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File 144564383790.png - (219.12KB , 1138x792 , ad.png )
5785 No. 5785 [Edit]
Why the fuck would you do this?
I understand wanted/needing more visitors, but why buy a public ad, and on /a/ of all places? This is just throwing the door open to all sorts of undesirables. I never actually used this website, but I heard of it, and isn't the place closer to /jp/ than /a/?
Whoever bought the ad doesn't seem to understand just how much shit goes through /a/ every day before the mods delete it.
>> No. 5787 [Edit]
This is probably where that school days thread came from...
>> No. 5788 [Edit]
You will see at max 5 bad quality threads before the 'undesirable' ones get bored.
>> No. 5790 [Edit]
just ban the bad posters. if you cant tell that someones from 4chan whats the big deal? i bet you even went to 4chan once
>> No. 5793 [Edit]
You know, there's not really much we can do if someone decides to take it upon themselfs to place an ad somewhere or link to us. We've had that in the past with encyclopedia dramatica and some over chan. Pretty sure they didn't mean any harm by it and just wanted to give the site a little boost. seems they've already taken it down anyways. Nothing to get too worked up over I think.
>> No. 5794 [Edit]
Even if rabid niggertiters overrun and devour TC we will always have the archive. If you'd like to take further precaution, screen cap you favorite board and then just look at that image when you feel a longing for "classic TC" from back in the good old days before noobs pooped noobpoop all over TC and ruined it.
>> No. 5796 [Edit]
Meh, mod team is going the 'less quality more activity' route anyway so who cares. Ban the crap posters and keep the good ones.
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