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File 145863608912.jpg - (127.85KB , 1280x720 , [Mori] Dagashi Kashi - 09 [75CE8527]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
5900 No. 5900 [Edit]
Should 'Dark' be made the site's default theme?
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>> No. 5901 [Edit]
Is there much of a need to change the default theme?
I'v been using Dark for many many years and I'd kinda support the change because I think Dark looks great but it feels like there's little point, since everybody can pick their own theme anyway.

But yeah, let's say you're getting a muffled 'yes' from me.
>> No. 5905 [Edit]
The reason why I went with a Yotsuba style theme for a default was to try and be more welcoming to newcomers who would already be accustomed to the theme.

I bring up the change because for one the dark theme is probably the most popular and used theme. That and I was thinking a little change might help the current stagnating state of TC. As >>5904 said I think being too 'generic' is probably hurting us more than helping, and a unique look might help us show that we actually do have an identity of our own and aren't just another 4chan clone.
>> No. 5906 [Edit]
I don't use Dark myself but I think change of the default theme would be fine
>> No. 5914 [Edit]
Yes, you should definitely make something other than Yotsuba B the theme. Out of the three imageboards I go onto, both of them have their own default unique themes that really set the sites apart from other imageboards (Samachan and Kakashi-Nenpo, respectively.).
The way they've designed themselves around their themes gives them both their own identity and that really helps them stand apart from the crowd. I definitely think we should change the theme and try to move on from our "4chan roots", as anyone can just make some bullshit 4chan clone, and that's practically all the 4chan CSSes evoke anymore.
I've seen a thousand imageboards that come and go, even some with their own unique CSSes, but I do think that if we had a new default theme it could help. I really do think it would go a long way with newcomers to the site, because they would see "Okay, Tohno-chan isn't just #103021 4chan Clone!" and they would see that it actively tries to be something different. While keeping the Yotsuba stylesheets in the ranks is totally fine, I think changing the default might actually really help. As it stands, Tohno-chan could easily be mistaken as another 4chan knockoff.
>> No. 5915 [Edit]
Well the change has been made. In doing so I also noticed the Class theme was broken, so that's been fixed also.
>> No. 5919 [Edit]
how come we don't have OG burichan?
not that i give much of a shit. content is king and background color and font don't really make all that much a diff to me. i've seen shit threads on pretty backgrounds and they're still shit and i've seen good threads on 420chan which is all around hideous.
>> No. 5921 [Edit]
I'll try and get it fixed, eventually...
>> No. 5922 [Edit]
okay, 'should' be working now. lemme know if there's any issues.
>> No. 5923 [Edit]
I'm actually thinking of making some variations of the 'dark' theme.
If you're referring to
then I wouldn't mind trying to make a theme based on that style too.
>> No. 5924 [Edit]
Dark/Yotsuba v2 looks horribly convoluted with the larger font that it uses, but the window that opens when you hover over the pots number of a reply no longer says (an error occurred) but displays the reply instead. The latter is very nice, for the former I'll just keep to Yotsuba Classic. Thank you.
>> No. 5925 [Edit]
larger font? I'm not sure I follow.
Although now that you bring it up I just noticed Yotsuba v2 seems to be busted now. I'll try to get that fixed by the end of the day.
>> No. 5926 [Edit]
Just so you guys know, some of these themes may show up differently on different browsers. If you see something that looks really wrong please let me know which theme/browser is giving the issue.
>> No. 5927 [Edit]
I think something broke. The posts numbers used to be displayed in teal when using the Dark theme but now it's gotten all over the place: they're all teal on some boards, teal before entering the thread and white on some and all white on others.
>> No. 5928 [Edit]
>> No. 5930 [Edit]
File 145950925257.png - (844.08KB , 1031x1570 , 1458850376436.png )
This theme is horrible and you should feel horrible for using it as default.
>> No. 5931 [Edit]

I think so, yes.
>> No. 5934 [Edit]
I personally would've gone with VNDB, but this isn't too bad.
>> No. 5937 [Edit]
What would you say is bad about it? Would you prefer the original dark theme instead?
>> No. 5946 [Edit]
I rather like VNDB too, but I'm not sure if a blatantly copied theme is the way to go for our own default. That's one of big reasons for the recent switch after all.
>> No. 5947 [Edit]
So someone just brought up an idea.
What if every board had it's own theme? like obviously the /vn/ board could use the vndb theme for example.
>> No. 5950 [Edit]
Sounds like a mess.
>> No. 5956 [Edit]
No. Apparently you switched the default to Dark Blue, not Dark. No wonder the colors are different. Dark is the better looking one. This Dark Blue looks like ass.
>> No. 5957 [Edit]
Ah, I thought you were still using the previous dark. Yeah I thought I'd go with a blue version of the theme for a default and tried to stay in line with the original. What would you say is your main complaint with it? links too bright maybe?
>> No. 5959 [Edit]
The dark blue and teal do not contrast well. It's not very pleasant to look at. And the bold names are weird too.
>> No. 5963 [Edit]

I was wondering what went wrong when I visited /tc/ using a different browser the other day. So that was it.
Yeah the dark names and thread topics were really hard to read.
>> No. 5972 [Edit]
File 146046073548.jpg - (26.41KB , 460x116 , box.jpg )
Why does the default style use these ugly boxes? They don't look like the normal Dark-style boxes, which blend in nicely with everything else.
>> No. 5979 [Edit]
I'm not sure why that would have changed and honestly I don't remember what they looked like before. Where they a different color? I think all the themes use the same style for the boxs.
Could have something to do with the browser you're using if you're referring the check boxes.
>> No. 5981 [Edit]
Yeah I meant the check boxes and you were right, I tried to see what they look like in 3 different browsers and they weren't the same even after manually chosing Dark.
Is there no way to force the black ones regardless of the browser? The white/grayish ones are really ugly. Not like it matters to me personally because my main browser displays the black ones but yeah.
>> No. 5985 [Edit]
I honestly have no clue how to change what those boxes look like.
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