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File 14150092412.png - (174.12KB , 320x400 , 1332144870519.png )
5332 No. 5332 [Edit]
I noticed we're getting spammed by CP a lot lately. I suggest we get more mods so that there is a mod avaliable around the clock.
Expand all images
>> No. 5333 [Edit]
Great idea, nobody ever came up with that plan.
>> No. 5334 [Edit]
Yeah I wish I thought of that.
>> No. 5336 [Edit]
Is this some obscure IRC circlejerk joke?
>> No. 5337 [Edit]
No, the joke is that OP is a fucking idiot because he proposes the most obvious solution to this difficult problem as if nobody would ever come up with it without him.
If it were that easy there would be no problem right now.
>> No. 5338 [Edit]
How the fuck am I supposed to know getting a moderator is so hard? I don't sit in IRC all day like you.
>> No. 5339 [Edit]
It's been mentioned a lot on this board.
>> No. 5340 [Edit]
It goes without saying, getting more mods is a pretty obvious answer that comes to mind quickly.
>> No. 5341 [Edit]
As it's been mentioned, decent mods don't grow on trees. Don't help when mods have a tendency to abandon ship after a while and never come back. Even some people who seem to really want to be mods aren't actually interested because they don't want to have to see the cp.

We've tried a number of things to stop it, it's obviously a problem. so far the spam has found a way around everything we put up. capcha didn't do anything, image hash don't seem to be working well, can't word filter since the only common terms are too general, character limits for new threads didn't stop the spam for very long, range bans are pointless, and banning large amounts of known proxy's only slowed the spam down a bit.
>> No. 5342 [Edit]

How is this related to IRC in any way?
>> No. 5344 [Edit]
Not the person you're replying to, but virtually all TC politics occur in IRC. People that don't visit IRC wouldn't even have a clue who any of the moderators are or were, except maybe Shinden.
>> No. 5345 [Edit]

>People that don't visit IRC wouldn't even have a clue who any of the moderators are or were

Which is a good thing.

>Not the person you're replying to, but virtually all TC politics occur in IRC.

This is probably good, too, except /fb/ exists either way with lots of pointless arguments about all sorts of things that the userbase can't really affect.
>> No. 5346 [Edit]
>Which is a good thing.

Moderators being Anonymous is perfectly fine- in fact, I prefer it that way too. But if you're implying that only TC's IRC crowd should be involved in site politics I'd have to disagree there. I find the IRC crowd with its "secret club" mentality and occasional real-life drama shit to be much more disagreeable than the userbase of TC as a whole. I don't find it unreasonable for users to stray away from that.
>> No. 5347 [Edit]
Not the person you're replying to here but if I may intervene...

>"secret club" mentality
It's not a secret club and no one there has that mentality. You and anyone else are welcome to join if you like. The channel has no password protection or voice/mute system like some channels. There's even a board advertised on the front page dedicated to encouraging users to visit said irc channel. It's just a chatroom for people us here to discuss things in real time. It's not a secret club just because you don't want to visit it.

>if you're implying that only TC's IRC crowd should be involved in site politics I'd have to disagree
/fb/ has been here for a long time and isn't going away any time soon.
>> No. 5348 [Edit]
It's true that I haven't been on TC's IRC in a very long time, so it's possible that I'm making presumptions based on outdated observations.

>/fb/ has been here for a long time and isn't going away any time soon.
That's true. Moderator questions raised by the others aside, I have seen Tohno ask for the opinions of the users on /fb/ and otherwise discuss changing site policies quite frequently. What I should have said was that most "moderator discussion" happens on IRC. That was a poor choice of wording on my part.
>> No. 5349 [Edit]
I just don't see much point in naming off the moderators(anymore) when none of them post on the site with names/trips. It's not a very good idea anyway. People will attack moderators that make themselves public, blame them when they get banned or have posts deleted, and project their grievances onto them. This I believe is why 4chan's mods don't post regularly with cap codes on, and it's caused some of our first mods to get sick of the site and leave. I also wouldn't want to piss off any of our mods, some like shinden wouldn't care if I told everyone he was a mod, but others might.

The irc has a changed a lot. Just as with the site here, people come and go. There's really not much of a circle jerk if that's what you're talking about. There's a few people who have been there for a long time who have gotten to know each other but there's not really any elitism to it. If anything the irc is a lot more lenient and laid back than the main site.
>> No. 5351 [Edit]

>But if you're implying that only TC's IRC crowd should be involved in site politics I'd have to disagree there.

