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File 137142196856.jpg - (24.09KB , 452x102 , zen.jpg )
3990 No. 3990 [Edit]
I combined two epic memes to create this banner.
I think there was the possibility that people may have liked the banner, but that I substantially reduced that possibility by pointing out the epic memes.
do you think you might have liked this banner if I didn't mention the epic memes?
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>> No. 3991 [Edit]
I would also like to point out that I didn't mean to post this in the banner thread, but forgot to his the quickreply button.
I thought that more than two people might reply to my query and I thought that burying the image after the 3rd reply might cut down on the overall total number of replies.
>> No. 3994 [Edit]
I think this isn't the best way to get data for your psychology masters thesis.
>> No. 3999 [Edit]
you're actually not in a position to make that judgement unless you are a fairly experienced professor of psychology who has a track record of getting masters degrees for his/her graduate students.
furthermore, if that were the case then you're probably trying to sabotage an academic competitors research in hopes of gaining the inside track to next year's grant money.
>> No. 4009 [Edit]
I like it, I think its funny
>> No. 4093 [Edit]
File 137224640144.png - (98.28KB , 452x102 , planet xen.png )
I added another epic meme(pronounced meem)
Can any /o/ goers tell me if I did it right?
I dont go there too much.
P.S. there another hidden meme
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