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File 137464375512.png - (379.51KB , 640x480 , lfs4KrLsjPkyAbUcbnmJ.png )
4181 No. 4181 [Edit]
How come the otaku topic boards here are so slow? It seems like the only board anyone uses anymore is /so/ and I really don't care to talk about 3D assholes' personal problems.
Expand all images
>> No. 4182 [Edit]
Because people would rather make threads on /fb/ complaining about the lack of threads being made on other boards.
>> No. 4183 [Edit]
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>> No. 4190 [Edit]
Cause people would rather go on 4chan to talk about otaku media. But theres no place on 4chan for discussing being ronery.
>> No. 4191 [Edit]
>Cause people would rather go on 4chan to talk about otaku media.

That's the sad truth. I was under the impression that everyone on /tc/ ended up here because they gave up on 4chan but I've been proven wrong time and time again. Every time I talk with someone from /tc/ they openly admit they browse /a/ with a '... why the hell did you think I don't?' attitude.

Shame, I thought you guys like to take it easy.
>> No. 4192 [Edit]
I also expect that of people here and am always surprised when they say they still browse 4chan.
>> No. 4193 [Edit]
Well /a/ might be shit but people would prefer quantity to quality. Also I'd say the quality of otaku media discussion on tohno chan is not considerably better than that on 4chan, well at least not enough to compensate. Thats my theory.
>> No. 4194 [Edit]
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>> No. 4202 [Edit]

As of today it isn't, no, but it used to be. I said it a number of times but if people try to start a decent discussion and hit a wall because not a single person is willing to join it they are bound to stop trying eventually. This basically means that people were never really interested in such discussions and simply prefer 4chan's shitposting style.

Which makes sense if you think about it since anime as a whole is a one huge pile of shit. Doesn't mean I can't get disappointed either way, even if it sucks I still feel like talking about it every now and then.
>> No. 4226 [Edit]
theres that, but there is also the fact that this site is anti-content.
if a post is made and anyone complains about it or if any member of staff doesn't like it (or just happens to be in a bad mood) then the post is likely to be removed. if this happens to someone a few times they'll stop outputting the effort to post here. since the site has been around a while the number of users who have given up on posting due to this effect has got to be quite large by now.
>> No. 4228 [Edit]

Good. If a member whose posts keep getting deleted gives up it reduces the amount of work mods have to do.

If your post got deleted it's the kind of content that's not welcome on /tc/, pretty easy to understand I'd say.
>> No. 4230 [Edit]
You're full of shit. I haven't seen the mods bomb worthwhile/on-topic threads or posts in the past couple of years, even if they dislike the media in question. I see them delete a lot of pointless bickering, Ford Driver shit, and drama that threatens to derail otherwise fine threads though. More notably, they barely touch the otaku topic boards.

Would you care to provide some examples of your claims, or are you just upset about your latest reaction image troll being deleted?
>> No. 4231 [Edit]
>care to provide an example of something thats been deleted

epic lulz
>> No. 4232 [Edit]
I don't think he was asking for a link to the post but for you to simply say which post, chances are he saw it too before it was deleted. Also if it needs to be the mods can look at deleted posts if they want to.
>> No. 4233 [Edit]
You could say that's one of the reasons I try to be more lenient and not jump onto the big old delete/ban buttons first chance I get. But then people start to complain about mods being shit and not doing their job and inviting Ford Drivers and shitposting and so on and so forth.

I don't think this place is ever going to have a large amount, it's just too nitch and hard to get used to for most people.
>> No. 4234 [Edit]
Awesome greentext and memespeak. That pretty much affirms that you're that same ban-evading poster that keeps posting that kind of shit, bringing up gender, and talking like you're fresh out of /b/. If you were interested in actually backing up your fallacious points, >>4232 is correct, but you've never been known to actually discuss anything or defend any of your points in the past, so I'm not expecting much. The bottom line is that your posts are getting deleted because they're shitty troll posts, not because the mods are nazis that "happen to be in a bad mood".
>> No. 4235 [Edit]
File 13759485352.png - (500.36KB , 812x676 , vlcsnap-2013-06-26-01h27m20s180.png )

thats niche
>> No. 4236 [Edit]
Yeah that!
>> No. 4237 [Edit]
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Don't you mean that's?
>> No. 4238 [Edit]
I prefer stricter moderation. Thats tc's niche, thats what makes tc good. If I wanted to see youtube videos of naked men orgasming while high on marijuana I'd go to 4chan.
>> No. 4240 [Edit]
I agree, I'm lucky as hell to have found a website that has a userbase with such similar opinions and mindsets to mine especially ones that are so odd and I'm not about to let that go and let this place turn into /a/ 2.0 with a smaller userbase. The mods seem to be doing a decent job though, the main problem is Ford Drivers have a tendency to try to blend in so they won't have a reason to get banned unless they say something which points out who they really are... which is fine and all until more and more of these people come and eventually our small niche group of people will be outnumbered by the larger majority that just wants to use this place as an alternative to /a/ with less shitposting, which if you go through /fb/ and other places you can already see this is happening.
>> No. 4241 [Edit]
> the main problem is Ford Drivers

yes, this is why /so/ needs to be deleted.
nobody here wants to read about some 3D's emotional drama and boards about 3Dshit attract ford prefects.
>> No. 4242 [Edit]

>majority that just wants to use this place as an alternative to /a/ with less shitposting

So to sum it up they're like all of us? Because that's precisely what I'd like to see, /a/ [without] shitposting.


>nobody here wants to read about some 3D's emotional drama

Nobody is forcing you to read that, though.
>> No. 4243 [Edit]
If you take away the shitposting /a/ is still full of Ford Drivers and the like. The main purpose of this site has always been for otaku like us to have a place to escape from things like Ford Drivers, as has been stated a million times already, it's very niche, not 4chan 2.0.

