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5454 No. 5454 [Edit]
Suggestion: delete 4chan meta from /ot/ and add a rule that forbids discussing 4chan meta. If I wanted to know what's going on on 4chan I'd visit 4chan.
>> No. 5456 [Edit]
If people don't like talking about it then they'll stop talking about it.
>> No. 5457 [Edit]

I don't see how this argument is supposed to work, really. If people started to talk about 3DPD should we just let them do as they please because apparently that's what they want?

I don't think this belongs here period, if you want to discuss 4chan you should take it elsewhere.
>> No. 5458 [Edit]
That's a fair point, but one of those threads on /ot/ is about 4chan's "culture" and growing out of it, it just unfortunately turned into discussion about the site itself. The other is much more directly related to 4chan and it's admin leaving and should probably be locked I think.
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