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File 140320938329.jpg - (73.82KB , 728x90 , 530d7fca28e647e0b8c48732ed0c0e92[1].jpg )
4942 No. 4942 [Edit]
um hi i saw the ad and came here but i don't know where to post
what board should i use?????
Expand all images
>> No. 4944 [Edit]
whatever board appeals to whatever you're interested in?
>> No. 4945 [Edit]
Here's a rundown:
an - anime
ma - manga
mai - waifu
ns - lewd
foe - Touhou
vg - games
vn - visual novels
cr - original content and creativity (something we don't have)
fig - marmelade
mp3 - music
mt - so professional
ot - everything and nothing
pic - images
so - despair

Post wherever the wind takes you. Don't be discouraged by lack of posts - that's why you're here.
>> No. 4946 [Edit]
how do i pick a home board?
>> No. 4947 [Edit]
I'm not sure what you mean by home board.

Post edited on 19th Jun 2014, 2:16pm
>> No. 4948 [Edit]
I believe that would be the main page.
>> No. 4949 [Edit]
Every board has everyone.
There are no sectional difference.
That is to say, you will be talking with the same people on /foe/ as /mp3/ as /so/, and so on, but about the different topics.
>> No. 4950 [Edit]
Hit [ home ], press [Since last visit], bookmark, refresh a few times per day, ctrl/cmd-click on the new entries that looks interesting, browse, make a thread in the appropriate board whenever you want to discuss something new. You're set. Free yourself from the Homeboard mentality. If this place becomes too fast then you might want to consider bookmarking a few of the boards that cater the most to your interests.

Post edited on 19th Jun 2014, 2:54pm
>> No. 4951 [Edit]
the irony of advertising a 'savehaven from normies' on one of the largest normie sites on the planet is astounding. like do you want to destroy this site that badly?
>> No. 4952 [Edit]
the ads are only on /jp/
>> No. 4953 [Edit]
We have to rescue the weebs there, they are confused and need salvation. Make a difference in this effort and welcome the bewildered souls with a helping hand. Tell them it's going to be alright.
>> No. 4954 [Edit]
where should we be advertising then?
>> No. 4955 [Edit]
why do you feel the need to advertise a very niche community? might as well go post on /r/otaku on reddit
>> No. 4956 [Edit]
I asked you first.
>> No. 4957 [Edit]
What's with all these new posts? Why is tc so fast right now?
>> No. 4958 [Edit]
File 14032490564.jpg - (78.55KB , 480x640 , 1394089414060.jpg )
Because you're a dork that's why.
>> No. 4959 [Edit]
>> No. 4961 [Edit]
File 14032505767.jpg - (33.11KB , 472x472 , afea6e199f59f974e4faac8a4f1cff86273b9d99.jpg )
We've had the power within us this whole time don't you see?! It just took something radical to make people start to realize it. some of us have started posting more in order to make the site more appealing to new comers. The site doesn't 'need' new people if the people who are already here put in a little effort to post more and that's exactly whats going on. These aren't people from /jp/ that are reviving the site it's us!
>> No. 4962 [Edit]
what is said here is actually true. Keep this in mind and post more!

Post edited on 20th Jun 2014, 12:53am
>> No. 4963 [Edit]
I just saw the ad this morning. Why should I pick this place over GNFOS or what-ch?

Also which board is the best for shitposting and epic memes only oldfags will get?
>> No. 4964 [Edit]
>Why should I pick this place over GNFOS or what-ch?
Don't know what those boards are, so... In any case, we have a really awesome spinning rice ticket on our main page! Isn't that cool?

>which board is the best for shitposting and epic memes
Probably one of the ghost boards, or else you'll get banned for shitposting and epic memes. Maybe some other user can provide a list of those, I don't remember any.
>> No. 4965 [Edit]
You should go away
>> No. 4966 [Edit]
I sincerely hope that ad was placed by a troll with extra cash and not Tohno himself. I don't see why he would want to ruin his site with normals and shitposters, unless he's just bored with it altogether.

The post rate has been perfectly fine for years. Advertising is not needed.
>> No. 4967 [Edit]
File 140326161441.jpg - (51.77KB , 237x306 , 13413097601541.jpg )
yeah the 2 posts a day sure was great. Everybody must have killed themselves considering all the big threads /so/ used to get.
>> No. 4968 [Edit]

The post rate was perfectly fine for years, yes. And by years I mean between 2010 and 2013. We're a walking crawling corpse by now.
>> No. 4969 [Edit]
But the banner said it's for otaku NEETs like me! If all my /jp/ friends are moving here I don't want to be left behind
>> No. 4970 [Edit]
Wow, this add sure worked wonders. When was the last time /tc/ was this active? Color me surprised, I thought it'd all be for naught.
>> No. 4971 [Edit]
We're advertising now?

