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File 130153550284.jpg - (137.92KB , 850x519 , sample-4eb820a669d81be38283e5ae950aa4ea.jpg )
640 No. 640 [Edit]
You know what would be grate? if hidden threads stayed hidden on the front page..
That would be just super...
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>> No. 641 [Edit]
Do you really need to request this? You're the boss!
>> No. 642 [Edit]
File 130164814121.jpg - (45.40KB , 704x519 , boss.jpg )
No, I am not the boss, I AM boss.
>> No. 643 [Edit]
File 130167727476.jpg - (39.44KB , 500x400 , grate.jpg )

Dude, spellcheck will only get the spelling right, it don't check to see if it's the right word you need.
>> No. 646 [Edit]
But correct spelling isn't moe at all!
>> No. 676 [Edit]
I'm gonna second this
>> No. 688 [Edit]
Now there's 3 different threads I want to pretend don't exist but the front page constantly reminds me of them. Help! I almost want to stop using the front page until it happens but that makes browsing kind of a pain
>> No. 689 [Edit]
You know what would be grate? If that tasteless 'Support japan' slogan was removed. It honestly sounds akin to what Paris Hilton said when she stated she would help the economic crisis by 'buying more things'.
>> No. 690 [Edit]
Fair enough, I just thought I should put something up, but didn't know what.
>> No. 699 [Edit]
It seems like sage posts don't show up on the front page now. Is it just not technically possible to do the same for hidden threads?
>> No. 700 [Edit]
It's possible but I don't know much about javascript. I'll have a look
>> No. 5827 [Edit]
Man, it's hard to believe it's been 5 years since Fortune Arterial aired.
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