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5575 No. 5575 [Edit]
The Himouto thread has been deleted because of all the complaints and reports we've been getting with regards to low quality posting in it. Unfortunately this meant some on-topic posts were deleted but I feel the thread worded in such a way that it could not become anything besides a thread where people complained about 'why isn't she fat' or 'this is whats wrong with 3D women in society today'.

Just a friendly reminder that if you don't like a post or thread, please report it. Believe it or not us mods check the reports regularly. Shitposting to try and get mods to delete a thread will not be tolerated and we will punish not only the person you were responding to but you as well.

Post edited on 6th Aug 2015, 9:41pm
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>> No. 5576 [Edit]
How about instead of deleting content you try making some for a change?
In case you didn't notice that was pretty much the only truly active thread on that board this season. People don't usually like talking about anime there unless they're arguing about how crappy it is. Deleting a thread because people are bad mouthing it is counter productive. It should be no secret that a large bulk of posts on that board are from myself trying to prop the board up, then you completely undermined that.
You can argue about the quality of the posts people were making in that thread but at least they're 'something'. Is that really what you want? Just a dead lifeless board? Would it make you happy if I just disabled posting all together so no one can say anything you don't agree with?
Look at how the Gakkou Gurashi thread died as soon as I dropped the show, clearly because I stopped posting in it. There are threads there where most of the posts are mine, and some where it's literally every post.
It's real easy to hit a button and delete everything when you're not the one there every day keeping the place on life support. Finally one of the threads there shows some signs of life and you pull the plug on it. Yeah thanks a lot you're a big help.
>> No. 5577 [Edit]

>People don't usually like talking about anime there unless they're arguing about how crappy it is.

If I wanted 4chan tier shitposting I'd go to 4chan.
What's the point of trying to turn /an/ into /a/? I thought one of the keypoints of tohno-chan was rejecting 4chan culture, not actively encouraging it.
What'll happen when people will get bored of talking shit about anime then? It gets old after a while, post rates drop again. What do we move onto next? '>mfw [anime x] is shit' or shittalking waifus?

>You can argue about the quality of the posts people were making in that thread but at least they're 'something'.

Well, if you were to tell me 'you never give me anything' and I were to drop by your place and take a massive shit on your floor and say 'here's 'something'' would you be happy with that?
Trying to raise post rates for the sake of post rates is not just pointless, it's literally counterproductive. It negatates trying to build a 'healthier', less jaded, less aggressive, more friendly, more 'let's talk about stuff we like instead of getting angry about stuff we dislike' place.
And if I were to choose between tohno-chan getting turned into a clone of 4chan and shutting down altogether I'd rather have the latter. Some fates really are worse than death.
>> No. 5578 [Edit]
File 143895452045.jpg - (118.85KB , 595x627 , cbaa9652a0b964c37d522449d22aa887.jpg )
muh quality
>> No. 5580 [Edit]
I was expecting a post or two like this, and I'm not sure if there's any point in even discussing this with someone who wouldin't mind seeing the site die but I'll ask anyway; Where are your 'quality' posts?
Do you yourself activly contribute to the site at all? Correctly me if I'm wrong but from what I can see this is your only post on the whole site.
what right do you have to complain about the lack of 'quality' posts when you havin't made any yourself?
I've been watching over this site every day I could, every week, every month for years.
Even when away from the site I'm thinking of posts to make, ways to help it, improve it, creating themes and banners and so on.
What have you done for the site?
You come here contributing absolutely NOTHING and try to lecture me on how to run this place? You must be out of your god damn mind son.

Who's even advocating 4chan culture here? 4chan doesn't have a copyright on criticism. 4chan has absolutely nothing to do with this so don't drag that place into this. An increases in post rate isn't going to make us into 4chan anymore than it would make us into facebook or reddit or twitter.
How in your warped mind does a higher post rate equate to 4chan level shit posting?
What's with these extremes anyway? Why does it have to be dead or be 4chan, where's the middle ground?
If you look at boards like /mai/, /so/, and even /ot/ they're doing fine, and last time I checked they're not 4chan.
We've kept a half dead site from dying completely for years now with people exactly like you bitching and complaining about the same stupid ignorant bullshit the whole way, I think we know what we're doing.
If you don't like it you're welcome to create your own imageboard and see how long it lasts with your 'only friendly posts of a quality I approve of allowed' mind set.
You wouldn't be the first to do it, hell I even promoted and sent traffic to one once and it still went 404 after a few months anyway.