I'd say /so/ is fine as long as you don't get people bringing up stuff like GFs or other things. Thing is people like us are going to need somewhere to rant which is pretty much what that board has become, a let it all out type of board. Seeing someone talk about killing themselves for the 20th million times can be indeed annoying (and depressing) but I wouldn't call it Ford Drivergish.

It may attract the wrong kind of people like you say, but a lot of boards here will do that, /an/ will surely also attract people like the one above me who only want a place to discuss anime without shitposting, which is fine and all but like I said it becomes a problem when that becomes the main attraction of this site and more of those kinds of people then our kind show up. If that happens the wrong people will show up and it will become something more like /a/ then what it originally intended to be and if the site becomes too popular and the userbase becomes too large I doubt Tohno will be able to run the site anymore anyways.
>> No. 4244 [Edit]
>nobody here wants to read about some 3D's emotional drama
Except for the people who regular /so/, and those '3Ds' are our fellow hikki/NEETs pouring their hearts out about how much they're suffering. Try to show some empathy for your brethren.
>> No. 4245 [Edit]
On the topic of Ford Drivers blending in among us, what's with all of the gender dreck showing up on /so/ and /ot/? This is really the last place I wanted to see self-entitled femanons and white knights running around and promoting the delusional "women are victims" mentality.
>> No. 4246 [Edit]

>If you take away the shitposting /a/ is still full of Ford Drivers and the like.

Ford Drivers talking about Ford Driver things is still shitposting. Maybe not deliberate but it doesn't matter.

>The main purpose of this site has always been for otaku like us to have a place to escape from things like Ford Drivers, as has been stated a million times already, it's very niche, not 4chan 2.0.

If you take away shitposting from 4chan there's nothing left. Having a '4chan without shitposting' isn't 4chan 2.0, it's something completely different compared to 4chan.

It never ceases to amaze me how much people care about making sure everybody realizes we aren't 4chan and we are something entirely unique when it comes to imageboards. We really aren't so you should stop trying so hard. The only thing that makes /tc/ different is the kind of content that's expected and deemed acceptable.

>and if the site becomes too popular and the userbase becomes too large I doubt Tohno will be able to run the site anymore anyways.

The userbase and traffic have been on a constant decline for the last two years and it certainly doesn't show any signs of getting larger.
>> No. 4247 [Edit]
>Nobody is forcing you to read that

its plastered all over the board's front page every time i open it, which is something that i do a lot less often than i used to for that very reason.
>> No. 4248 [Edit]
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I know what you mean, 'always bitching about /so/'-chan. That one post on the front page right now really riled me up too. Fuck those guys.
>> No. 4249 [Edit]
>It never ceases to amaze me how much people care about making sure everybody realizes we aren't 4chan and we are something entirely unique when it comes to imageboards.

I don't care about not being 4chan so much that I care that this place remains what it is, i.e as that one site slogan says, a place to be safe from Ford Drivers (might have been worded differently but I don't feel like finding it now just to prove my point)this may be the one place in the universe where I can feel at home like this, on other websites, out in the real world, or wherever I always feel a bit ill being around other Ford Drivers, and I'll never find another place that shares my insane ideals and views on things, so it's a bit depressing when I have to deal with those kinds of people here too out of all places. I have literally no where to run to at this point and I'm not giving up on this site.

>Ford Drivers talking about Ford Driver things is still shitposting. Maybe not deliberate but it doesn't matter.

Here you could say that, on 4chan the only reason they care at all is because it takes away their 'quality' and because it's off topic. I'd say a majority of the userbase here genuinely wants to avoid those kinds of people for the sake of avoiding them not (just) because of the reasons 4chan does it. And even though 4chan says sometimes that Ford Drivergotry is shitposting they do it anyways, you get people saying how they have waifus and GFs these days, and other horrible things. The main thing they care so much about is blogging, which, heh, we do sometimes anyways on /so/ and /ot/, and maybe even /mai/ would count. I don't have a problem with that so long that it is on the appropriate boards here (i.e not on /an/ for example) and it's not about Ford Driver stuff and actually fits in context somehow (somebody makes a thread about losing jobs and the person starts blogging about how he went to the supermarket, for example) I think it's actually healthy for people to talk about their (non Ford Driver) lives.

>The userbase and traffic have been on a constant decline for the last two years and it certainly doesn't show any signs of getting larger.

You're right it probably won't, and you know why? Because the kind of people that would make the population spring are usually annoyed by this site and how strict the userbase is against normies and other things, and either use their brains and realize they don't belong here or do something like make it obvious the kind of people they are and either get banned or told off by the userbase, or the last kind which worries me is the kind that is so sick of 4chan and it's shitposting they decide to blend in and simply act like they are like us. I'd say people being more vocal about things is a very important things, otherwise the other kind of people will realize they just need to speak up a little and don't need to blend in anymore. Well at the very least, this doesn't seem to be a huge problem on the main site for now (luckily), because most of the userbase is vocal about telling off Ford Drivers and such things, which I think does a decent job scaring people away.

Post edited on 12th Aug 2013, 5:40pm
>> No. 4250 [Edit]

>because it's off topic

I.e. it's shitposting.

>the last kind which worries me is the kind that is so sick of 4chan and it's shitposting they decide to blend in and simply act like they are like us

I welcome them with open arms. Normies who can create and/or participate in quality discussions about otaku stuff are much better than shitposting NEETs.
I couldn't care less about their private lives as long as they keep them to themselves.
>> No. 4251 [Edit]
Not the guy you're responding to, but by definition, no normie is going to participate in "quality discussions about otaku stuff". I'd also argue that it's very unlikely that they'd keep their mouth shut about their private lives and beliefs. Just look at the rise in posters defending 3D relationships lately. That's the kind of shit that really doesn't need to be here- ever.
>> No. 4252 [Edit]
It was "A place to hide from normals and be at peace."
and yeah this place was originally made to get away from Ford Drivers shitting up /a/. more specifically, our first settlers were people from a series of waifu threads on /a/ that would get spammed one after another, and we gathered here to get away from them.

