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File 137055640918.png - (302.48KB , 853x1200 , 1362262100583.png )
3965 No. 3965 [Edit]
since guro is not allowed, can someone tell me whats the difference between guro and "abuse" so that I can post the latter without getting b&?
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>> No. 3966 [Edit]
Tying someone up and hammering nails into someone's wrists should count as guro.

I'd say a simple way of telling if it's guro or abuse would be to ask yourself if it would leave scars. for example slapping or punching someone would only leave temporary brushes. Abuse would be something someone could easily recover from. You can recover from getting beat up, but not having body parts removed. That's not to imply you can't torture people without shedding blood. water boarding is a form of torture, but I think that may fall more into the philological area of torture and not really count as guro. Blood seems like the logical path, ie if you see blood it's probably guro. but since people can bleed from their nose for no reason or a lose of virginity or a scraped knee it's not the best way to define guro.

On a side note I'd like to ask. What the fuck is it with you guys and guro lately? Almost no one ever posted or talked about that shit before recently when we had to put the rule in place. Are you the people from ota that invaded or something? seriously, we never had to put up with this shit before these last few weeks.
>> No. 3967 [Edit]
Recall the feminism thread? If there's controversial arguing with personal investment to be done, you bet people won't pass on the chance. Except this time it looks like it's just 2 morons having an internet fight to the death for the most part.

For something on-topic, didn't guro specifically refer to the porn? Certainly there can be gore that is not guro porn, which is also banned by the looks of it, as that's what the cited Madoka ep3 example would be. So the question is: what is the difference between abuse, and gore and guro?
>> No. 3968 [Edit]
Is arguing about guro with tohno a bannable offense? It looks like that's what the visibly banned poster was shafted for. Might want to add that to the rules if that's the case.
>> No. 3969 [Edit]
You can thank shinden for that one.
>> No. 3971 [Edit]
File 137065890326.jpg - (77.15KB , 308x481 , aYLgX.jpg )
The poster was arguing with me about something that was completely false, and was making slanderous accusations against me.

I went into the deleted threads backlog and actually looked at the thread in question. Thread >12372 on /so/ had this image in it, which does not constitute guro. I triple-spoilered a description of what the image was, and another person decided it would be funny to spam the thread with the picture I was talking about.

The kid I banned was banned because he accused me of saving an image I absolutely abhorred, and said it was typical of me.

You can ask anyone else who has access to the management page.
>> No. 4100 [Edit]

>On a side note I'd like to ask. What the fuck is it with you guys and guro lately?

It wasn't about guro, but about the principles at hand. I think the arguments presented for that side were better backed logically than the "anti-guro" side.

>You can ask anyone else who has access to the management page.
But you're all close friends, outright bans like that for fringe things like someone insulting you is going to step on toes and cause a loss of trust. Just the same, you did not ban posters when they insulted other posters in that very thread. Only when you were personally offended.
>> No. 4125 [Edit]
That poster (I take it it was you?) was making personal attacks, and would not relinquish a dead-wrong ass-headed argument for the fucking life of him, no matter what objective information I gave him. Don't need that shit here.
>> No. 4126 [Edit]

Didn't see any 'objective information', just opinions.
>> No. 4130 [Edit]
Calling sound arguments 'opinions' doesn't make your own flawed arguments any better. You're siding with a person that spammed guro, essentially, to be an 'epik trawl' and force his fetish down everyone's throat for no reason at all. This is despite the fact that /so/ isn't even a porn board. And then, when he's called out on it, he cries "persecution" and starts ranting about people that like lolicon even though nobody posts it here and not a single person besides him even mentioned it. Guro doesn't bother me personally, but that guy was flat out fucking stupid.

Yet you're going to sit here with a straight face and tell me that the guro side had the more "logical" arguments? As I recall there was one guy against guro that made some crackpot theories about 2D girls being physically hurt somehow, and I'm sure you're cherry-picking that one argument out of the dozens offered to make your points...but that really doesn't give you or your position much credibility. In actuality, I'd wager that there's a good chance that you're the very same 'guro guy' that got banned numerous times and kept coming back to spam after a quick IP change.
>> No. 4131 [Edit]

>You're siding with a person that spammed guro, essentially, to be an 'epik trawl' and force his fetish down everyone's throat for no reason at all.