>If I wanted 4chan tier shitposting I'd go to 4chan.
and if you want hyper sensitive discussion where no one is allowed to criticize anything just google 'anime forum'.
I'm sure you'll find tons of friends on those sites who never say anything bad about things you like.
We're not talking about shit posting here, we're talking about shit talking and people who can't handle criticize. Don't get these things confused because they're very different things.
I see shit I hate all the time but I've learned to ignore it, I'd suggest you learn to do the same instead of throwing a tantrum when people trash talk anime you like and get mods to delete it for you. (that goes for everyone reading this).
There is no and was no shitposting there anyway, only opinions some people don't agree with. That is hardly shitposting, let along walking into someone's house and taking a shit on their floor as you put it.
No one there was even getting angry about stuff they disliked from what I saw, the only people getting angry were the ones that liked that crap and didn't like seeing people bad mouth it.

>'let's talk about stuff we like instead of getting angry about stuff we dislike'
In case it wasn't clear in my previous post, this doesn't work and it's overly naive to think it does.
It's not just the Himouto thread but many others where you can clearly criticism leads to discussion and comments such as "uguu-chan is kawaii!" lead to nothing.
For example people only 'talk' about Working as much as they do when discussing how much they hate the relationship elements, and most of the 'talk' in the Non Non Biyori thread this season comes from complaining about the time line issues, Everything else is dead end comments for the most part.
Should we delete those threads too? Or hey maybe we could form a committee to judge and evaluate posts before they're allowed to go live and delete any that don't pass 'quality' level requirements. I'm sure that'd be reeeal healthy for the site.

I say you have things completely backwards. Discussing things we don't like unites us just as much as things we do like, if not more so.
Just look at the mutual hatred of 3dpd, 4chan, and normals that this site shares. This from people who have a wide veraity of tastes and interests who would most likely be into all sorts of different things. It's that hatred for those things that has united us.
you're advocating dead end comments and that's what's truly counterproductive. Do you honestly expect anyone to discuss their interpretations of abstract symbolism, hidden metaphorical meanings, and the complex intricacies of shows like generic harem #1437?
As someone who has been watching the stuff for years I can safely say most anime doesin't have much depth to it. Most of it is junk food for the mind and there's usualy very little to analyze.
There's a few that people can talk about for days on end sure, but those are few and far between. It's not everyday you get an eva or lain after all.
Even on those generic anime forums I mentioned before where no one says anything bad about anything, they also never really 'say' much of anything either. They're seas of pointless "naruto is so cool xD" style posts and people endlessly asking for recommendations which is the real shit posting. The best you'll find there is "who's ur OTP?" and "what anime character r u lik?" with everyone responding Konata or Light.
Is that what you want to see?
If we follow your lead we wouldn't be at risk of turning into 4chan, no we'd be at risk of turning into a half dead version of gaia.

When was the last time you even saw a GET anywhere on TC? How about people making the same exact thread daily? When was the last time you saw reaction faces or trolling or memes or any of that shit? >>5578 is much closer to shitposting than anything that was in that thread..
I'm sorry but you have you have no idea what the hell your talking about. If you honestly think trash talking an anime is shit posting then I recommend you head on over to 4chan don't come back till you learn what shit posting really looks like.
A week there and you'd come crawling back begging for a site where the so called 'shit posting' is criticism.
>> No. 5581 [Edit]
That was the best thread on Tohno-chan. Glad you're starting to see it my way, Tohno.
>> No. 5583 [Edit]

>I was expecting a post or two like this, and I'm not sure if there's any point in even discussing this with someone who wouldin't mind seeing the site die but I'll ask anyway; Where are your 'quality' posts?

On /an/. Whenever I see a thread about an anime I follow I try to post in it. Maybe not on weekly basis but every two or three eps. Not like I'm writing anything particularly insightful but it's better than nothing I guess.

>Correctly me if I'm wrong but from what I can see this is your only post on the whole site.

I hope this will be the very last time you'll check a user's post history and make an ad hominem argument questioning his credibility. Even if you're an admin such behavior is plain not acceptable on an anonymous imageboard.
Then you can proceed to look up what a 'dynamic IP' is.

>4chan has absolutely nothing to do with this so don't drag that place into this.