If anything when I started this place I tried to keep in mind that most people were coming from 4chan, it's why our default theme is almost the same as 4chan's default. the only reason why our anime board is named /an/ instead of /a/ (like on most imageboards) is to accommodate discussion regarding the different boards and not get them confused, again keeping in mind where people here were from. same for /v/ vs /vg/ and so on. it's not being different for the sake of being different, it's just so you'd be able to tell them apart.

I'd call TC an alternative to 4chan. we're similar in some ways but offer different things.
we're certainly not trying to compete with them that's for sure.
>> No. 4253 [Edit]
>I welcome them with open arms. Normies who can create and/or participate in quality discussions about otaku stuff are much better than shitposting NEETs. I couldn't care less about their private lives as long as they keep them to themselves.

Sorry but I don't think that's what this site is about. Like I've said before, that word again, it's very niche and therefore people with like minded ways of thinking are expected. I don't think tohno-chan was ever trying to be a better 4chan or something and was more a escape hang out place for losers but now people are so sick of 4chan they'll deal with anything including us, you know on 4chan you always get people saying how autistic and crazy and hilariously stupid we are for taking waifus seriously and being so uptight about keeping normals out, now they are coming here and trying to sugar coat it with 'oh it's just to keep shitposting out amiright we aren't really losers, right? right?!' etc.

YES, I get it, everyone comes from 4chan. But these are the right people that should come. Lonely people in waifu threads who are sick of Ford Drivergotry on /a/, NEETs on /jp/ who are sick of the cosplay Ford Drivers and constant shitposting between people, etc. This is not 'da next genuration image board fur yung peoplez' as sage01 kindly wrote on /v/ ( no, this is a fucking niche image-board for loser otaku obsessed with 2D, and always has been. This is the one place we can escape to. T-C needs to be linked to on 4chan now and then again, but like in waifu threads for instance, when you get people bickering about 4chan not taking waifuism seriously enough, for instance, these are the right moments to lead people here (which should be rarely anyways, considering that our kind on 4chan is pretty much dead at this point anyways) but not on fucking /v/ threads, and advertising tohno-chan as it is some haven for elite 4chan users, like the next level on the internet. That just bring the most pretentious of fucks and people who will be the same as current 4chan mentality defeating the whole purpose of all this.

Post edited on 14th Aug 2013, 12:19am
>> No. 4254 [Edit]

>no normie is going to participate in "quality discussions about otaku stuff"

Not necessarily true. In the end it probably depends on your definition of 'normie'. If you think about asshole jock alpha male types then no, they won't. But there are plenty of people who have girlfriends and lead relatively normal lives and yet they like anime. Believe it or not there are even married people (or married with kids) who like Chinese cartoons.

>I'd also argue that it's very unlikely that they'd keep their mouth shut about their private lives and beliefs.

Again, it's not as clear cut as you make it out to be. Technically normies might be in a situation where they can talk about their normal 3D stuff everywhere on the net but they can't find a single decent place to discuss otaku stuff.

>Just look at the rise in posters defending 3D relationships lately.

All I've seen were some discussions about relationships from sociological point of view. I didn't see any 'so my girlfriend said...' posts. There was this one guy who wrote something along the lines of 'there's this Japanese girl I like and...' and he got bashed pretty hard.

Then again I don't visit /so/ much so I might be wrong.
Please note that it was 999999.9% worse back in the day, people even used to discuss stuff like online dating sites.


>it's not being different for the sake of being different, it's just so you'd be able to tell them apart.

Maybe you didn't try to pretend it's something different altogether but the userbase certainly likes to act that way.


>Sorry but I don't think that's what this site is about.

That's nice and all but Tohno himself said that he doesn't mind normies as long as they keep their 3D ways to themselves.

>Like I've said before, that word again, it's very niche and therefore people with like minded ways of thinking are expected.

I disagree, I don't think people around here are as 'like minded' as you seem to believe. We have varying political, religious, sociological and philoshophical views. Hell, you expect us to be 'like minded' but we couldn't even reach a consensus when it comes to anime if we tried to. I'll just namedrop SHAFT and be done with it - lots of people around dislike it, others love it.

We don't even have the same lifestyles. I doubt NEETs make-up even 20% of userbase by now. Then again it's just a blind guess on my part.

Everybody has their own reason to be here and as long as they abide by the rules I couldn't care less about those reasons.

>I don't think tohno-chan was ever trying to be a better 4chan or something and was more a escape hang out place for losers

Tohno pretty much explained the origins of the imageboard one post before you. It was pretty much 4chan minus trolls + 300% more circlejerking (since everybody and their mom was tripfagging initially).

>now they are coming here and trying to sugar coat it with 'oh it's just to keep shitposting out amiright we aren't really losers, right? right?!' etc.

Haven't seen a single person like that.
>> No. 4255 [Edit]
>I disagree, I don't think people around here are as 'like minded' as you seem to believe. We have varying political, religious, sociological and philoshophical views. Hell, you expect us to be 'like minded' but we couldn't even reach a consensus when it comes to anime if we tried to. I'll just namedrop SHAFT and be done with it - lots of people around dislike it, others love it.

Fucking Christ I never said everybody has to be an exact copy of one another even the people I can relate to the most will have minor differences, I only expect people to belong here meaning they have a reason to love 2D and generally don't want anything to do with Ford Drivers and 3D. I'm not asking everyone to agree on everything fuck, but there is an obvious difference between a disagreement and someone just being a Ford Driver and not belonging here.