You're thinking of two different people. The one >>4100 meant was the one that kept saying guro is sick.

>not a single person besides him even mentioned it.

This is not true.

>Guro doesn't bother me personally, but that guy was flat out fucking stupid.

Maybe but I don't see how that's banworthy.

>In actuality, I'd wager that there's a good chance that you're the very same 'guro guy' that got banned numerous times and kept coming back to spam after a quick IP change.

Ah, my bad. I have a terrible habit of responding to posts as I read them. Had I known you'd throw an ad hominem at the end I wouldn't have tried to actually discuss this matter in the first place. Well, whatever.
>> No. 4132 [Edit]
>This is not true.

It is true, asshat. Go into the locked thread and find one person that brought it up before he started flipping shit about it. People calling him out for bringing it up when it has nothing to do with guro at all =/= people posting lolicon.

>Maybe but I don't see how that's banworthy.

That's not the part he was banned for. I assume he was banned for trolling and posting porn in a SFW board.

>Ah, my bad. I have a terrible habit of responding to posts as I read them. Had I known you'd throw an ad hominem at the end I wouldn't have tried to actually discuss this matter in the first place. Well, whatever.
If that was true, you would have deleted your reply instead of posting anyway and throwing this passive-aggressive bullshit in with your post. Also, I don't think you understand what an ad hominem is.
>> No. 4134 [Edit]

>It is true, asshat. Go into the locked thread and find one person that brought it up before he started flipping shit about it.

Calling me an asshat doesn't really help your case. Here are the posts that mentioned loli before he did:


Maybe next time before telling me to read the thread you could read it yourself.

>I assume he was banned for trolling and posting porn in a SFW board.

Again, you're thinking of two different people.

>If that was true, you would have deleted your reply instead of posting anyway and throwing this passive-aggressive bullshit in with your post. Also, I don't think you understand what an ad hominem is.

Actually it is true, it's just that deleting all of it seemed like a waste.
I'm pretty sure saying 'then again your opinion doesn't matter because you're just some guy who spammed guro' is a bona fide ad hominem.
>> No. 4136 [Edit]
>Here are the posts that mentioned loli before he did:
Of those, only the first two posted before one of those two started bitching about their moral guro = loli shit.

>Again, you're thinking of two different people.
No, I'm not. I'm pretty sure the guy you're referencing is the one that was responsible for the spamming, since the other guy dropped out before Shinden got involved. He stopped spamming after being banned a couple of times and stuck around to argue, but I'd argue that both of them could be banned for trolling regardless. It had nothing to do with the thread and there was no reason to bring it up.

>I'm pretty sure saying 'then again your opinion doesn't matter because you're just some guy who spammed guro' is a bona fide ad hominem.
Where the hell did I say "your opinion doesn't matter"? Oh, that's right. I didn't. You just made that part up to use as ammunition for your baseless arguments.
>> No. 4137 [Edit]

>Of those, only the first two posted before one of those two started bitching about their moral guro = loli shit.

You'll have to rephrase this, I don't unserstand what you're saying.

>No, I'm not. I'm pretty sure the guy you're referencing is the one that was responsible for the spamming, since the other guy dropped out before Shinden got involved.

Well, I'm afraid this argument won't go anywhere since you're guessing as much as I do. It seems reasonable to assume those two (or more) are completely different people since their posting styles are different and their arguments aren't externally coherent.

>He stopped spamming after being banned a couple of times and stuck around to argue, but I'd argue that both of them could be banned for trolling regardless.

Pretty sad how stating your opinion can get you banned.

>It had nothing to do with the thread and there was no reason to bring it up.

The first person who brought it up is neither of those two, it's someone else entirely:
>I said this in the other thread too, hating people for having weird fetishes would be stupid of us, considering the fact that most of us probably like loli.

As far as I can see they joined the discussion after loli has been namedropped multiple times already. Their stances are reactionary.

>Where the hell did I say "your opinion doesn't matter"?

Wait, do you need to outright state that now instead of openly implying that?
>In actuality, I'd wager that there's a good chance that you're the very same 'guro guy'

Name one logicial reason for bringing that up besides trying to discredit me.

>You just made that part up to use as ammunition for your baseless arguments.