It does. In fact this particular style of 'your favorite [game/book/anime/movie] is SHIT' is the trademark style of 4chan, next to EBIN MEEMS :DDDD'.
If you're criticizing something there are some general guidelines you should follow. Pointing out what you think is wrong with something and explaining why you don't like it is the right way to do it. Saying 'wow this is one piece of shit anime, if you like it you must be some retard with no taste' is not.
Not to mention at least half the stuff you said had more to do with why 3D women are so rotten (nice topic of an anime board) rather than the show itself.

>Why does it have to be dead or be 4chan, where's the middle ground?

We're standing on the middle ground right now, it's you who tries to break status quo.

>If you don't like it you're welcome to create your own imageboard and see how long it lasts with your 'only friendly posts of a quality I approve of allowed' mind set.

That's some nice hypocrisy you've got going. If I were to go spam some oneline dank meem shitposts around the site I'd get rightfully banned. But when it's not you but me who draws the line where the quality I find acceptable begins I'm suddenly talking out of my ass.

>We're not talking about shit posting here, we're talking about shit talking and people who can't handle criticize.

That's plenty amusing considering you turn fairly passive aggressive yourself the second someone doesn't see things your way.
There are some things that simply should not be said in most discussions. They only create rifts and never contribute to the discussions itself.
They do raise postrates however, woohoo!

>I'd suggest you learn to do the same instead of throwing a tantrum when people trash talk anime you like and get mods to delete it for you.

That's interesting advice but thanks, I'm good; when I see somebody 'trashtalking' anything around here I'll just report it.

>you're advocating dead end comments and that's what's truly counterproductive.

It's better if the posts contain some conversational hooks, true, but now it's you who demands some kind of impossible quality from posters. Normally a thread will have lots of insipid comments such as 'I like this girl, she's cute', 'that's a cool song', 'this show has some great background'. But ultimately that's what people kind of expect from imageboards. Nobody honestly expects intellectually stimulating discussions about cute girls doing cute things.

>Do you honestly expect anyone to discuss their interpretations of abstract symbolism, hidden metaphorical meanings, and the complex intricacies of shows like generic harem #1437?

Now you're just being plain contradictonary. First you complain about dead end comments and then you proceed to say that dead end comments are all that can be said about 'generic harem #1437'. I agree with the latter but I don't know what you acactually think.

>Is that what you want to see?

What kind of utopia do you want to see then? Exaggerations aside what you described can be said to be what we're seeing on /an/, only the postrs haven't watched 10 or 20 anime but 400 or 500.

I wonder if you noticed something. Before we decided to outright forbid them threads about women (mostly on /so/) were pretty much the most active threads on the site. And then you bring 3D into anime discussion about Himouto and...


Get out before you'll go mental again, Popo. 'Nepotism' is still a thing around here, didn't that tick you off?
>> No. 5586 [Edit]
>On /an/. Whenever I see a thread about an anime I follow I try to post in it.
Thank you. That's really all I'm asking for here.

>I hope this will be the very last time you'll check a user's post history and make an ad hominem argument questioning his credibility. Even if you're an admin such behavior is plain not acceptable on an anonymous imageboard.
Then you can proceed to look up what a 'dynamic IP' is.
That's why I asked them if that was their only post and told them to correct me if I'm wrong. Please don't talk to me like this is my first day on the internet. I know what a dynamic IP is and I know a lot of people here probably have one. My comments only apply if that actually was their only post.
I'm sick and tired of people complaining about things when they do nothing to help.
If the person is going to complain about post quality then naturally they should be making 'quality' posts themselves too. If they're not then they're part of the problem and have no right to complain.

>It does. In fact this particular style of 'your favorite [game/book/anime/movie] is SHIT' is the trademark style of 4chan, next to EBIN MEEMS :DDDD'.
Yeah... no. Your exaggerations aside I'm pretty sure people have thought things were shit long before 4chan was created.
>Pointing out what you think is wrong with something and explaining why you don't like it is the right way to do it.
I'd tell you to go back and read that thread again if it wasn't deleted, because that's exactly what was done there.
>Saying 'wow this is one piece of shit anime, if you like it you must be some retard with no taste' is not.
How about telling people who don't like it to fuck off while reporting their posts? Or ignoring their points and claiming their issues with the series were unrelated to the series.
>Not to mention at least half the stuff you said had more to do with why 3D women are so rotten (nice topic of an anime board) rather than the show itself.
Exactly like this. As if pointing out a rotten character is rotten has nothing to do with the show the character is in. I see nothing wrong with pointing out when a women in an anime is an embodiment of everything wrong with women. If you don't want to see rotten girls compared to rotten girls I'd recommend you not watch anime centered around rotten girls.
Why exactly is there a burden on people to justify what they don't like in the first place? People are free to dislike anything they want and they don't have to justify their opinion to anyone. Guess what, I don't like avocado. Does that mean I have to submit a hundred page essay on my feelings for the fruit before I'm allowed to officially say I don't like it?

