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No. 4704 [Edit]
how come i can't make AA using the banner command?
also protruding pecker
>> No. 4785 [Edit]
>deleting anime screencaps
nice moderation technique
>> No. 4786 [Edit]
somehow I knew when I was going over the -massive- reports list that I was going to piss someone off no matter what I deleted.
>> No. 4788 [Edit]
>the -massive- reports list
I've always made the assumption that brohnos are report-happy. Don't worry about it, if it's mod-san I won't mind if you delete my posts/images.
>> No. 4790 [Edit]
It was a hentai anime screencap of a shota dick, to be more specific. A better question is why did you wait 4 months to start trolling about it?
>> No. 4791 [Edit]
mod again here, thought the guy was talking about a post on /an/.
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