Nice projection, makes me wonder whether you're doing it on purpose or whether you don't even realize it yourself.
>> No. 4138 [Edit]
>You'll have to rephrase this, I don't unserstand what you're saying.
To be fair, I could have worded that loli thing better in the first place; what I meant to say was that nobody said loli was "better than guro" or anything until >>14645 (apparently inadvertently) started the shitstorm and mentioned that loli was the moral equivalent of guro. Criticizing those two people for simply having their opinions (which is disliking guro) would be highly hypocritical; they didn't say that loli was better or more morally correct. The quote you brought up even shows that they're aware of that. The pro-guro people flying off the handle about lolicon was completely unnecessary, and they stuck on it for far too long for no damn reason.

>Well, I'm afraid this argument won't go anywhere since you're guessing as much as I do. It seems reasonable to assume those two (or more) are completely different people since their posting styles are different and their arguments aren't externally coherent.
Fair enough.

>Pretty sad how stating your opinion can get you banned.
Setting aside the fact that the entire thing was incredibly off-topic, there's a difference between simply stating your opinion and repeatedly bashing people for not having the same fetish as you do. I wish I could say the guy was just defending his views, but he was going far beyond that and attacking people that didn't have the same sexual views. He KNEW that guro bothered a lot of people there, but continued to insist what seemed like borderline 'converting' people to it, instead of being respectful to it and dropping the damn subject. He really should have just left it at "different strokes, different folks" and moved on. The fact that he just kept coming back and saying shit like 'come on man, they're not real, why does it bother you to see a 2D girl hacked up by a buzzsaw' is what I think qualifies it as trolling.

>Name one logicial reason for bringing that up besides trying to discredit me.
It was a simple observation. You're reading way too far into it. If I wanted to launch a simple ad hominem, I wouldn't have bothered to type anything with it at all. I would have just typed the ad hominem alone. Gotta stop assuming.

>Nice projection
What am I making up here, homes?
>> No. 4139 [Edit]
I'm the guy who originally brought up the guro thing.(I asked the OP if people really consider guro an art, then mentioned that even though it makes me sick we shouldn't insult people with that fetish) What I meant was we shouldn't criticize any people with weird fetishes regardless of how bad it is, since a fetish can be like an addiction and usually can't be helped. I was not saying loli is the equivalent of guro. I think people are really desensitized to violence and yes I find ripping out inner organs, eating someone alive and finding it funny, or getting off to the pain and suffering of a fictional character disturbing. But, BUT, BUT, BUT, I am not hating on the people who like it either. If you like that shit I have no right to play holier than thou and say not to like it, I'm also human and therefore have that darker side to me. All I was saying was guro can bring people to vomiting crying or even disturb them so please don't post it for everyone to see, go fap to it in private. No one posts loli either, it's also not allowed, so it's fair you have no right to complain. But then one person, in response to the vomitting thing, decides to spam guro for that exact reason, only increasing my hate for these people.

Regardless of all of this guro and loli are both not allowed anywhere on the site deal with it and stop throwing a fit, no use arguing about it and spouting out psychological terms like ad hominem and projecting to appear intelligent.
>> No. 4140 [Edit]

>what I meant to say was that nobody said loli was "better than guro" or anything until >>14645 started the shitstorm and mentioned that loli was the moral equivalent of guro

Wrong. >>14272 said

>loli fetish should be OK considering the fact that a ton of people here are bound to like it. Gore on the other hand, yeah it doesn't belong here. I do agree though that a lot of people who look at gore/guro don't do it because of fetishes but to shock people and make themselves feel cool and tough.

Thus starting the whole affair.

>Criticizing those two people for simply having their opinions (which is disliking guro) would be highly hypocritical;

The hypocrisy lies within trying to ostracize people for their fetishes and trying to turn them into monster even though they have a fetish that is also deemed unacceptable by the vast majority.

>they didn't say that loli was better or more morally correct.

>>14272 did. Judging by posting styles at least three differnet people also repeat the same thing; that you simply can't compare guro with loli because one is sick and wrong while the other is awesome and a Godsend.

You try to claim those guro guys started the whole shitstorm by not only bringing up loli but also saying guro is in no way worse but it's the exact opposite - somebody else brought up loli and somebody else threw the first stone by saying loli is fine and guro is not.