>We're standing on the middle ground right now, it's you who tries to break status quo.
Only because I've been keeping it so. Without me that board would just be another /foe/. There's no middle ground there that's just a ghost town plain and simple.

>That's some nice hypocrisy you've got going. If I were to go spam some oneline dank meem shitposts around the site I'd get rightfully banned. But when it's not you but me who draws the line where the quality I find acceptable begins I'm suddenly talking out of my ass.
I'm not sure what you're getting at. Are you referring to when we broke away from 4chan? If so you should know this site came as a result of waifu threads getting spammed to the point that it was impossible to post on that board anymore, not the other way around.
If you're implying that we spammed 4chan in order to make it less desirable, or spammed it in order to advertize tc then that's simply not true.

>That's plenty amusing considering you turn fairly passive aggressive yourself the second someone doesn't see things your way.
I think you're right, that is a problem of mine I should work on.

>Nobody honestly expects intellectually stimulating discussions about cute girls doing cute things.

>Now you're just being plain contradictonary.
I can see how you would think that but remember we're talking about criticism vs praise here. There's only a hand full of series out there that people can discuss in length with praise. Stuff that can be criticized on the other hand is abundant.

>What kind of utopia do you want to see then?
Honestly I think it'd be perfect with just 4+ posts a day, and I really don't think that's asking so much. I've never asked for 4chan levels of traffic, not even half that, or a quarter of that. I doubt this site and it's servers could even handle 1% of the traffic 4chan gets. so please stop making this assumption.

>Before we decided to outright forbid them threads about women (mostly on /so/) were pretty much the most active threads on the site. And then you bring 3D into anime discussion about Himouto and...
Am I to understand your main issue here is Umaru being compared to a real women?

>'Nepotism' is still a thing around here
Sorry I don't hand out mod positions to people I don't know?
>> No. 5587 [Edit]

>Your exaggerations aside I'm pretty sure people have thought things were shit long before 4chan was created.

But they have never expressed it so openly so often. Nevermind the fact that a good chunk those posts is legit trolling.
Saying 'wow, this is so fucking garbage, why did I even bother' - now that's a bona fide example of an opinion that adds absolutely nothing of worth to the discussion. You might get responses but don't be mistaken here - it's just people who were upset who will end up writing anything, it won't ever lead to anything besides that. It's like telling a stranger you pass on a street 'your mom is a whore' and then bragging 'heh, I engaged in coversation with a complete stranger, I must be a genius at social interactions' when all you heard in return were insults.

>I'd tell you to go back and read that thread again if it wasn't deleted, because that's exactly what was done there.

Maybe at first. After a (short) while it was just a series of posts like (I'm trying to quote here) 'so you're upset I'm talking shit about a show you like?'. Why not just post a hilarious 'U MAD? XD' reaction image instead? That'd be a faster way to get the same thing done.
Nevermind the fact that you were explaining what's wrong with 3DPD, not with the anime itself. 'If a real woman were to live like Umaru...'. Sorry but - to call a long story short - nobody gives a fuck.

>As if pointing out a rotten character is rotten has nothing to do with the show the character is in. I see nothing wrong with pointing out when a women in an anime is an embodiment of everything wrong with women.

I do. They are seperated by a dimension and frankly have next to nothing to do with each other. They are related in name only. Should I just go and post 'wow, this show is so unrealistic, real high school girls act nothing like this' in Wakaba Girl's thread? Why even bother mentioning that?
If you didn't bring 3D into that it would've been fine but you just had to compare them. 'Don't tsunderes remind you of those violent women?' 'How can you like imoutos, don't you have one yourself? Spoiled brats.' 'Onee-chans? Sorry, I have an older sister myself and she's a trashy whore.'
Sorry but I don't give a fuck. Apples and oranges.

>Why exactly is there a burden on people to justify what they don't like in the first place?

Because - unlike saying you like it - it rarely leads to anything positive. Why not just let people who like it enjoy it? Does the fact that they're having fun with it bother you so much?

