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File 138196003216.jpg - (130.43KB , 966x637 , yui.jpg )
4406 No. 4406 [Edit]
Do you feel comfortable letting the Wayback machine and Google crawl TC?
Expand all images
>> No. 4407 [Edit]
It's already in, isn't it?

Googling Tohno-chan shows links to specific threads that lead to specific boards, bypassing the add-fly thing.
>> No. 4408 [Edit]
they were blocked for the longest time since we didn't want normals to come wondering in. but that was changed to keep the site from becoming too stagnate and get at least some new blood in. still not sure about it but I don't think it's brought in anyone who wasn't already somewhat aware of the site anyway.
>> No. 4409 [Edit]
I don't mind them. People who arent acquainted with chan sites either will be so disugested they won't post, or if they do post it will be immeadiately obvious. The real problem lies with the shitposters and normals and such.
>> No. 4411 [Edit]
To me it's not about new users, I'm just deeply worried about everything I post being archived off site.
>> No. 4412 [Edit]
so how do you feel about /arc/?
>> No. 4413 [Edit]
I don't mind, because in the worst case scenario (posting personal info by accident) I could try to contact you and get the post deleted before it's indexed. Once internet archives get it there's nothing anyone can do.
>> No. 4747 [Edit]
File 139525469758.jpg - (72.43KB , 1036x494 , woorank.jpg )
lol what
>> No. 4748 [Edit]
Think it needs more keywords?
>> No. 4752 [Edit]
No, I rather think those last ones shouldn't be there at all. Of course there are some posts like that here and there (including some of mines), but I don't think they should be held as part of the core of /tc/ (which consists, I think, of diverse forms of otaku 2D love and social estrangement, not just intellectual or nihilistic ones). But I leave the last word to you, of course.
>> No. 4753 [Edit]
>and social estrangement

people who are concerned with 3d shit don't belong here
if you're really upset you can't hang out with the cool kids in your high school go to a different website plz
>> No. 4754 [Edit]

If you can even spell 'please' properly you should seriously consider ending your life right now.
>> No. 4755 [Edit]
google 'estrangement' and rethink your post, please.
>> No. 4756 [Edit]
k, removed the last three there. might take some time to show.
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