>, there's a difference between simply stating your opinion and repeatedly bashing people for not having the same fetish as you do

Why not ban the loli crowd then? I mean, they kept bashing people for liking guro while they don't (how dare they like something I despise!) and again, it's them who started it. Afterwards they kept it going just in the same way the guro crowd did, making a distinction at that point would be unfair to both parties.

>but he was going far beyond that and attacking people that didn't have the same sexual views

He did but I can sympathize with him because he was attacked first. Nobody seems to care, though.

>He really should have just left it at "different strokes, different folks" and moved on.

You make is sound as if the loli crowd said 'I understand and respect your opinion but I disagree' or something of the sort. It's pretty sad he has to let it go just because he represents a less popular opinion while the majority is entitled to saying whatever they please.

>It was a simple observation. You're reading way too far into it.

I find that hard to believe, because, again, bringing it up served no other purpose besides that from what I can see.

>What am I making up here, homes?

You throw an ad hominem, get called out on it and try to pretend it's the other party which presents 'baseless arguments'.


>What I meant was we shouldn't criticize any people with weird fetishes regardless of how bad it is, since a fetish can be like an addiction and usually can't be helped.

Just about the first reasonable thing I read in this whole argument.

>spouting out psychological terms like ad hominem and projecting to appear intelligent

Uhm, everybody and their mom knows what an ad hominem or projection is; those two are pretty bad choice when it comes to showing off.
>> No. 4141 [Edit]
>everybody and their mom knows what an ad hominem or projection
Only in places like this where they've become overused buzzwords.
>> No. 4142 [Edit]
>Thus starting the whole affair.
Says who? You? He was just explaining his reasoning behind disliking guro. And lo and behold, people started spamming guro just to troll the people that got physically ill from seeing it. He wasn't far off the mark at all. In fact, he hit the nail on the head.

>one is sick and wrong while the other is awesome and a Godsend.
Who called loli "awesome and a Godsend"? You keep making up fake things nobody said or even implied to use in your arguments. I think the point was that loli didn't make anyone literally sick, not that it was "acceptable to modern society" or some such nonsense. Nobody here gives a flying shit about that except you.

>somebody else brought up loli and somebody else threw the first stone by saying loli is fine and guro is not.
>Why not ban the loli crowd then? I mean, they kept bashing people for liking guro while they don't (how dare they like something I despise!) and again, it's them who started it. Afterwards they kept it going just in the same way the guro crowd did, making a distinction at that point would be unfair to both parties.
I guess you missed the fact that posting loli has been a bannable offense for long before that thread existed. And this

>how dare they like something I despise!
Was more like "how dare you hate something I like!" from the guro crowd more than anything else.

>I find that hard to believe, because, again, bringing it up served no other purpose besides that from what I can see.
I don't know, maybe getting you to drop this shit already? That thread was a long time ago and you're still on about it.

>You throw an ad hominem, get called out on it and try to pretend it's the other party which presents 'baseless arguments'.
My using what you call an 'ad hominem' doesn't render your flawed arguments any less flawed. They aren't connected in any way. What you're basically saying here is "you offended me along with your argument, so my counterargument is automatically valid." I don't even understand how you can fail to understand logic on such a basic level.

>Just about the first reasonable thing I read in this whole argument.
Hopefully you find it reasonable enough to consider.

I'll let you get the last words in. The short version of my point is that the "loli side" didn't break the rules, spam porn, and continue badgering everyone with a 'we're not leaving until you like our fetish' mentality. I think the people banned there had every right to be banned.
>> No. 4145 [Edit]

>Says who? You? He was just explaining his reasoning behind disliking guro.

And? Who ended up bringing up loli in the first place? I thought 'not a single person besides him even mentioned it' and that he kept bringing it up despite the fact that everyone tried to end the discussion right there.

>And lo and behold, people started spamming guro just to troll the people that got physically ill from seeing it. He wasn't far off the mark at all. In fact, he hit the nail on the head.

I'll repeat this for the last time and I'm giving up - you're thinking of different people. I've said it a number of times and you keep ignoring it.

>Who called loli "awesome and a Godsend"? You keep making up fake things nobody said or even implied to use in your arguments.

