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454 No. 454 [Edit]
Can you guys post some stats of the site?

There are few posts but I'm sure that much more people comes here.
>> No. 455 [Edit]
I'm sorry to say, our statistics simply don't work.
a few other things like Disk space used and posting rate do work, but that's only shown per board, and rate is only per hour.
(which I'll post if you like)
According to an outside site that might not be very reliable, our daily page views are 268

I might try adding on some web stat type thing from a third party, I'll post what info I get in this thread if I do.
>> No. 456 [Edit]
Yeah, one of the very few things that was nice about ib4f was the neat statistics we could pull up. It would be nice if we could get some again, but don't count on it.
>> No. 457 [Edit]
Ah, I remember the good old days of 5 users online and we awkwardly waited like shy schoolgirls and schoolboys for the other to initiate the conversation.
>> No. 463 [Edit]
3 of those users were Tohno.
>> No. 467 [Edit]
I was able to find some stats with our hosts, but that's mostly technical stuff, Didn't find anything there about unique ips visiting the site.
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