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5687 No. 5687 [Edit]
Hello Tohnochan
I'm a poster from the /r9k/ board of an imageboard, 4chon, that used to be pretty big but has since dwindled in size. The imageboard itself closed down about a year or so ago, and since then our user base has been camping out at 8ch. Unfortunately this site has its own share of problems, so our community has been discussing trying to find a new home.
There's only about 5 or 6 regular posters, and most of us have been regulars on imageboards for years. Mostly we're looking for a place to keep in touch until we die off or quite the Internet for good. Do you have any unused boards we could take over? We won't bother your community or anything, we just need a place to stay.
Our current spot is if you want to come over and say hi.
>> No. 5692 [Edit]
People have compared out /so/ board to /r9k/ a number of times over the years, but for inactive boards? yeah we got plenty but the only ones that I think would be even remotely appropriate would be /lol/ /h8/ /hl/ /spc/ /tat/ and /VIP/.
>> No. 5694 [Edit]
No, our board culture and users are vastly different to that of any version of /r9k/. We like anime here and hate 3D. You do not belong here.
>> No. 5700 [Edit]
>> No. 5762 [Edit]
Like >>5692 said we have a bunch of unused joke boards. I doubt anybody would really care if you were to take over /go/ or something. Might want to ask Tohno_ for permission first (through IRC would be the best option I guess) but I don't see this causing much of an issue.
We already more or less did the same thing with /akb/.
>> No. 5765 [Edit]
I don't really know what you're looking for here OP, this place is literally no fun allowed and sometimes there's like just 10 posts a day of people complaining about their terrible life.
Also if you're coming here just to complain about stupid shit like "muh no gf ;_;" or stuff like that like you guys love to do on /r9k/ then you can give up now.
>> No. 5770 [Edit]

>I don't really know what you're looking for here OP,

>Mostly we're looking for a place to keep in touch until we die off or quite the Internet for good.

They don't want to interact with /tc/ers, they just want a board for themselves.
>> No. 5771 [Edit]
yeah sounds to me it'd be a lot like /akb/ or /lol/.
>> No. 5778 [Edit]
At least users of akb have something in common with the rest of tc and will sometimes contribute to the other boards. Users from r9k probably hate you for being an otaku and will contaminate the site while consuming resources and contributing nothing.
>> No. 5779 [Edit]
Are you a mod speaking from data obtained by stalking users around reliable metrics or just wishful thinking?
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