I have no freaking idea what you're trying to do here. That thread is FULL of comments like that and you claim they don't exist. To be perfecly honest I'm flabberghasted.

>I feel warm, fuzzy, nice, and you could almost say a feeling of love with loli. From what I understand guro gives you a feeling of dominance and sadistic pleasure.

Is pretending '[x] doesn't exist' and trying to state things like 'no, it's cleary [y] who started it' when you know it's the exact opposite that much fun?

>I think the point was that loli didn't make anyone literally sick, not that it was "acceptable to modern society" or some such nonsense.

Wow, we're finally getting somewhere. So let me confirm this, you admit that the reasoning here is 'loli is okay because I like it, guro is sick because I don't'?

>I guess you missed the fact that posting loli has been a bannable offense for long before that thread existed.

How is this even related to this discussion?

>Was more like "how dare you hate something I like!" from the guro crowd more than anything else.

And who was it that threw the first stone?

>What you're basically saying here is "you offended me along with your argument, so my counterargument is automatically valid."

Are you trying to stuff this in my mouth or something? I called an ad hominem exactly that and it was in no way related to my other arguments.
Also, newsflash - you might not realize but you actually undermine your believability with each insult you throw around carelessly.

>doesn't render your flawed arguments any less flawed.

Not only do I fail to see how my arguments are flawed, I've got to also point out that what I've seen from you so far is trying to turn a blind eye to facts to the point where I have to question whether you are doing it on purpose. Everytime I bring up something you start saying 'no, this totally didn't happen, stop trying to make things up' before even taking a look at the thread yourself.

>Hopefully you find it reasonable enough to consider.

Would be great if you'd think about it, too, because that's what I've been saying all along.

>The short version of my point is that the "loli side" didn't break the rules, spam porn, and continue badgering everyone with a 'we're not leaving until you like our fetish' mentality.

The short version of my point is that you keep bringing up barely related people. The guy in question didn't break any rules and got banned for representing an unpopular opinion and nothing more. If he would express himself in the exact same way while representing a 'guro is sick and disgusting and loli is cool' stance nobody would give a damn.
>> No. 4146 [Edit]
Isn't every rule on the site based around 'unpopular opinion' on some scale?
Would you be defending him if he was advocating consensual sex with real women and spamming 3dpd porn?
>> No. 4147 [Edit]
The only thing you're saying among all of your bitter, double-standard laiden rambling that has any validity: Wahhh, they called me names first! Just the kind of shit I'd expect from someone that considers themselves to be persecuted over something as retarded as a fetish.

Also, when you tack on a glorified "ur dumb" on to every other sentence you type, you really have no right to cry about anyone else name calling or using ad hominems. Cite your shit by the way, I just checked that thread and didn't see anyone call loli "awesome", a "godsend" or any other such nonsense. You say the thread is quote "FULL" of people saying it, but where are they?

Post edited on 10th Jul 2013, 5:22pm
>> No. 4195 [Edit]
Why is Guro banned anyhow anyone have a link to the archive which led to this precedent? Also why not just give people a general fetish porn? Furfags should still be banned from here however along with 3dpd. I don't hate 3dpd but there's shitloads of websites for that and 4chan has shitloads of JAV fans anyhow.
>> No. 4196 [Edit]
>Why is Guro banned
>Furfags should still be banned

I'm very curious why images of sexualized humanoid animals bothers you more than children being tortured raped mutilated and murdered.
>> No. 4197 [Edit]
Furfags bring with them the horrible parts of the Sonic audience, MLP, and other unwanted things. It's not the content but the drama that surrounds it, which is why I'm wondering why Guro is banned here. There must have been a great shitstorm to cause this.
>> No. 4198 [Edit]
are you implying gurofags don't bring horrible unwanted things?
>> No. 4199 [Edit]
Is Sonic considered furry here? Or just the porn? I'm afraid of starting a Sonic because of the anti-fur sentiment.
>> No. 4200 [Edit]
File 137513693410.png - (144.76KB , 608x451 , over-oh 9-oh mirrion hours-uh ano MS-uh PAINT-OH.png )
Again what did Guro fags do to this place to get so much ire? Was it some troll shoving down his beliefs down someone's throats? Or was it someone getting offended over a drawing/fictional character? Guro fags stick to themselves and their own communities, just look at Gurochan, unless you're a Guro fan or are a crusader against it you don't know of its existence. Furfags however are a different story they infect all things no matter how non related it is.

