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6687 No. 6687 [Edit]
Only reason I don't browse this site is that it has to many boards and not enough people.
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>> No. 6689 [Edit]
You're nuts!
>> No. 6690 [Edit]
Irony of a person leaving because there aren't enough people aside, I suppose at this point it couldn't hurt to merge some boards, sure. I mean last time we did people made a fuss about it, maybe the illusion of more traffic could do some good. Maybe even keep people from leaving due to there not being many people.
>> No. 6691 [Edit]
fact: bun is an extremely similar board.
fact: bun has about the same per-board post rate as tc
fact: nobody scrolls down past the first couple threads to look for new replies because they aren't that stupid
fact: all boards will always plod along at this pace which you consider unsatisfying for this reason.
and that is why concatenating the boards is a stupid idea.
>> No. 6692 [Edit]
True. People in the past would always point to /bun/ when telling us why we should condense boards, and I'd always explain that the site isn't any faster than us, it only looked like it due to that traffic being being in one place rather than spread out. In fact, for a long time they had a much lower post rate than us if you actually bothered to count the posts each day. ....then they let cp spam kill the site for a while, maybe it's back, I dunno, too lazy to check.
Anyways, I've been thinking that maybe I've been too stubborn about this.
Combining everything into just a couple boards would be insane, but we do have some rather dead and redundant boards no doubt about it. For instance, /vn/, /vg/, and /foe/ could be combined. /an/ and /ma/ too. Could also get rid of /mt/ since we have /navi/ and /ot/ for it's content. /txt/ would likely not be missed by anyone.
Just some ideas.
>> No. 6693 [Edit]
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>For instance, /vn/, /vg/, and /foe/ could be combined.
Not a bad idea, as long as you're ok with getting rid of the cool touhou clock. If all these three will get merged, I suggest increasing the new /vg/'s page count to 25, or nuke some threads before merging.
>/an/ and /ma/ too.
I disagree with this one. They each have unique content to be posted about and you should think about the future (albeit slim) chance the site will get more users. If it does, and these two start getting used more (specially by seasonal watchers) then by the end of a year practically all manga threads would have hit the archive.
>Could also get rid of /mt/ since we have /navi/ and /ot/ for it's content.
If you're that open to merging, then why not merge /日本/ (2 pages), /$/ (1 page), /mt/ (6 pages), with /navi/ (4 pages), and rename the title to "/navi/ - Knowledge"? The entirety of the Japanese-only board could be condensed into a single thread, same as finance. Increase page count to a max of 15 so nothing gets lost.
>/txt/ would likely not be missed by anyone.
I agree. I remember you writing saying you tried to make it look good, but honestly, it looks unusable. While a text-only board seems great in principle (ideally to merge /tat/ into), if it looks like that, nobody will want to use it. No offence meant, thank you for your hard work.

- /lh/ (1 page), however cute the idea might be, can be merged into a single thread on /pic/.
- /kf/ despite of my care for it, can be split into /pic/ and /a/. Ignore this if /foe/ is spared.
- /lol/ is kind of pointless. It someone really feels energetic enough to the point they feel they can't control succumbing to shitposting, open MS Paint and doodle until you calm down.

TL;DR - There are 9 boards that can be easily trimmed with practically zero loss.
>> No. 6694 [Edit]
I am fine with most of that.
>/kf/ despite of my care for it, can be split into /pic/ and /a/. Ignore this if /foe/ is spared.
I like /kf/ though, it's one of my favorite boards and I don't want it to go.
>/lol/ is kind of pointless. It someone really feels energetic enough to the point they feel they can't control succumbing to shitposting, open MS Paint and doodle until you calm down.
Doesn't it function as a containment board then?
>> No. 6695 [Edit]
>I like /kf/ though, it's one of my favorite boards and I don't want it to go.
Same, but if /foe/ is getting axed, then it's only fair.
>Doesn't it function as a containment board then?
True, but is that something that is really needed? At least /tat/ and /so/ have more range of usage, making them more legitimate.
>> No. 6696 [Edit]
>Same, but if /foe/ is getting axed, then it's only fair.
That's not how it works. From what I can tell that board gets a good amount of posts, so axing it will kill activity, the opposite of the goal. Axing other boards won't kill activity since nobody uses them. That being said I can't really say myself if axing boards will or won't do anything positive. Doubt it though.
>> No. 6697 [Edit]
Your point about /tat/ and /so/ is probably true. /lol/ may not be entirely necessary but I like to think that simple silly fun can exist somewhere on this board considering it almost feels like it's not allowed outside of /an/ and sometimes /ot/. I don't feel as if Tohno-chan being 100% serious 100% of the time is something that can keep users.

