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File 160409536445.jpg - (110.67KB , 2500x1250 , HB.jpg )
6779 No. 6779 [Edit]
Hey, /tc/! Hey! Guess who turns 11 today?

Happy birthday!
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>> No. 6780 [Edit]
(Happy birthday, TC-chan!)
>> No. 6781 [Edit]
File 160416937291.png - (2.28MB , 850x1655 , yay.png )
Happy birthday to you.
>> No. 6824 [Edit]
We forgot, again...
>> No. 6877 [Edit]
Same story, another year.
>> No. 6885 [Edit]
File 167075383779.jpg - (141.81KB , 1003x815 , first day.jpg )
The idea of it being made next to Halloween seemed so weird to me for the longest time.
Was going over old archives for TC since some of the IB4F stuff got saved, and here it is from the horse's mouth. Guess I never should have doubted anons.

Post edited on 11th Dec 2022, 2:17am
>> No. 6905 [Edit]
TC is one more year older today! Happy birthday TC!
>> No. 6906 [Edit]
Guess this marks 14 huh?
>> No. 6962 [Edit]
I'm a bit late but happy 15th birthday, TC!
>> No. 6965 [Edit]
Day late I know, had a pretty terrible tiresome and stressful day yesterday which lead me to forgetting all but my own name (and tried going to a theme park after work to make up for it) and passed out once I got home.
We've had all kinds of plans and ideas for things we could do for the 15th anniversary, but in the end nothing panned out. We ran out of time and before we knew it the day came and went...
Sorry guys.
>> No. 6966 [Edit]
How about you dance for out entertainment?
>> No. 6967 [Edit]
File 173075807638.png - (241.31KB , 477x477 , 849f48bc76b405520afec181c375b16889455582dee7eac825.png )
Happy Birthday, TC!

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