>It was pretty much 4chan minus trolls + 300% more circlejerking (since everybody and their mom was tripfagging initially).

That's more of the kind of stuff I'd rather avoid, that kind of terminology, and people with this friendship is gay only hate and quality mentality. Yes tripfaggotry can get out of hand when it is full 'OMG xD I luv u' shit but what you are referring to was most likely people getting all lovey dovey about their waifus and being friendly with one another. I'm sure one reason people ran here in the first place was to escape people coming in and shitting up waifu threads spamming it and imposing their Ford Driver views so it is quit ironic if those kinds of people follow us here, hell I remember one reason I came here because in waifu threads you would have people coming in saying we were kidding ourselves it's just a joke and that we were quote 'shitposting and circlejerking' circlejerking was a word that was used very often in these threads, it annoyed the shit out of me. Just because people were not throwing insults and this wasn't quality enough for /a/, it had to be strict by the book anime discussion with lots of hate arguments and epic memes didn't it. And it doesn't help when you know these very people are lurking in the shadows because they themselves can't take /a/ anymore. It defeats the whole purpose of this being the one place that people like me can feel at peace at if these people just follow us here and join in, the one place I don't want to fucking blow my brains out while talking with another human being, and yet you people still want to take that away. I get the logic of 'well they can only lurk in the shadows so long either they will get bored and give up or give in and get banned' but it doesn't exactly always only go down those two routes.

Post edited on 14th Aug 2013, 9:10am
>> No. 4256 [Edit]
>All I've seen were some discussions about relationships from sociological point of view. I didn't see any 'so my girlfriend said...' posts. There was this one guy who wrote something along the lines of 'there's this Japanese girl I like and...' and he got bashed pretty hard.
I wasn't talking about that guy. And that one guy on /so/ a few days ago was pretty much blatantly saying that NEETs should still try to 'get a girl'. That's not discussing anything "sociologically" any way you want to twist it- that's advocation pure and simple.

>I doubt NEETs make-up even 20% of userbase by now.
You're kidding, right?

>Everybody has their own reason to be here and as long as they abide by the rules I couldn't care less about those reasons.
Again, I do, particularly when they start polluting the place with gender and relationship related trash. Maybe it was worse in "the old days" over two years ago before I came around, but that doesn't mean it needs to get that way again.
>> No. 4257 [Edit]

>someone just being a Ford Driver and not belonging here

Again, that's not for you to decide.

>Yes tripfaggotry can get out of hand when it is full 'OMG xD I luv u' shit but what you are referring to was most likely people getting all lovey dovey about their waifus and being friendly with one another.

I.e. circlejerking, exactly what I called it. It's an anonymous imageboard, there's no reason to use a trip (tripping on /mai/ is moderately justified, though).

Also there's no need to tell me about stuff that happens on /a/, I haven't been there since ~2009 and I couldn't give less of a shit about it; it has nothing to do with /tc/ either way.

>and yet you people still want to take that away

It's the other way around, you seem to be moderately new here and yet you expect everybody to share your opinion about what /tc/ should be and what it shouldn't be.

>they can only lurk in the shadows so long either they will get bored and give up or give in and get banned

I wouldn't want them to get banned, if they contribute quality content they are more than welcome.

>And that one guy on /so/ a few days ago was pretty much blatantly saying that NEETs should still try to 'get a girl'. That's not discussing anything "sociologically" any way you want to twist it- that's advocation pure and simple.

Again, if we're talking /so/ I'm more of a passerby there than a regular. Can't say I see everything that gets posted on the board (not even half of it).
I was refering to discussion from >>>/so/15388 where some guy was accused of being 'pro relationship' for no apparent reason.

>You're kidding, right?

I have no way of confirming it by neither do you to be honest, I'm just using my gut feeling. I think most people are uni students or they work some dead-end jobs.

>Again, I do, particularly when they start polluting the place with gender and relationship related trash.

Read what you quote. I said 'abide by the rules'.
>> No. 4258 [Edit]
>I was refering to discussion from >>>/so/15388 where some guy was accused of being 'pro relationship' for no apparent reason.
No apparent reason? Did you even read that thread?

>I have no way of confirming it by neither do you to be honest, I'm just using my gut feeling. I think most people are uni students or they work some dead-end jobs.
While you are right in saying I don't have any more way to confirm my estimates than you do, I think 'less than 20%' is a number severely too low. If I had to guess, I would wager that even you yourself know this, and undercut the number yourself to make an argument for the prescence of Ford Drivers here. If I had to personally make a guess I'd put it around 50%.

>Read what you quote. I said 'abide by the rules'.
Sadly, discussing relationships and gender isn't against the rules as long as you don't talk about your own sex life or mention that you're female. And the latter is still done from time to time.
>> No. 4259 [Edit]
>It's the other way around, you seem to be moderately new here and yet you expect everybody to share your opinion about what /tc/ should be and what it shouldn't be.

I'm not claiming to be some super 3 year long oldfag as 4chan would put it but I think it's been long enough by now considering the times I lurked before I decided to join in and start posting, not to mention half a year now of getting to know the mod(s) and admin through PMing on IRC, I think I have a fairly good grasp on what this site is all about. I know I'm not the only one who thinks this way that's for sure, judging things other people have posted or told me. For a shit ton of people this site is a place to feel at peace and escape from the shitheads in this world, to feel at home amongst other otaku who share the view of 2D and 3D and whatnot. I'd say your kind, the ones that want the site to be a everyday anime image-board are the lesser minority, it isn't that kind of site, even Tohno who you love quoting like he is fucking Jesus said the site is niche meaning it is definitely not for everybody in the world who is interested in anime. What if weebs start coming up, what about cosplayers, and maybe people hate anime and just come for the vidyo gaymes, then normals coming onto the site will become a problem, and you will have people advertising all over 4chan how cool it is here and so long that you quality post you are welcome.

