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File 143072121010.png - (21.60KB , 142x130 , sitefrontnew.png )
5486 No. 5486 [Edit]
I just got a site notification on firefox when I clicked the latest post on /ot/ with those numbers and letters in the last image saved thread and the notification was saying "wut" is that something normal like part of tohno or is my system compromised please only serious replies
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>> No. 5487 [Edit]
Never seen anything like what you describe. That sounds weird as hell.
>> No. 5488 [Edit]
tohno please respond when you see this
>> No. 5489 [Edit]
>> No. 5490 [Edit]
Sorry for the delay. Technically I already responded to be honest (>>26926)
But yeah, I dunno man. Care to post a screencap maybe? I'm not sure if I even understand the problem. I mean, what did you click on exactly that gave you that pop up?
As far as I know there's nothing like that programed into TC that would give users pop ups that say "wut"
>> No. 5491 [Edit]
I told you I clicked >>26924 from the latest post thing on the front page, then a couple seconds after that I got the popup saying "wut". I think it was right after I opened the image the post was replying to, in a new tab
I'm pretty sure I had nothing else open but the tohno tab
Could it be some pesky chinese subhuman that got in my computer? Should I reinstall my operating system?
>> No. 5492 [Edit]
File 143080339390.png - (11.69KB , 1471x133 , shield.png )
And now why is it saying >>26935 was replied by
>>26924 when >>26924 is replying to >>26920 and no one else oh my dog
>> No. 5493 [Edit]
I dunno what to tell you man' I'm not getting that problem here and I can't think of why that might be happening. I don't think I've ever encountered anything like that before either.
Reinstalling your operating system sounds a bit extreme though.
>> No. 5494 [Edit]
Maybe try clearing your browser cache.
>> No. 5495 [Edit]
File 143095289993.png - (64.08KB , 1887x663 , shield.png )
LOOK it happened again
It did it when I double clicked the >>23018 but now it's not doing it anymore
>> No. 5496 [Edit]
I also remember at the time I also tried to open an image but it gave some connection error. Could that wut thing appear when you try to load something but it doesn't work?
>> No. 5497 [Edit]
Good news: it was easy to track down the code triggering the error message.
Bad news: I don't know exactly why it's failing and I'm not sure when I'll be able to take a look.

Yup, it triggers when an ajax request fails.
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