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File 130104665579.jpg - (53.38KB , 432x324 , Mai-Waifu-list-5.jpg )
620 No. 620 [Edit]
I said this in /mai/ a while back but.. Could we have a small wiki where we can write stuff about the 'waifu concept', one which neatly encompasses most views about it?
>> No. 621 [Edit]
is there enough information to warrant a wiki?
>> No. 622 [Edit]
Not now, I was more intending that people will make it.
>> No. 623 [Edit]
We could organise it article-by-article or subject-by-subject. A page for 'waifus and masturbation'. A page for 'waifus and self improvement'. A page for 'waifus and the logistics of 2D love'. Envision it.
>> No. 624 [Edit]
I'd rather not have something like that.
>> No. 625 [Edit]
I don't see why not, and am pretty sure anyone could make it.
>> No. 626 [Edit]
Why not? There is a wiki for everything else in the world.

Just be careful with it.
>> No. 627 [Edit]
I just think a waifu wiki would draw unwanted attention to us. Maybe if this place wasn't ever mentioned on it I wouldn't mind
>> No. 628 [Edit]

Have fun, I'll add a link to /mai/ in a bit.
>> No. 629 [Edit]
Im sorry I didnt say so in the OP, but I actually wanted to have the wiki hosted on this site. Using external hosting is unreliable and you get ads. To remove the ads you have to pay, but then again why not just host it alongside your own site and pay for that instead?
>> No. 630 [Edit]
Again Im truly sorry I didnt double check before I posted and before you created that wikia website.
>> No. 631 [Edit]
I think this is more than adequate. Tohno pays enough already, plus having it connected to the site is just asking for trouble if it gets popular
>> No. 636 [Edit]
I doubt it would make a bit of difference to how much he pays for hosting, but whatever.
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