I don't have any idea where you got that from.
>> No. 5352 [Edit]
I can see your points there. As I mentioned earlier, I'm in favor of anonymous moderators as well- for much of the same reasons. I've seen enough "look, a Shinden thread" replies and ticks drama leak onto the site in the past to be convinced of that.

You rather blatantly said that only people on IRC being aware of moderation and site politics was a "good thing" in >>5345. Is there another way to take it?
>> No. 5355 [Edit]

I don't care who gets involved in 'site politics' but as far as I'm concerned 'site politics' being kept out of /tc/ is for the better. In the end 'site politics' usually amounts to 'whatever Tohno decided' anywa and that is also a good thing. IRC has no say in this pretty much and I never really see any 'site politics' discussions on IRC.

Not to mention anybody who wants to discuss 'site politics' can simply hop on IRC and talk to Tohno. People are trying to create some illusionary IRC sikkrit club even though IRC actually welcomes newcomers with open arms. If you don't like IRC you're neither forced to visit it nor to stay but don't act like it's a group of gray emminences ruling over /tc/'s poor proletariat masses.
>> No. 5357 [Edit]
I'll volunteer to do moderation, if only just to remove the CP. For gods sake theres child porn on the site right now and nobodys around to delete that crap.
>> No. 5358 [Edit]
It really is aggravating to see this 3D shit get spammed here.
>> No. 5359 [Edit]
I'm not crazy about giving the task to people I don't know and can't trust, but you seem like you've been here for a really long time now so sure why not.
If you're serious about it, hit me up on the irc or send an email to with a login name/password.
>> No. 5366 [Edit]
File 141659831189.jpg - (84.72KB , 907x655 , 1251728145731.jpg )
Hello. I'm one of the new anti-CP mods. While I do browse /tc/ on daily basis I don't F5 the frontpage 24/7. If you'll notice CP you can help us get rid of it by simply joining the IRC and typing '/msg NoNickname CP'. I'm almost always around between 1PM GMT-10PM GMT so if you notice any CP around that time please inform me and I'll deal with it swiftly. I might not notice if you'll post it in the channel, though, I only use highlighting for private messages.
>> No. 5377 [Edit]
Nice to meet you.
>> No. 5406 [Edit]
We're getting spammed with cp garbage again.

I'm honestly surprised that this has been going on a bit more frequently. It really sucks.
>> No. 5407 [Edit]
I would be up for a janny position to delete spam when I see it, I understand if you don't trust me though
>> No. 5408 [Edit]
What happens if the host finds out about it?
>> No. 5409 [Edit]
I'm going to jail
>> No. 5410 [Edit]
Don't tell them, it's supposed to be a surprise.

In jail, you're always the cute girl!
>> No. 5411 [Edit]
What is this 'honeypot' thing? How does it work?
>> No. 5412 [Edit]
>How does it work?
It doesn't work.
>> No. 5413 [Edit]
It's an old trick that relies on most bots iliteracy with CSS and/or JS, you can read more here

Actually, I forgot to push the file that does it into the server.

And yeah, I'm aware webm thumbnails aren't working and will take a look at that too.
>> No. 5414 [Edit]
I'd like to suggest to make the reply backlink text a little smaller to make it a bit more distinguished.
>> No. 5415 [Edit]
looks great, thanks!
>> No. 5420 [Edit]
To whoever suggested the honey pot method: thank you very much. It looks like it solved the issue and it's been a big problem for the community for the last couple of months. You really bailed us out there.
>> No. 5428 [Edit]
I like how the troll thread/shitpost thread gts completely ignored here, which is of course, the only correct response to one.
>> No. 5536 [Edit]
They made another thread.
I think this is either a human spamming these images or a very powerful self-learning Jewish AI.
On bunbun they're still getting spammed a lot even though they have a captcha for new threads but I don't know, what if you tried adding another hidden field
>> No. 5537 [Edit]
I'm sorry you had to see that. Its been removed now.

I think a human manually posted that. We haven't gotten spam of that type in a while.
>> No. 5538 [Edit]
I don't really care about seeing cp I just don't like the idea of downloading thumbnails of it like this, I wouldn't give a shit if it was at least over https
>> No. 5539 [Edit]
> but I don't know, what if you tried adding another hidden field
It's in the plans actually. Now that I know it works and doesn't unwork the whole site I'll try to design a system that fits better into the kusaba codebase and can be easily extended.
>> No. 5541 [Edit]

You can help the mods work faster by notifying them through IRC.
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