No wonder people come here talking about how stupid we are for hating women, just look at that thread on /ot/ the guy seemed to genuinely think he wasn't doing anything wrong, probably because people advertising the site like it is some haven for image-board elitists doesn't attract very many otaku obsessed with 2D who dislike women does it. So of course the dude is surprised when he comes here and everyone bashes him for saying sarcastically how we all don't hate women we are just kidding ourselves. He thinks this site should be all about quality image-board posting, why should it matter if women suck or not? BECAUSE that's the popular opinion of this site BECAUSE that's the kind of people this site attracts BECAUSE this site is very niche. There's not much more to understand. This isn't your everday imageboard, it's a haven for hiki otaku losers who take things that /a/ found to be jokes very seriously, i.e hating 3D, waifuism, etc. The only reason other people are attracted to this site is either to make fun of us or because 4chan is so shitty these days people will make do with anything.

Post edited on 14th Aug 2013, 8:32pm
>> No. 4261 [Edit]

>No apparent reason? Did you even read that thread?

I did. He was charmingly naive and idealistic but I didn't see anything that made him sound like he's 'pro relationships'.

>If I had to guess, I would wager that even you yourself know this, and undercut the number yourself to make an argument for the prescence of Ford Drivers here.

There's no reason for me to try to say we have tons of normies around here since I don't mind them. Being a uni student or working some dead end job =/= being a Ford Driver. You don't need to be a hikki NEET to be considered 'unnormal' so to speak.

I talked with a bunch of /tc/ers and most of them seemed to be 'doing something' (as opposed to being a NEET). Heck, I think I was pretty much the only long term NEET among them. There were some who just dropped out or quit their jobs but we're talking few months ago here, not few years.

My perspective might be skewed thanks to them but 20% sounds somewhat realistic to me. I would have a hard time believing it's above ~40%.

As for Fords I'm 99,9% sure they don't even make up 2% of the userbase. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it turned out there are absolutely none around here period.

>Sadly, discussing relationships and gender isn't against the rules as long as you don't talk about your own sex life or mention that you're female.

Well, it might not be a written rule but it's obvious to everybody and their mom that those two are definitely included in the 'don't post this' stuff. Not to mention it's borderline shitposting so there's that, too.
If they'll post anything like that it'll get reported and removed either way so whatever.


>I'd say your kind, the ones that want the site to be a everyday anime image-board are the lesser minority, it isn't that kind of site, even Tohno who you love quoting like he is fucking Jesus said the site is niche meaning it is definitely not for everybody in the world who is interested in anime.

I fail to see how it changes his stance about who is welcome around here and who isn't.
Or rather, it's about what kind of content is welcome around here and what isn't.
I disagree with Tohno on shittons of different things but I'm glad he's smart enough to realize the site desperately needs quality content and it doesn't matter who it comes from.

>What if weebs start coming up, what about cosplayers, and maybe people hate anime and just come for the vidyo gaymes, then normals coming onto the site will become a problem, and you will have people advertising all over 4chan how cool it is here and so long that you quality post you are welcome.

Again, as long as they post quality content the pleasure is all mine. Weebs? Sure. Cosplayers? Bring it on. People who hate anime but love games? No problem.
The only theoretical issue would be the overall board speed but I don't even feel like discussing this since it won't ever happen either way. You don't seem to realize why people post on 4chan in the first place.

>He thinks this site should be all about quality image-board posting, why should it matter if women suck or not?

Discussing misogyny gets old fast, I thought we kind of agreed to stop brining it up. So yeah I kind of see his point and kind of agree. Doesn't mean he's allowed to post whatever he wants to, though, but that's what rules and moderation are for. If he doesn't like it, well, to put it simply he can fuck off.

>because 4chan is so shitty these days people will make do with anything

Look, you still don't seem to realize that that's the exact reason why this site even exists. Because 4chan got too shitty. People were trolling waifu threads into oblivion and that's the result. (Actually it's not just waifu threads, absolutely everything on the board was trolled to hell and back in Trolladora/Bakegore days but I digress.)
I don't have much of an idea how many people came here because of that reason but it's not just one or two guys. If anything, I'd expect it to be like half the userbase.
>> No. 4262 [Edit]
>I did. He was charmingly naive and idealistic but I didn't see anything that made him sound like he's 'pro relationships'.
I'd have to disagree here, it seemed to me like s/he was making a case as to why introverted guys shouldn't give up on 3Ds.

>You don't need to be a hikki NEET to be considered 'unnormal' so to speak.
No, I understand that. Maybe the term I mean to use should be "hikikomori" instead of "NEET", since I know circumstances require some people here to work or attend college/university. Yet I'd still think a good third of the population, at least, is comprised of bona fide NEETs.

>Cosplayers? Bring it on.
I do hope you're not endorsing cosplayers coming here and posting pictures of themselves with that statement...

>Discussing misogyny gets old fast
If I might interject, most "misogyny" on TC isn't even misogyny, but a very small portion of the userbase will always inflate it way out of proportion and start a shitstorm out of it- just because somebody said they wouldn't be happy with a 3D girl or something. From what I can tell, most of the userbase here would prefer that females simply left them alone.