As for the original post, should boards really be merged because one person has a problem with there being too many of them? Even if we merge boards that doesn't really solve the other problem of not having enough people and I think it's silly to change the whole site just because one person had two problems with it, one that could be fixed and one that would take time and money. Not to mention fixing the issue of too many boards doesn't really guarantee OP will stay.
>> No. 6698 [Edit]
Looks and sounds pretty good. I didn't think about that issue with /an/ and /ma/ but now that you mention it that could be a problem. only thing I'd really complain about is "/navi/ - Knowledge" heh, Surely we could think of a better name? and yeah, /txt/ is one of the few boards here I don't think I've ever actually posted on even once. I tried fixing how it looked as you mention, but I'm well aware it still looks like ass all the same.
I kinda wanna try holding onto /kf/ and /foe/ since I feel their fandoms have become so large they could warrant their own boards and it would be a shame to restrict it to just a single thread each. The alternative being something like /jp/ where our videogame board would get flooded with touhou threads (if we were to ever pick up traffic). Realistically though on a site with as little traffic as this they really don't need their own boards. saying that does make me wonder if they couldn't be combined though... hmm.
Anyways, I think I'd keep em for now. If nothing else, how many imageboards can you name that have dedicated boards for kemono friends and touhou anyway?
/lh/ was really just a joke board anyway. Used to be I'd make a board every time someone complained about us having too many boards, but I guess no one else thought that very funny...

Agreed. It really has become far too "no fun allowed" here.

> I think it's silly to change the whole site just because one person had two problems with it
Oh I'm sure OP is long gone by now and probably never coming back. He's not the first person to complain about this though. This just lit the spark that made me seriously start to consider this.
>> No. 6699 [Edit]
>that board gets a good amount of posts
That board is used by 2-3 people at most. At least half of the post are mine, and I'd be ok for the board to get merged, plus it's not like the board isn't a little more than an image dump.
>I don't feel as if Tohno-chan being 100% serious 100% of the time is something that can keep users.
Impossible to say or even prove. By similar speculation we could argue Tohno-chan not being 100% serious 100% of the time is what drove users away. Regardless, having a barely used board solely for that purpose is pointless, because it encourages negative contribution. Apart, it's hard to push for the attitude in the rest of the site to be laxer when a lot of people have proved to have a massive range of sense of propriety.
>should boards really be merged because one person
It's -the- top complaint whenever TC is mentioned anywhere else.
>it would be a shame to restrict it to just a single thread each.
That doesn't need to be the case, you could have /kf/ thread in fig, pic, an, ma, even vg without much issue, but...
>The alternative being something like /jp/
That's a much better idea.
>Agreed. It really has become far too "no fun allowed" here.
You write that now, but you also took /lol/ off the main page feed.
>> No. 6700 [Edit]
>That board is used by 2-3 people at most.
Out of how many different people that we have here? Saying a board is used by only a small number of people doesn't mean much when the site has a small number of users.
>By similar speculation we could argue Tohno-chan not being 100% serious 100% of the time is what drove users away.
Can you argue for that? How many times has Tohno-chan been the complete opposite of serious?
>it encourages negative contribution.
I don't exactly understand the issue here, if it does indeed contribute negative contribution it would and could be isolated only to /lol/, wouldn't it?
>The alternative being something like /jp/
>That's a much better idea.
How? If half of /vg/ was just Touhou threads it starts to seem a lot more like a Touhou board than a general video game board, plus I really hate that about /jp/, I wouldn't want to see that same issue here.
>> No. 6701 [Edit]
Okay, so maybe we'll leave /foe/ and /kf/ alone for now, and not combine anime & manga.
Doesn't sound like anyone has issue with us mixing /vn/ with /vg/, mixing /mt/ into /navi/, /日本/ and /$/into /ot/, or axing /txt/, /lh.

>You write that now, but you also took /lol/ off the main page feed.
Imagine the angry posts people would make if I didn't.
>> No. 6702 [Edit]
I'm happy with all of those changes. But for future reference, maybe you could consider merging /foe/ and /kf/ if a merge is absolutely necessary? It could be something like a board of favorite franchises of this imageboard as a whole. I don't mind what you do either way though, so long as /foe/ and /kf/ are still around in some way.
>> No. 6704 [Edit]
>mixing /mt/ into /navi/
Funny how this works. /navi/ was born out of /mt/ a couple years back, now it is consuming the board from which it was separated from. As a bonus the amount of broken reply links will double.

