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File 139419345958.jpg - (106.76KB , 850x601 , 1377551708191.jpg )
4710 No. 4710 [Edit]
Replies: >>4728
I;m sure most of you have noticed, activity on tc has started to plateau wihtout neccesarily the increase in quality that lower post rate tends to bring.

I am thinking we need to breathe some fresh air into this site. Bring in some new users and overhaul some of the rules and attitudes we have here. We should not be afraid of change.

Maybe we can do some low-key advertising for this site, specifically targeted towards the more serious otaku type people. For instance, Tohno used to link to tohno-chan by putting the link in his email while posting on the Ghostboard. So something along that line. Nothing too obnoxious though because that tends to incite annoyance and possible 'raids'.
>> No. 4711 [Edit]
Sure, go ahead.
>> No. 4712 [Edit]
Replies: >>4714
Doesn't sound like really good idea to me. Anyway, i would at least keep the rules as strict as they are.
>> No. 4713 [Edit]
bring more ppl to the site so the fags that killed the site by naming themselves "true otakus" and then banning everyone who wasn't exactly like them can stroke their egos by banning more anime enthusiasts from /tc/
>> No. 4714 [Edit]
Replies: >>4715
If you don't change anything then we'll remain on the same trajectory. Stagnation.
>> No. 4715 [Edit]
What exactly would you like to change then?
>> No. 4718 [Edit]
I rather stay (and fall) with 5 guys in a place I can agree this much with, than tolerating a repulsive crowd.

I have nothing against more fair people coming here, and you can advertise alright; but, unless most of the current users want it and Tohno approves (it's his site, after all), I do not see why loosening the rules that give this place its specificity and make it a sort of sanctuary for many of us; I mean: I do not see why make this a /jp/ or /a/ clone (they're already there, so why bother).
>> No. 4720 [Edit]
I completely agree with post above.

Post edited on 10th Mar 2014, 11:37am
>> No. 4728 [Edit]
Replies: >>4731
why does the best masturbation material get posted in the meta board?
>> No. 4731 [Edit]
Because the only type of people who would want to post on a board like /ns/ are people with shitty tastes.
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