Post edited on 15th Aug 2013, 2:31pm
>> No. 4263 [Edit]
Since you think Tohno is Jesus I'm pretty sure he wouldn't care to much for a lot of the things you said, and I know he won't ever allow cosplay, and would nuke the place if people started posting Ford Driver shit openly (which doesn't seem to be something that will happen for now because most Ford Drivers aren't as stupid as you and realize they aren't welcome here) You're basically saying 'no that's not true' to everything I say without ever giving valid reasons why and occasionally misquoting something Tohno said and meant a bit differently, yes he doesn't mind if normals lurk in the shadows but that's only because it can't be helped, as he said you can't install a lie detector to test every newcomer. He has stated if they make themselves apparent he will ban them and no not just for your quality, I think me and him have a more or less equal hate for 3D and Ford Drivers but he usually tends to go down the 'it can't be helped' route for minor things that like I mentioned are more or less unavoidable (but frustrating to me)

But seriously enough about him, I'll wrap up the main point again so you can counter with the same shit again, this site is niche, normals aren't welcome, this isn't a place for people who feel 4chan is not quality enough, it's called otaku hiki organization for a reason, there is a reason everyone flips out when somebody posts Ford Driver shit or 3D, it has nothing to do with quality, since when does posting an image of a real girl doing nothing bad count as 'bad quality?' that's just our niche popular opinion of real women being unwanted things. Sure a lot of people vary on the scale of 'I only love 2D and have no romantic interest in women but I don't hate them - to full blown women are all shit and I hate them' but in the end we all come from the same general agreement of those kinds of stuff.

NICHE is the fucking keyword here sherlock, your messiah said it, I'm saying it, a lot of people would agree, this site is meant for a niche userbase and NOT for just anybody who is willing to discuss anime and things. There is a reason this place is so small, because our kind is hard to find and while your kind may be occasionally attracted to the prospers of a new chan they soon realize this is not 7chan or some leveled up 4chan, yes it acts like 4chan in terms of layout, and most of us bunch are from 4chan because well the nutter otaku are always in /a/ aren't they best place to find waifubros and the like, but that doesn't mean just anybody is welcome and that this is 8chan or something.
>> No. 4264 [Edit]

>I'd have to disagree here, it seemed to me like s/he was making a case as to why introverted guys shouldn't give up on 3Ds.

I really don't see that in his posts but maybe it's just a matter of perspective.

>Yet I'd still think a good third of the population, at least, is comprised of bona fide NEETs.

I guess I could live with 'a third'. I honestly doubt it's more than that, though.

>I do hope you're not endorsing cosplayers coming here and posting pictures of themselves with that statement...

I'm endorsing cosplayers coming over here and bringing quality content with them. 3D shit is not among that and it's pretty much forbidden by the rules either way (it'll get 'report bombed' should it ever get posted so yeah).

>If I might interject, most "misogyny" on TC isn't even misogyny, but a very small portion of the userbase will always inflate it way out of proportion and start a shitstorm out of it

Nah, I think /tc/ is actually very misogynistic by nature but it doesn't mean we should bring it up time and time again. Don't shit where you eat.


>Since you think Tohno is Jesus


>I'm pretty sure he wouldn't care to much for a lot of the things you said

Maybe in private, yeah. His official stance on the matter is a different issue.
You yourself brought up how you talk with him regularly and yet you don't seem to know him. Tohno will complain about it in his passive aggresive way 24/7 but he won't ever take action. In a way I'm kinda grateful for that since most of his 'management' decisions are - in my opinion - wise but sometimes I wish he would simply do as he pleases.

Now that I think about it it's pretty much Natsume 2.0.

>and occasionally misquoting something Tohno said and meant a bit differently

No, that's exactly what he meant. And he said it time and time again. 3D shit needs to stay out of /tc/ but quality content is welcome. Who posts it is a non-issue.

>He has stated if they make themselves apparent he will ban them

Good, that's the way it should be.

>so you can counter with the same shit again,

Oh boy, you sure do bring a tons of new refreshing arguments with your each post.

>since when does posting an image of a real girl doing nothing bad count as 'bad quality?'

Ever since it was forbidden by the rules.

>your kind


Either way I don't plan to reply to your posts anymore, you lack any manners whatsoever and you get more aggressive with each post. Clearly you don't have any intention of discussing stuff peacefully and you don't know shit about 'taking it easy'. As such as far as I'm concerned it's 'your kind' that ruined this site.
>> No. 4265 [Edit]

>Oh boy, you sure do bring a tons of new refreshing arguments with your each post.

That's true I'm not much better. And you seem to think I am aggressively attacking you I'm trying to handle this as civilized as possible, I actually put effort into writing these walls of text instead of quitting the argument like a 3 year old because someone said something mean, and I am not specifically referencing how you said you wouldn't reply to me anymore (although that is silly) but simply stating this is something I could have done out of frustration but gritted my teeth and went back for more, because this means a whole fucking lot to me. I understand that I become easily frustrated when I try to escape normals and they follow me here, after running first from real life to 4chan to /a/ to /jp/ and finally here, but it's not like I'm red with rage either, I'm simply annoyed at times is all, and more commonly depressed at finding no place to run but whatever this isn't /so/.

>Tohno will complain about it in his passive aggresive way 24/7 but he won't ever take action.

That's what I said see:

>but he usually tends to go down the 'it can't be helped' route

and so on...

>Ever since it was forbidden by the rules.

I'm pretty sure the rules were set in place so people like us wouldn't have to see that shit. I highly doubt such a rule as 'no pictures of real women' would be created just for the purpose of creating it, if the site were made for everyone, what's the purpose of making a rule that panders to a smaller minority? You see where I'm going with this...

What is your definition of quality anyway? Quality usually refers to clean writing, no shitposting, things like healthy discussions. The standard chan usage of quality is a very uptight and elitist term at times, i.e super correct spelling and grammar, every post needs to be original and insightful, etc. But T-C is chockfull of blogging, circlejerking, whining, bitching, people posting opinions for no reason, people simply talking with each other. Wouldn't it be wrong to only ban content that offends us (Ford Driver blogging) but more or less allow people to blog about their waifus, have a daily report thread on /ot/ or have a whole fucking board dedicated to whining and ranting about our hiki lives? Most channers consider this kind of stuff bad quality. And yet you go on about taking it easy.