Post edited on 7th Dec 2017, 9:59pm
>> No. 6705 [Edit]
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>doesn't mean much when the site has a small number of users.
True, but those users could post wherever /kf/ ends up merged in. Implying they (you?) will leave the site if this outcome is realized despite the change is in name only is just childish.
>How many times has Tohno-chan been the complete opposite of serious?
Hey, I can reply same thing: When has Tohno-chan been the complete opposite of non-serious / 100% serious 100% of the time?
>it would and could be isolated only to /lol/
True, but the issue is that /lol/ is a containment board no matter how you want to look at it. If Tohno finally feels there are too many boards, then the containment ones, which are by definition and intention a surplus, are the most disposable. If users need a containment board to feel like staying is warranted, then the average notion from the PoV of a newcomer, a leaving user, or a potentially returning user is that it's more valuable to have users who can't adapt but can be controlled, as long as they stay.
>If half of /vg/ was just Touhou threads it starts to seem
I meant that merging both into /jp/ is a better idea than merging /foe/ into /vg/ and /kf/ into several others.
>plus I really hate that about /jp/, I wouldn't want to see that same issue here.
This is not wherever you come from, and wherever you come from very likely doesn't have a no-3DPD rule. With it, the majority of threads that would be part of a /jp/ board are instantly axed (idols, seiyuus, cosplay, jav, gravure, e-celebs, youtubers, vloggers, etc.).
>Imagine the angry posts people would make if I didn't.
That's very fair, but you can always compromise instead of choosing between 2 options (deletion or hiding). /lol/ doesn't have to be a cesspool for it to be fun either. Threads like the current overwhelmingly-filled-by-me WEG thread really belongs there and not in /an/.
>mixing /vn/ with /vg/, mixing /mt/ into /navi/, /日本/ and /$/into /ot/, or axing /txt/, /lh.
If you're going to merge 日本 and $ into /ot/ please redefine what the board is for, specially since it's subtitled as "This is a board for topics that don't fit on other boards, but that are still otaku/hobby related.", yet around 6 out of 11 threads from just the 1st page are arguably fitting:
>millennials being poor
Belongs in /tat/ or /so/.
>bitcoin shitpost
Belongs in /navi/.
>strangest thing you've found in your home
How is this otaku/hobby related? Belongs in /so/ or even /lol/.
>Last image you saved
>Photography thread
Belongs in /pic/, they are literally image dumps.
>trap thread
Somewhat debatable, but imho belongs in /ns/ since both the intention and outcome of the thread is about it being a fetish and not a comedic gag.
Fair, but /navi/ is a cooler-sounding board.
>the amount of broken reply links will double.
Very fair concern.
>> No. 6706 [Edit]
>Surely we could think of a better name?
How about "/navi/ - Intel". It makes it seem stealthy and slick.
>> No. 6707 [Edit]
Been pretty pre-occupied lately but I'll have these changes rolled out by the end of the month.
>> No. 6708 [Edit]
That sounds a bit like an indirect way of saying "we need a random board", but without the /random/ of course. Or would that be two separate anime boards, one for supa cereal discussion and one for spamming memes and shitposting like old /a/?
As for broken reply links, it wouldn't be impossible to fix them, but it would require some tricky (possibly dangerous)and time consuming edits.
As for making a /jp/ board, I feel like that might be a bit redundant when half the boards we have now are /jp/ related.

(Sorry for the delayed response)
>> No. 6709 [Edit]
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>Or would that be two separate anime boards
No, I meant that a lot of content that should be in /lol/ yet isn't is (I assume) because it is a board dedicated literally to shitposts, which are by definition the absolute lowest quality of content. Maybe make the board visible, but move the game or sequence threads to there to make the other boards more strict in content (e.g. making Otaku Tangents actually focused on otaku tangents, while the more conversational threads go on /lol/). Since it's the example I used before: a WEG thread has in general little to do with discussing anime and it's basically just memeing.
>As for broken reply links, it wouldn't be impossible to fix them
Imho, the quote breaking is a valid concern and if it's a dangerous procedure, and you are busy with work or similar, you can task to the mods to slowly move the threads while editing the quotes (e.g. keep a tab with the thread open, then move it, then compare which posts where being quoted and one by one correct them). I'm sure at least one of them has enough free time. It will take much longer, but if the purpose of reducing boards is to improve the overall quality of the site, then it's only logical to go all the extra miles that there are.
>half the boards we have now are /jp/ related.
I mostly agree. TC is basically "/jp/: the site" in spirit. If anything, something like "/fan/ - Fandoms" would be more appropriate for the alleged / theorized purpose.
>> No. 6711 [Edit]
>strangest thing you've found in your home
>How is this otaku/hobby related? Belongs in /so/ or even /lol/.
I think /ot/ should have just stayed Off Topic like it was originally meant to be, then we wouldn’t have needed to spawn a bunch of silly boards that no one uses.

