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File 139440965673.jpg - (184.23KB , 800x1000 , mongooli%20kissa.jpg )
4716 No. 4716 [Edit]
Hi, could you delete this thread off of /an/ please.
I started the thread a long time ago, but I dropped the show and so I don't want to look at the thread any more, but my password no longer matches so I can't delete it myself.
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>> No. 4717 [Edit]
Are you serious?

Please don't make threads for shows on a site that uses one thread per season if you're gonna delete them latter. You're not the only one following that anime. It's extremely inconsiderate.
>> No. 4719 [Edit]
Thank you for starting a thread with non-blank OP, you're truly the savior of /tc/. But wait, there's more! Deleting the thread was a sign of true genius. You can delete it and then remake it and people will post again! Truly a wonderful idea! Keep being a top quality contributor my friend.
>> No. 4721 [Edit]
There's a hide thread function, you know.
>> No. 4722 [Edit]
the format for this board gives end users the right to delete or edit their posts, including deleting three they start. i don't see any legit reason why OP shouldn't be allowed a thread he starts if he wants to
>on a site that uses one thread per season
i don't see that in the rules anywhere
furthermore, there is already another thread for that particular shitty show and nobody seems to care much about either thread, so deleting at least one of them makes sense to me.
>> No. 4723 [Edit]
It's an unwritten rule. If you don't believe me go make a thread for something that already has a thread, you'll get bitched out till it gets deleted.
> i don't see any legit reason why OP shouldn't be allowed a thread he starts if he wants to
then open your eyes. This isn't 4chan where it means nothing to make threads. on /an/ when you make a thread for a series it becomes -the- thread for that series from that point on. Thats something you need to understand before making threads on that board. It's not your thread as much as it's that particular anime's thread.
By your logic I could say the format for this board gives staff members the right to delete or edit any post on the site and there's no legit reason why the mods shouldn't be allowed to delete posts related to anime/manga they don't like, but they don't becuase that would be a shitty thing to do.
>> No. 4724 [Edit]
I didn't believe it before but now I'm convinced the I my me strawberry guy is a troll.
>> No. 4725 [Edit]
>furthermore, there is already another thread for that particular shitty show and nobody seems to care much about either thread, so deleting at least one of them makes sense to me.

I didn't realize a thread existed, as your named it with the english abbr., when I made the other thread.
As your thread both has more replies AND the earlier creation date, it should have priority over the other thread in terms of which gets to stay on the board. Delete the one I made instead.

Also, just because you dropped it doesn't mean other people didn't, and those other people might enjoy adding to the thread. Even if it's just me talking to myself with an occasional sage reply from somebody else. It'll get moved off the board and into the archive once it falls off of the 21st page, page 20, just like Tohno intended. All in good time, my friend.
>> No. 4726 [Edit]

You know, I wanted to start this post with 'no offense meant' but after thinking about it for a second I don't even care if you get offended so here goes.
You are incredibly dense.
>> No. 4727 [Edit]
File 139474004768.gif - (961B , 18x18 , sticky.gif )
omg srsly wtf
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