You keep dodging this but I keep saying: Based on tons of posts and things I have read, popular opinion generally is more or less what I am saying, that normals should fuck off and that this site is wait for it, niche . Another thing you didn't bother to reply to this time was all the stuff I repeated over and over again about the niche stuff. If you are wanting to quote Jesus again ( sigh ) then he said the exact same thing, (except he spelled it nitch) so you can't say he doesn't agree about the nitch thing, and I understand that he says one thing in private but avoids saying it on the board, but I also don't try to use him as a argument winning weapon, and ironically the very reason he avoids stating his opinions with his trip is because apparently every time this happens, i.e people quote what he said to win arguments, which up till now I've tried to avoid doing, but in this past few posts I've done a little mainly to prove a point to you since you kept mentioning him like referencing something he said is like having your post signed by God him(her)self.

With the nitch thing in mind, unlike what you are saying, this site is meant for a certain demographic, not everybody. I'm not trying to insult you or anything but the fact that popular opinion and niche userbase is an important thing here is a fact which completely contradicts your statements of 'anybody can join so long that they quality post'

I see now though something I didn't notice before though, your definition of quality seems to basically be summed up to simply following the rules. What's the point of people here following the rules if they are just wearing masks? Why should a bunch of Ford Drivers lie about not being into 3D just to follow the rules and not get banned? Are they that desperate to escape 4chan? There are tons of other alternatives, ota for taking it easy and FUn, wizardchan if you don't like anime but are still into the virgin thing (but I guess wizardchan is also for everybody, amiright), even fucking tokiko has his own chan. It's like people are attracted like magnets to places they won't be accepted in. And don't say they will be accepted, while you may be saying you welcome everyone with open arms most of the userbase will indeed get mad when Ford Drivers announce themselves. So I think unless somehow massive advertising happens the site is just going to stay like this, most people hating on Ford Drivers and all that, then a few people saying it shouldn't be like that let's welcome everybody (only for people like me to argue against it until it continues in a depressing circle), and another small portion who are Ford Drivers and either blend in and live sad lives of fooling a niche community or make themselves apparent and get banned. This comes back to the main point yet again, yes that word of the month *trumpets* NICHE , this site was created with a certain group of people in mind, not just anybody with quality, and it should stay that way.

I am well aware of how taking it easy was a huge thing back then but I think 1: Your strict rule following code for quality posting sort of contradicts the taking it easy thing, with taking it easy in mind I usually think to /ota/ esque boards with do whatever mentality going on and 2: I've heard stories of how Ford Drivers would come here in the past and everyone would flip their shit too, even worse actually, so acting like the past was some 420 weed chill zone is most likely over exaggerated, I'm sure the fact that at the time it was even more................. niche......... helped a lot with people getting along better, considering the smaller the userbase the higher chance of people knowing each other better and generally agreeing on certain things being higher.

Post edited on 16th Aug 2013, 12:35pm
>> No. 4268 [Edit]

>you seem to think I am aggressively attacking you I'm trying to handle this as civilized as possible

Not really, you're taking jabs at me whenever possible.

>instead of quitting the argument like a 3 year old because someone said something mean

Haha, honestly laughed out loud. I reply to posts as I read them so I had no idea this was coming. It's like I'm some prophet.

It's a shame you don't realize that stuff like this does nothing to improve your credibility and certainly doesn't help to create an atmosphere of proper discussion. If I want to just throw insults and quality ad hominems I can do it anywhere on the internet without putting any thought or effort into it.

>I'm pretty sure the rules were set in place so people like us wouldn't have to see that shit.

Which is precisely what I said. No idea what you're trying to say here.

>if the site were made for everyone, what's the purpose of making a rule that panders to a smaller minority? You see where I'm going with this...

Just because a site was made for a minority it doesn't mean you have to automatically murder all 'outsiders'.

>What is your definition of quality anyway? Quality usually refers to clean writing, no shitposting, things like healthy discussions.

Pretty much. In-depth, well-thought out posts that others might like to see (not always but this is usually the case). Basically more or less what /so/ used to look like ~2-2,5 years ago.

>super correct spelling and grammar

Doesn't hurt. It's 2013, you can have your browser pretty much correct all your mistakes should you ever make any. Proper grammar, spelling, spacing (paragraphs) all make the posts easier to read and understand. You should be willing to put in at least that much effort (again, it's really not much if the browser can do it for you).

>every post needs to be original and insightful

That would be amazing but it's pure utopia.

>But T-C is chockfull of blogging, circlejerking, whining, bitching

Pretty much exclusively a /so/ thing, and not even /so/ but current /so/. It really used to be much better (before being much worse to be perfectly fair).

>Wouldn't it be wrong to only ban content that offends us (Ford Driver blogging) but more or less allow people to blog about their waifus, have a daily report thread on /ot/ or have a whole fucking board dedicated to whining and ranting about our hiki lives?

Not really. Or maybe it would but that's the rules we have around here.

Not that I'm interested in blogs (which is why I don't spend much time on /so/ these days, never bothered with the daily report thread either).

>Most channers consider this kind of stuff bad quality.

And I should care because?

>You keep dodging this but I keep saying: Based on tons of posts and things I have read, popular opinion generally is more or less what I am saying, that normals should fuck off and that this site is wait for it, niche.

You keep dodging it but I keep saying: based on what I read Tohno doesn't plan to create active witchhunts to weed out normals and doesn't care about them as long as they post quality content.

/tc/ is not some kind of democratic board. If we would get stormed by people who would suddenly demand we should delete /mai/ it wouldn't get deleted; they would simply get banned. Popular opinion has nothing to do with this.

