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5751 No. 5751 [Edit]
What's the point of having threads made two-three years ago still up today? And why have so many pages for a board with a very small population?

I think stuff like this is why not many people post here. When you're browsing threads and seeing stuff made a year ago, its very discouraging and no doubt kills motivation to post.
>> No. 5752 [Edit]
originally we actually had unlimited pages on all boards, but limited them for pretty much this reason. I can see how people might find it troubling when a thread is a few years old. They might avoid it because of the age and of course this might prevent people from wanting to remake the thread since it's still there after all, but I think people most of the time don't even notice the dates on posts.
Honestly I forget if we have an auto sage function for age, but if not I suppose we'll have to put one in place.

That said, there's tons of other factors why people don't post more. I think the main reason being other people don't post more. Posting is something of a snow ball effect where you need people to get the ball rolling, but most don't seem to understand this and instead avoid balls that aren't already rolling.
>> No. 5754 [Edit]
Its up so people can read them and don't have to make another thread on the topic. But the latter reason actually stifles activity. Hence we need a change in board culture to make it ok to repeat topics.
>> No. 5756 [Edit]
It's always been ok to repeat topics, everyone understands that it's healthy. The reason people avoid it is in their minds, it's the same reason people use sage and kakusu. Call it board culture maybe.
>> No. 5757 [Edit]
the old threads are good, read them.
if you can only get satisfaction in using this site by posting something that someone else already posted then you're really just posting to fluff your illogical ego, to everybody else you're a nuisance who would do better to just lurk the archive.
if people aren't posting because they're enjoying reading old threads then those people are still enjoying themselves and this site even if they are not actively entertaining you.
if you want the site to move faster but you don't have anything interesting to post or won't make the effort, why do you think other people should have to do it for you?
/tc/ is an actual website with content, other "faster" imageboards function more like a waste treatment facility holding shitposts for a while until they stop stinking so much and then deleting them
>> No. 5758 [Edit]
if you're after a faster board with real time replies, something more like irc or /a/, then a lot of the same people here use those sites even if they won't admit it, but i don't think people like to put a lot of effort into making a post on those types of site because they get deleted or effectively deleted (ignored) so quickly.
>> No. 5782 [Edit]
I've always thought we should prune old threads and just use a separate archiver like the old easymodo so people can still look up the old shit if they want.
>> No. 5783 [Edit]
I used to be very opposed to this idea but maybe deleting threads after half a year would breathe some life into some boards.
>> No. 5791 [Edit]
no u got it the wrong way around, its not that people don't post here because we got old threads, its that we got old threads because people don't post here. what you want to do is just remove the evidence that people haven't post much in the past to make it look like nobody ever posted.
either way the board still has a small unmotivated user base

Post edited on 24th Oct 2015, 3:00am
>> No. 5792 [Edit]

What you don't seem to understand is that new topics magically (not really but I have no idea what this incomprehensible psychological phenomenon is called) spark discussion. We rarely get to observe it on /tc/ because old threads don't get pruned but the site got really active overnight when we moved from ib4f to current /tc/.
>> No. 5797 [Edit]
>What you don't seem to understand is that new topics magically (not really but I have no idea what this incomprehensible psychological phenomenon is called) spark discussion

In my experience new threads mostly just predictably spark meta discussion about how the thread sucks and why aren't mods deleting it faster?
>> No. 5798 [Edit]

No, this only happens if someone makes a duplicate thread. Or if the thread is utter cancer, on far rarer occasions.
>> No. 5799 [Edit]
From a purely technical standpoint, we could really benefit from boards with less pages.
Rebuilding the boards takes too much fucking time as it is now.
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