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File 138645094793.png - (196.68KB , 640x480 , vlcsnap-2013-11-13-23h57m59s22.png )
4592 No. 4592 [Edit]
How do you feel about the quality of anime discussion on Tohno-Chan?
>> No. 4593 [Edit]
"discussion" is virtually none existent there. I see it at little more than just a series of comments with occasional screencaps.
>> No. 4594 [Edit]
Welcome to imageboard culture.
>> No. 4633 [Edit]
Used to be good. Used to.
>> No. 4645 [Edit]
There are no replies.
>> No. 4647 [Edit]
People don't come to tohno chan to discuss media because it is slow. However this is one of the few places where they can discuss more general topics with like minded people, hence why /so/, /mai/ and /ot/ get more posts. Those boards are not getting more posts because popele are normals.
>> No. 4649 [Edit]

>People don't come to tohno chan to discuss media because it is slow.

/an/ and - to an extent - /vg/ are what made me browse the site in the first place, though. I literally came only for those. I don't have a waifu and I hate blogs. /ot/ is a necessary evil but I usually avoid it.
There are no other places where I could actually discuss anime. MAL is an absolute nausea incuding nightmare and - as unlikely as it sounds - 4chan is actually much worse.

I think that's a really broad generalization overall.
>> No. 4701 [Edit]
Perceptive and accurate statement.
>> No. 4702 [Edit]
I usually only look at the pictures.
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