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5551 No. 5551 [Edit]
Since, with Tohno's blessing, I plan to start work on developing a new board engine for Tohno-chan, I'd like to ask you: What do you think should change? What should be added? What should be removed?
>> No. 5552 [Edit]
I'd be happy with a hardcopy of the features on 4chan, plus the stuff that makes tohno-chan a bit different.
>> No. 5553 [Edit]
Do we have support for webms with sound? Can't really think of anything. Fixing the password issue would be nice, too.
>> No. 5554 [Edit]
Yes, we do. You can actually find a thread dedicated to them in /ot/. It's on the second page as of this post.
>> No. 5556 [Edit]
Support for nested replies and multiple file upload maybe.
>> No. 5557 [Edit]
Not all 4chan features fit us. What I was considering to bring is the catalog, as well as the Polish vichan's overboard (that is, a board which contains unseen posts from all boards of your choice) - that would be very useful for a small chan like ours. (Also, replace BBCode with something more akin to Markdown)

Multiple file upload is something I never really liked - I much preferred one file per post. However, I was thinking of adding a web-based CBZ/CBR viewer.
>> No. 5558 [Edit]
OK, I'm most interested in the floating reply window, and the dropdown function on threads. Anything that makes it possible to read and reply without going into a sperate page.
>> No. 5562 [Edit]
Make it automatically generate pages that look good on shitty touchscreen gadgets made for whiny faggots smartphones and tablets.
>> No. 5563 [Edit]
That's just CSS magic. You add a clause to your CSS which loads a completely different style if the screen width is too small.
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