No idea.
>> No. 4201 [Edit]
You mean like a thread for the games on /vg/? I'm sure that would be fine.

>Was it some troll shoving down his beliefs down someone's throats?
In a nutshell, yes. Though I honestly don't think they were trolling as much as legitimately raging that other people would dare to dislike their fetish.

Actually, I was thinking myself that the people doing it reminded me a lot of furfags. The main case in point being, they became offended because someone said they didn't like guro on a non-porn board, and proceeded to flood the board with it essentially 'until they liked it'. You can find the locked thread sitting on page 2 of the /so/ board still (subject "I hate people"), but with the spam and majority of offending posts deleted, it'll probably be hard to gather everything that went on.

Post edited on 29th Jul 2013, 7:11pm
>> No. 4203 [Edit]

>Again what did Guro fags do to this place to get so much ire? Was it some troll shoving down his beliefs down someone's throats?

Nothing of the sort. Guro was banned since Day 1 because Tohno doesn't like it and doesn't want to see it on /tc/. That settles it.
>> No. 4205 [Edit]
If I banned things just becuase I don't like them and/or don't want to see them on /TC/ this place would be a ghost town.
>> No. 4206 [Edit]
I can actually confirm this is true, usually if it is something he dislikes but it doesn't go against the rules and/or is something that only a couple of people on the imageboard would dislike he ignores it in some way. I actually find it painful to watch him put up with some of the crap he does when has the ability to insta-ban everyone but I respect him for caring that much about the site.

No, guro goes beyond just Tohno being disgusted by it and more so about the fact that it is offensive and sickening to 2D lovers. I don't think you wonderful lovely people realize how much 2D means to the people here, and I guess you can call us batshit insane delusional but fantasy means a whole fucking lot to us and seeing 2D characters we care about, our beloved ones, or cute lolis getting fucking mutilated in explicit horrible ways can make people physically ill and I find it outright repulsing that you guys feel the need to shove your fetish down our throats even knowing all these things. There are other places for this guys, T-C is not one of them. Most the people with a loli fetish don't complain about it not being allowed here and just fap to it on exhentai. Why do you feel the need to have guro on the site? Is that like how dogs piss on their territory or something? Just what the fucking hell...

Post edited on 31st Jul 2013, 11:16am
>> No. 4208 [Edit]
File 137523131871.png - (29.07KB , 940x284 , Why medics suck in FPS.png )
>> Is that like how dogs piss on their territory or something?

Insulting someone's fetish is like insulting your waifu, cut it out. You're really not one to talk, in fact none of us are. Where do you think we are some Ford Driver place like fucking facebook? That said loli is posted here on this site, you have to be delusional to say it's not.

Hell on the front page right now

>>but they're really 1000s of years old demons!!!!

Who happen to have facial neotenic traits only found in prepubescent women and the stylized but still somehow sexualized body of prepubescent women.

But anyhow onwards to address your grievance directly:

The reason some folks want to see guro/loli here is because it means we have somewhere to post about our sick fuck fetish/fantasies and feel at home. That's really all there is to it, the want for a sense of community and understanding. You could say that we can discuss that shit in Exhentai and even have a community there but that's far from the truth once you really think about it. That site despite having floodgates for the risque has people upboat baiting and extensive abuse of emoticons along with people shitting on each other's fetishes.

It's really not the place to do that at all, I think a nice compromise would be to have the Tohno version of /d/. Call it "/sf/ - sick fucks" or something like that, or maybe "boards" for each that are really just a link to Gurochan and a chan for loli. This is for Tohno to decide of course, but I think he really should take these into consideration.

That said I agree that all loli/guro/any fetish talk and posting should be banned from the full vanilla boards. It's not everyone's cup of tea and from the looks of this thread causes a "persecution complex" similar to that of the furfags.
>> No. 4209 [Edit]
>Insulting someone's fetish is like insulting your waifu, cut it out.
Come on man, that doesn't even make sense. It's akin to saying that insulting somebody's family member or close friend is the same as insulting a video game or TV show that they like. Fetishes are very trivial things to get worked up about, and once again a very large reason why people hate furfags and their fandom.

