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File 138769996938.jpg - (412.44KB , 749x1000 , 35484630_p0.jpg )
4669 No. 4669 [Edit]
I can't seem to post on /mai/ (I get redirected to frontpage). Not sure if I was banned for questioning some things or if that board is glitched in general as no one has posted there for a while...

Post edited on 22nd Dec 2013, 12:13am
>> No. 4670 [Edit]
sounds more like a bug. if you were banned it should take you to a ban page when you try to post.
>> No. 4673 [Edit]
Looks like I was just banned from the creative things thread e_e I can post elsewhere fine.
>> No. 4674 [Edit]
We don't ban from single threads. I checked and couldn't find your ip on our ban lists.

Just gonna take a wild shot in the dark here and guess you were trying to upload a large file?
>> No. 4681 [Edit]
Actually I did ban him from several threads, check total lists rather than blanket bans Tohno.

I don't want a darkie defiling the better threads, I'm sure you understand.

>> No. 4697 [Edit]
Stop pretending to be a mod.
>> No. 4699 [Edit]

the rules page says nothing about that being a bannable offense, let alone against the rules.
>> No. 4700 [Edit]
Pretty sure trolling is on there.
>> No. 4703 [Edit]
Oops misread that. Idk if I'm allowed back on the thread, I'll try uploading some time and bring it up later.

Post edited on 23rd Jan 2014, 5:41pm
>> No. 4707 [Edit]
OP please let me use this thread to remind you that you really shouldn't be posting pics of yourself on an Anonymous imageboard, furthermore on /mai/ where 3D people pics of any kind are highly discouraged.
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