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File 142784720061.jpg - (159.14KB , 970x602 , 1427679030753.jpg )
5462 No. 5462 [Edit]
it's 01Apr in Japan already.

Will we go two years in a row forgetting about this holiday?
Expand all images
>> No. 5463 [Edit]
last year was ⑨-chan where shinden bought the site.

Post edited on 31st Mar 2015, 5:15pm
>> No. 5464 [Edit]
>16:34 < tohno_> april fools is coming, Got suggestions?
>16:34 < tohno_> I'm tired of that shit might as well close the site for the day.
>16:35 < tohno_> I mean fuck them at the site. irc is where it is at
this is 100% legit, there's even timestamps as evidence.
>> No. 5465 [Edit]
File 142786385340.png - (622.26KB , 1349x994 , apr fool 015.png )
At least you haven't given up.
>> No. 5466 [Edit]
What the hell, Tohno?
>> No. 5467 [Edit]
well its true.
the faggot janitors delete just about every post made on the site (other than their own of course) so the board is dead as fuck and the irc doesn't have that problem so its active and fun. irc isn't hard to use, you should just join the irc and forget about the website like everyone else (not that i'm condoning conformity)
>> No. 5469 [Edit]
Not every post
Every post that contains even one slightly mean word, even if said jokingly
>> No. 5470 [Edit]

You're a poop head.
>> No. 5477 [Edit]
You should do something cool with that domain
>> No. 5478 [Edit]
Such as?
>> No. 5479 [Edit]
I don't know
Since the name is I don't see any alternative to making a brand spanking new imageboard dedicated to anime shit/funposting, but I guess there are already enough of those.
Basically a /lol/ but with people posting on it
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