The no 3D picutes rule is a bit much in my opinion as well. You can’t even post ninjas with guitars in the watched, expected, got thread because it violates the rules. We also shuned an entire community that we could have welcomed and embraced. I’m talking about the idolfags banned from /jp/. It was a hugely active board at one point.

You are too serious, Tohno-chan. Remember the spirit of fun that existed here for the first few months. That spirit and momentum is what gave you life. The no fun allowed mentality is what stopped you from growing.
>> No. 6712 [Edit]
>I think /ot/ should have just stayed Off Topic
I think the opposite, a board for all things otaku, that are not anime, videogames, manga, visual novels, waifus and collectibles. That way there would be room for different flavour like train otakus, japanophiles, role playing (the good kind), board game enthusiasts, etc. that still want a bastion away from normals who are up to no good.
>The no 3D picutes rule is a bit much in my opinion as well.
I don't disagree per se, but I find it better for there to be a gag order against 3DPD than abolishing the rule and people who can't even bother to lurk for a while posting as if they were somewhere else.
>idolfags banned from /jp/. It was a hugely active board at one point.
/akb/ is still there though, and open.
>The no fun allowed mentality is what stopped you from growing.
I can't speak for others, but it seems to me that constant abuse of the "fun allowed" attitude is what got the site where it is today. As usual, the destructive and spamming few ruins it for the tranquil and easygoing many.
>> No. 6714 [Edit]
>As usual, the destructive and spamming few ruins it for the tranquil and easygoing many.

sad but highly accurate. the popularity of imageboards amongst attention seekers has meant the death of content. just look at /an/, it gets virtually no posts and this is supposed to be an otaku website. /so/ and /mai/, the boards where people get to talk about themselves and then their feelings incessantly are super popular even though they were both started as containment boards for unwanted immigrants from 4niggers.

back before the facebooky childish posers and wannabes took over the imageboard world we used to have good anime content. all those posters "best anime of 2004" "creepiest animes" "hidden gems" and all that bullshit. those things took hours to make and ended up being really valuable tools for non-japanese speaking otaku.
nobody got any upvotes for making them, nobody got a reply count or got paid or any credit at all and nobody does anything like that anymore because those people have all been pushed out by the folks that tohno keeps on making special boards for.

what good is post count if you're counting unwanted posts on unwanted topics from unwanted visitors?
>> No. 6715 [Edit]
>what good is post count if you're counting unwanted posts on unwanted topics from unwanted visitors?

Agree, this is why I am glad stuff like furries and western "animation" is banned.
>> No. 6716 [Edit]
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the long, thought-out responses that have become a staple of tchan. I just don’t think there’s anything wrong with silly comments either.
>> No. 6717 [Edit]
Did that guy just say spoon-feeding is good?
>> No. 6718 [Edit]
I guess I'm one of "unwanted". I don't really have anywhere else to go but I'll leave, I hope your site will improve in quality eventually.
>> No. 6719 [Edit]
And this is why we're dying.

Thanks guys for driving everyone away!
>> No. 6723 [Edit]
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Rather, what has this site done to make people want to stay?
>> No. 6734 [Edit]
>/vn/ content will now go in /vg/. /mt/ content will go into /navi/. /日本/ has been removed, It's content shouldn't need more than a single thread on /ot/, /$/ likewise can be a single thread on /ot/. /txt/ will be removed as no one used it anyway. /lh/ will return to being a hidden board.
They're all just hidden though, will they all stay that way or is that just until threads get moved?. /日本/ been removed seems pointless now that /ot/ was renamed from "otaku tangents" to "off-topic". How can Japanese be off-topic (in its intended board form, I assume to promote it) when it's the source of almost everything else meant for this site?
>> No. 6736 [Edit]
I am fairly certain it is temporary
>> No. 6739 [Edit]
I'll change that, just haven't gotten around to it yet. The front page is quick and easy to change is all.
>> No. 6744 [Edit]
So you know, it's possible to get around the broken link issue with transferring threads from one board to another by copying over said threads manually. I've done it for and will do some more when I got the time. So yall don't have to worry about that.

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