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File 140252956114.jpg - (1.77MB , 2352x1764 , 1401740366996.jpg )
4824 No. 4824 [Edit]
mobile layout when
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>> No. 4825 [Edit]
I wouldn't even know where to start. Don't much help I don't have a phone to test things out with.
>> No. 4826 [Edit]
That's a nice picture.

You can download free mobile phone emulators (Genymotion and such) on the internet for testing purposes should you desire to. It doesn't particularly concern me either way since I don't use a phone either, but I'm just throwing that out there.
>> No. 4831 [Edit]
is that a vulva or a scrotum?
>> No. 4832 [Edit]
>> No. 4834 [Edit]
File 140264071312.jpg - (239.10KB , 1024x768 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Vulva, pic related.

>> No. 4876 [Edit]
Bro, don't you know anything about puffy vulvas and fat mons? An amazing journey awaits you.
>> No. 4878 [Edit]
They're truly a wonderful thing.
>> No. 5112 [Edit]
>> No. 5125 [Edit]
This website already adjusts to the size of your monitor, so simply adding the viewport meta tag in the HTML header may be enough for an immediate improvement:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
>> No. 5160 [Edit]
well we did try some edits to the front page at least. Hows that?
>> No. 5161 [Edit]
File 141180013351.png - (420.60KB , 1242x2208 , iOS Simulator Screen Shot Sep 26 2014 23_41_14.png )
It's, uh, not good. The old layout worked better on phones, could you add a link to the non-mobile homepage somewhere on the mobile one?
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