receive my recognition.
>> No. 6879 [Edit]
Thanks, that means a lot.
It's no secret the internet has gone to crap. While there's more users than ever, it feels smaller than ever. Old homes are being destroyed or abandoned, with everyone packing in to the big name sites. Meanwhile, the sites that stuck around change both in appearance and style over and over, eventually turning into shadows of their former selfs.

Our software is buggy but still (mostly) works, The server costs haven't really changed in a decade, and for better or worse I'm always going to be a loser. Things are unlikely to change any time soon.
>> No. 6880 [Edit]
Being a loser is underrated.
>> No. 6900 [Edit]
Happy Birthday Tohno, hope ya see this bro.
>> No. 6901 [Edit]
I'll let you know if I do, Thanks!
>> No. 6942 [Edit]
I love tohno. I don't know if you care, but I'm so glad there's a place like this. It's slow, but sweet.

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