> If you are wanting to quote Jesus again then he said the exact same thing,

No he didn't. I can find and quote Tohno saying he doesn't mind quality content (I'm gonna start calling it that from now on because you seem to be missing the point) but I doubt you could find any posts where he claims he's about to start a witchhunt.

>people quote what he said to win arguments

There's no winning or losing in discussions, you need to get rid of that mentality ASAP. Leave that stuff to kids who are ~12.

>like referencing something he said is like having your post signed by God him(her)self

Technically it kinda is. It's his site. 'Tohno said it, I believe it, that settles it.' He can do as he pleases and doesn't have to give a shit about anybody's opinion.

>unlike what you are saying, this site is meant for a certain demographic, not everybody

I don't remember saying that. I remember saying I'd take quality content from anybody, though.

>the fact that popular opinion and niche userbase is an important thing here is a fact

No it's not, you don't seem to realize what 'fact' means.
Here's a fact to make it easier: Tohno can do as he pleases because it's his site and popular opinion doesn't have anything to do with it.

>Why should a bunch of Ford Drivers lie about not being into 3D just to follow the rules and not get banned?

Selifish interests. They want quality discussion. They won't find it on 4chan. (Sadly, I don't think they will find it here either.)

>ota for taking it easy and FUn

/ota/ makes /a/ look sophisticated.

>And don't say they will be accepted, while you may be saying you welcome everyone with open arms most of the userbase will indeed get mad when Ford Drivers announce themselves.

When they'll announce themselves they should be banned on sight, saying you're a Ford Driver is against the rules.

>1: Your strict rule following code for quality posting sort of contradicts the taking it easy thing

Yeah, sure, who needs rules when we could be taking it easy in an environment of epik maymays, rampant shitposting and 3D shit.
Rules are precisely what makes it possible for people like me to take it easy. I can relax because I know I won't find any content that would offend me (or it'll get deleted in a manner of minutes).

>2: I've heard stories of how Ford Drivers would come here in the past

Aside from regular Finnish raids we had like what, 3 of those (over the course of 3 years)? The only one I remember right now is the promguy.

>so acting like the past was some 420 weed chill zone is most likely over exaggerated

It's sad that you're genuinely trying to argue about a site you seemingly haven't ever seen.
/so/ was a cesspool back in the day. Worse yet, as was the case with the beforementioned dating site thread (which started with some guy saying they might be worth giving a try and others agreeing) it was pretty obvious that the board is filled with wannabe normals who chose 2D not because they prefer it but because they had to settle for it (and they'd drop it the second they would see a chance of a relationship with some 3D whore). Absolutely disgusting.

>helped a lot with people getting along better, considering the smaller the userbase the higher chance of people knowing each other better

The fact that everybody was using their trip was pretty important, too. Makes circlejerking that much easier.
>> No. 4269 [Edit]
I never said I wanted a witchhunt, only that Ford Drivers should leave. If they hide there is not much we can do about except for to show them they aren't welcome here by stating normals will be banned and all the usual stuff, usually scaring them off, but if they show themselves they will get bashed and even banned

You're the one saying everyone is welcome, everyone is not welcome, if they are found out to be Ford Drivers they should leave, sure sometimes they lie and say they aren't what they are but those are lies it can't be helped. I'm not saying to hunt them done but deal with the ones that can be dealt with and not encourage others to join, i.e try to keep the site niche.

In reply to you poking fun at the bit where I said leaving like a 3 year old etc, I was referring to myself not you, even if you did say you wouldn't reply that was not what I was referring to. Read the whole post before replying.

>Rules are precisely what makes it possible for people like me to take it easy. I can relax because I know I won't find any content that would offend me

You realize what offends one person doesn't offend the next person but this might offend that person but not this one etc? That's why a site having a small userbase and being niche works, because everyone agrees 3D is shit, everyone relaxes, neeto. 4chan doesn't work because fucking everyone joins and too many people equals too many different levels of opinions and things people want.

> I can find and quote Tohno saying he doesn't mind quality content

Who said I don't want quality content, I just don't think that is the main focus of this site, it is called hiki otaku organisation not top quality image-board organisation.

>When they'll announce themselves they should be banned on sight, saying you're a Ford Driver is against the rules.


> (Sadly, I don't think they will find it here either.)

So what are you going on about?

>I don't remember saying that. I remember saying I'd take quality content from anybody, though.

I think it is a problem when more and more normals come and act like they aren't normal just to fit in, and then the site at some point possibly stops being niche. But most the mods claim this won't happen and that the site will continue this balance of most the userbase agreeing and you having a few normies here and there pretending to fit in, then occasionally one makes himself apparent and gets banned, and so on. The best thing is that the userbase is vocal, if someone posts Ford Driver shit he is immediately told off, which is a good thing. So when you got all these people from 4chan being told this is the next 4chan 4chan is dead come here blabla they come here and are told off, a good portion of them usually realize this isn't the place for them.

Post edited on 16th Aug 2013, 2:07pm
>> No. 4270 [Edit]

>I never said I wanted a witchhunt, only that Ford Drivers should leave.

I genuinely fail to see the difference.

>You're the one saying everyone is welcome, everyone is not welcome,

I'm saying quality content is welcome. Who brings it is a non-issue. Doesn't change th fact that stating you're a Ford Driver is against the rules and a bannable offence.

>So what are you going on about?

My heartfelt wishes, even if they are but a dream. /tc/ is still better than 4chan either way so there's always that to consider.

>a good portion of them usually realize this isn't the place for them

>> No. 4283 [Edit]
epic metathread
>> No. 4285 [Edit]
Check which board you're on.

Post edited on 24th Aug 2013, 3:03am
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