I don't want normals coming here.
I'm glad it's only on /jp/, but I hope this isn't going to be up for too long.
>> No. 4972 [Edit]
>I sincerely hope that ad was placed by a troll with extra cash and not Tohno himself. ...unless he's just bored with it altogether.
A little bit of both.
>> No. 4973 [Edit]
Just check /fb/ if you want the details, unless you enjoy being ignorant.
>> No. 4974 [Edit]
Also guys what's the moderation like here? Nazi mods forcing their own idea of board culture and interpreting the rules differently every time or cool guys who never del anything except spam?

I used to know some guys who lurked your IRC but I can't remember if they said it was p gay or p good
>> No. 4975 [Edit]
I think moderation here is good.
>> No. 4976 [Edit]
I'd say they're pretty cool. But remember that you and I are from two different image board cultures, so our values may not translate fluently. My impression is that a mod will delete something that clearly breaks the rules, posts with a ton of reports gets priority. From my experience, none of the mods force their own, personal beliefs of proper conduct where it's unwarranted. They're not super fast, but empirically fast enough; though that may change in the near future.

If you objectively troll or spam, then you'll probably get banned. If you make shitty posts that don't belong here, then they'll probably get deleted.
>> No. 4977 [Edit]
Shitposting and Funposting gets deleted
>> No. 4978 [Edit]
I'd say that sums it up well.

we've had trouble with some mods in the past who delete anything reported like some robot but that's been dealt with. One of our old mods acted out of overly aggressive vendettas vs imagined threats but again that's been dealt with. Another took a real serious offense to some things and wouldn't let anyone talk about them(like anything related to suicide)but he ditched us. I don't mean to toot my own horn to much here but I see people post stuff I hate with a passion every now and then but I've got enough self restraint to ignore it/ad-block it (sometimes admittedly passive aggressively venting my annoyances in other directions). I've gotten into arguments with people on the site plenty of times but as far as I can remember I've never used my status to try and win them. I'm a NEET so I'm here a lot, even if I'm off on some videogame or model or whatever I'll still check up on the site here and there over the course of the day. If someone's posting obviously obnoxious shit it'll get deleted right away. It only takes time when something isn't so clear cut, since sometimes people like to overreact and report posts for any little thing. Other times people wont report things at all which gives the impression it doesn't really bother them that much. we've got a new mod specifically for the new board and he'll probably be keeping to just it as he's a very big fan of the subject matter. The new board would be hard for the old staff to moderate but the new guy should be able to tell what's acceptable just fine and handle it well.
>> No. 4979 [Edit]
What's the new board?
>> No. 4980 [Edit]
Japanese board?

Yeah okay that's enough cuteposting from me.

Post edited on 20th Jun 2014, 5:05pm
>> No. 4981 [Edit]
Why not make it visible?
>> No. 4984 [Edit]
I think you guys are better off not knowing.
>> No. 4985 [Edit]
Well sooner or later we will find out
>> No. 4986 [Edit]
so don't worry about it then.
>> No. 4987 [Edit]
>> No. 4988 [Edit]
>> No. 4989 [Edit]

To be fair we're this active most times 4chan is brought up in topics like this.
>> No. 4990 [Edit]

You're right I guess. This means we should have monthly 'let's compare ourselves to 4chan!' threads on all boards.
>> No. 4991 [Edit]
whatever works bro. We have the potential to always be this active, if that's what it takes to force our residents into posting more than so be it.
>> No. 4992 [Edit]
Sounds boring.
>> No. 4993 [Edit]
File 140342621539.jpg - (97.77KB , 880x720 , 1375563859323.jpg )
I just wanted to say that the ad on /jp/ is what brought me here. I've only been here a couple of days, but already I consider this to be a vastly superior chan; probably about as close to the fabled "good old days" of 4chan (before all the obnoxious normie teenagers found out about it) as I'm likely to get. Also, even if it does appear extremely low-traffic, the mere presence of a /cr/eativity board gives me a good feeling about this place. So...yeah, your ad worked, I guess. Let's just hope it doesn't work TOO well.

Also, question: do tripcodes here work the same as on 4chan? I can't seem to find anything about it in the faqs.
>> No. 4994 [Edit]
That's a nice sentiment. As a bit of friendly advice - neither reaction images nor trips are held in very high esteem here. None of which well get you in trouble, hence I'm giving it as advice and not rule.