>Guess what, I don't like avocado. Does that mean I have to submit a hundred page essay on my feelings for the fruit before I'm allowed to officially say I don't like it?

Saying 'I don't like avocado' and saying 'avocados are shit' are two entirely different things. The first one is self-aware opinion, the other is the same except presented as a factual statement with not a single argument to back it up.

>Only because I've been keeping it so. Without me that board would just be another /foe/.

Yes, I'm sure you're the only person posting on /an/.

>If so you should know this site came as a result of waifu threads getting spammed to the point that it was impossible to post on that board anymore, not the other way around.

Precisely. They were getting shitposted to death, just like most anime threads on /a/. Whether you actually use spam bots or 'manual labor' makes little difference.

>If you're implying that we spammed 4chan in order to make it less desirable, or spammed it in order to advertize tc then that's simply not true.

I'm about to imply you ought to reread what you respond to because I honestly don't know how to explain it more simply.
You set your own standard of what qualifies as a 'post of a quality I approve of'. You do it every time you delete anything.

>Stuff that can be criticized on the other hand is abundant.

I think most people enjoy talking about the things they like more than talking about things they hate, though.

>Honestly I think it'd be perfect with just 4+ posts a day, and I really don't think that's asking so much. I've never asked for 4chan levels of traffic, not even half that, or a quarter of that. I doubt this site and it's servers could even handle 1% of the traffic 4chan gets. so please stop making this assumption.

I wish you'd stop beating this '4chan traffic' strawman, it got old fast. The only times I ever brought up 4chan were in regards to posting quality.
Those 4+ posts a day will almost certainly be posts which contain about as much food for thought as 'i luuuuuuuv Konata XDDD' posts. There's no real way to actually change that. We're not discussing philosophy here, it's an anime board.

>Am I to understand your main issue here is Umaru being compared to a real women?

Since brining up 3DPD is pretty much a rule violation then yes, you're safe to assume I'm fairly upset that an admin isn't willing to follow rules he created (while expecting his users to follow them nonetheless I assume).

>Sorry I don't hand out mod positions to people I don't know?

I'm not really complaining about this, I'll leave it to Popo.
>> No. 5588 [Edit]
>I see nothing wrong with pointing out when a women in an anime is an embodiment of everything wrong with women.
Thing is that Umaru is not.

Disliking her because you don not like the way she acts is subjective; that she embodies everything wrong with modern women would be objective.

There were claims that Umaru was a 'objectively' shit person, which is a clear assertion that they feel they are not simply stating their opinion but stating a fact of matter.

I am aware that people, Americans usually, often cannot fully grasp what 'objective' means in the philosophical sense, but to have it explained and not falter in being incorrect with the usage is either due to an intellectual disability or conscious shitposting, since the line between subjective and objective is very clear.
>> No. 5590 [Edit]
>Nevermind the fact that a good chunk those posts is legit trolling.
See this here is where I stopped reading.

If you honestly think opinions you don't agree with are attempts at trolling and posts you don't like are shitposts then there's no point in continuing this discussion. Say what you will but I'm done here.
>> No. 5591 [Edit]
I went sane. The rest of you are still crazy.
>> No. 5593 [Edit]
I think the key word there would be 'enjoy'. Unless you derive your enjoyment from the irritation of others.
>> No. 5594 [Edit]
>enjoyment from the irritation of others.
Some people find it enjoyable shoot cans for target practice. That doesn't mean they do it to irritate people who collect cans.
>> No. 5596 [Edit]

If you have a hard time understanding that most of 'your favorite anime is SHIT and so is your waifu' posts are trolling then yes, I don't think there's any point in prolonging this discussion.
I can absolutely guarantee you that there are lots of people on 4chan who shitpost in threads about anime they don't even watch because they plain enjoy it.


It's a shame you're so bitter and jaded you have more fun talking about stuff you hate than talking about stuff you like. My condolences.
>> No. 5601 [Edit]
He's pessimistic, and you're naive.
>> No. 5604 [Edit]
>It should be no secret that a large bulk of posts on that board are from myself trying to prop the board up
>There are threads there where most of the posts are mine, and some where it's literally every post.

I can't lie, that genuinely made me sad. Does it often suck being the admin here, Tohno?
>> No. 5605 [Edit]
It's got it's ups and downs, but at the end of the day I wouldn't want to be the admin of any other site but this one.
>> No. 5606 [Edit]
That's great, I hope everything works out for you and this site.
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