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File 138817832614.png - (5.40KB , 379x108 , 1.png )
4676 No. 4676 [Edit]
How come the Japanese board not displayed in the site's homepage?

Also, the "Anonymous" written in said board is definitely a typo; it should be like in pic.
>> No. 4677 [Edit]
Because shinden made it and didn't make it hidden.
>> No. 4682 [Edit]
I thought weeaboo shit was banned on this site?
Are going to be posting pictures of ourselves in our new year temple visit kimono now?
>> No. 4683 [Edit]

>new year temple visit

It's called 初詣 (hatsumōde for you baka gaijins) you uncultured swine.
>> No. 4684 [Edit]
What would give you that idea?
>> No. 4688 [Edit]
learning Japanese/ typing in Japanese is "weeaboo shit"?

I'll correct this straightaway. I was typing by memory and mixed up syllables but the IME still accepted it for some reason.
>> No. 4689 [Edit]

>learning Japanese/ typing in Japanese is "weeaboo shit"?

Depends on your definition.
>> No. 4690 [Edit]
While I understand that definition pertaining to dubs, know-it-all translator notes discussions or walking around the goddamn Prudential centre in downtown Boston in a goddamn costume what the fuck are you doing, I don't think honest language learning and practice fall into that category. I mean if you're going to define that as weeabooism and still be on this site you may as well take a trip down a boiling river on a raft made of ice.
>> No. 4691 [Edit]
whatever you say, ken-sama
>> No. 4693 [Edit]

If you picked it up to have better access to the glorious Nihonjin masterrace culture it's a sign of being a weeaboo. Claiming Japanese is a wonderful language that baka gaijin don't derserve to speak because they wouldn't understand it's beauty falls under the same category. There's nothing weeaboo about learning the language itself but when somebody on a site like /tc/ does it saying it's weeaboo is an educated guess.

Not like I have a problem with weeaboos in the first place.
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