Hope you have a nice stay and continued satisfaction with the community.
>> No. 4995 [Edit]
Well, I certainly hope that the new posters behave themselves.

If everyone acts like OP I fear for the future of T-C.
>> No. 4996 [Edit]

>As a bit of friendly advice - neither reaction images nor trips are held in very high esteem here.

While the reaction images part might be true I don't think we care that much about tripfags. As long as you stay on topic nobody will care. They are all but gone nowadays but we had a number of tripfags back in the day and the only ones that got into any trouble are ones that were shitposting pretty much.
>> No. 4997 [Edit]
Trips work the same way they do on 4chan as far as I know.
>> No. 4998 [Edit]
Unsecured trips should work the same, secure trips would use a different algorithm(kinda impossible to use the same one they got) so the trip would come out different.
>> No. 4999 [Edit]
Yeah ok, I should be honest here: I don't personally like trips (exception of tohno), but I do usually think that on-topic reaction images are cute/funny. Guess I differ a bit from popular opinion there.
>> No. 5000 [Edit]
Going to have to agree here too. I don't mind 'reaction images' at all so long as they aren't just spammed without any text response or /b/-meme tier shit. I thought >>24272 was very cute.
>> No. 5001 [Edit]
What kind of reaction image would you consider /b/-tier?
>> No. 5002 [Edit]
Anything that clearly panders to 4chan specific antics? Or maybe an easier guideline would be to only use otaku-related images. I don't think much quality would be lost like this; well it's not like I have the patience to attach an image 95% of the time anyway.
>> No. 5003 [Edit]
Macro. Memes in general.
>> No. 5004 [Edit]
File 140347988967.jpg - (20.75KB , 367x451 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Something like this.
>> No. 5005 [Edit]

That was my feeling when posting it; my natural assumption based on what I've seen of the board culture so far is that anime-related reaction images and memes and such are okay as long as they are justifiably on topic and don't appear intended to incite riots.
>> No. 5006 [Edit]
This ad is going to be seen only by crossboarders so new to the internet that they don't even have AB or people who want to support joot even after all the retarded decisions he's made.
>> No. 5007 [Edit]
very good point. fyi, the guy who paid for the ad seems to regret it now.
>> No. 5008 [Edit]
Since joot started renting ads there have been all kinds of stupid meme banners so you don't even have the "I like J-list's ads" excuse anymore.
This thing was a terrible idea.
At least that kind of posters we don't want aren't going to bother visiting a board with less than 20 posts per minute.
>> No. 5009 [Edit]
I think its going okay. This thread is pretty much the only bad thing ive seen so far. Lets just hope that the good users will like what they see and stay here, and the bad users will eventually tire from the autism and leave.

By the way can we move this thread to /fb/? Its called feedback but I think discussion about tohno-chan itself should go there (it used to be called meta IIRC)

Post edited on 22nd Jun 2014, 11:57pm
>> No. 5010 [Edit]
There's already a thread there talking about advertizing on /jp/. people here just can't seem to be fucked to check the board.
>> No. 5011 [Edit]
File 140358636731.jpg - (64.71KB , 1280x720 , 1400720004995.jpg )
I refuse to browse through TWENTY-ONE pages to find every single thread. This deserved a new topic.
>> No. 5012 [Edit]
I can't blame them because posts form /fb/ dont appear on the front page. /fb/ is somewhat of a containment board for meta posts. so meta discussion ought to go there. people tend not to like seeing meta discussion.
>> No. 5013 [Edit]
That picture fits so well with that post. I like it.
>> No. 5014 [Edit]
it's on the first page. /fb/ doesn't move that fast.
>> No. 5015 [Edit]
We should have a thread for image requests and source. I'd post on /bun/'s but for some reason when I try to post there the connection times out and I can't even visit the site anymore.
>> No. 5016 [Edit]
>Also which board is the best for shitposting and epic memes only oldfags will get?

wizardchan /b/ has that it hink
>> No. 5017 [Edit]
i remember i responded to a racist post and MY post was deleted but the post wasnt removed. :/
>> No. 5018 [Edit]
> :/
Why am I not surprised?
>> No. 5020 [Edit]
Looks like it's slowing down to normal, 15 posts in the last 12 hours while last time I checked it was at almost 50
>> No. 5021 [Edit]
A bit disappointing. It was looking good the first few days. Guess the novelty wore off.
>> No. 5107 [Edit]

Instead of advertising your site on the 4, why don't you spend the money on things that will actually improve the board?
Like changing the domain to
>> No. 5109 [Edit]
This! Fuck 4shit and all the shit that infest it. That is a far, far better use of time, money, and effort.
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