>facial neotenic traits
90% of Japanese art produced in the last two decades is drawn with highly neotenic features. That's really the only loli-like image I see on all of /ns/, and even that's questionable depending on whether or not you include seemingly-teenaged girls as 'loli' or not.

>The reason some folks want to see guro/loli here is because it means we have somewhere to post about our sick fuck fetish/fantasies and feel at home. That's really all there is to it, the want for a sense of community and understanding. You could say that we can discuss that shit in Exhentai and even have a community there but that's far from the truth once you really think about it. That site despite having floodgates for the risque has people upboat baiting and extensive abuse of emoticons along with people shitting on each other's fetishes.
I can see your points here, even though I personally don't get involved with porn communities beyond simply downloading the content I want and leaving. Still, I don't think TC is the best place for it (regardless of what fetishes are discussed), as it has a relatively small userbase and an even smaller demand for pornographic material- as evidenced by how slow /ns/ moves.
>> No. 4210 [Edit]
Looking at the archives why am I not surprised you are some trip from /v/.

Post edited on 30th Jul 2013, 10:45pm
>> No. 4211 [Edit]
As much as I hate dick girls, I don't delete or ban it becuase that's just me and I know a large portion of the community is into that. My own fetish on the other hand is something I know most people have no interest in, so there's no point in making threads for it or trying to discuss it even if it was something I was comfortable discussing openly in the first place. The problem with guro and it's fans is how much it bothers people, it's not a matter of simply not being interested it can literally make people sick and can traumatize the weaker of heart. loli in this context can as well but not nearly as much so, and even then it's mostly self-righteous Ford Drivers who are bothered by it. I think it's safe to assume a large part of this community enjoys loli to some extent, but even so I'd rather not have it here becuase of potential legal implications. loli just as with guro can easily be found on plenty of other sites, there's really no need for it to be here. I was never even all that crazy about having the /ns/fw board in the first place, it was mostly just to keep that stuff out of other boards.

Post edited on 31st Jul 2013, 2:48am
>> No. 4212 [Edit]

>I don't think you faggots

Literally stopped reading right there. I have no intention of reading garbage written by a person who is willing to call everybody a faggot right off the bat.
>> No. 4213 [Edit]
Sorry, but I was actually being relatively nice and trying to stay open minded up till now but after a fucking month or so of the same arguments over and over in both this and the previous thread I am going to naturally be pissed off. The thing that irritates me the most is I don't think these people give the slightest fuck about the people that guro offends and are just obsessed with showing off how cool and hardcore their fetish is to all their 'sick fuck' buddies.
>> No. 4214 [Edit]
>>Fetishes are very trivial things to get worked up about

You do know what a fetish is right? Insulting that is akin to insulting someone's sexuality. You who is enamored with 2d has no right to mock me. Nor I who find gore/guro erotic have a right to mock you. As simple as that mang. So let's not cross over that line, nor fiddle with it, I respect your infatuation, you respect mine. It's not like I'm posting guro or have posted guro here as well. I'm just trying to see if there's a compromise possible and trying to see what's this community's opinion on it directly.

>>90% of Japanese art produced in the last two decades is drawn with highly neotenic features.

Yes but not all of it has the proportions of lolis or pseudo loli DFC. I'm not offended however, I jack it to loli too and a wide variety of stuff, I'm just asking for consistency is all.

>>Still, I don't think TC is the best place for it

Then why bother with nsfw? Why even call yourselves TOHNO? Not all Otaku,Hikis or NEETS are the same you know.

What can I say? I've grown tired of /a/'s trolls shitposting /v/ with east vs west threads. Link for proof if you don't believe me since some TOHNO users use /a/ as well.

I've grown tired of people misusing the word weeaboo. I've grown tired of thinly veiled kaiju, /tv/, and /mu/ threads that rarely talk about video games. I've also grown tired of /pol/ raiding /v/ with thinly veiled stormfront shit. But more than anything I've grown tired of people obsessing over game's journalism plus devs so much that they're no longer discussing video games because of it. Finding a thread on /v/ where people discuss video game mechanics, music or story is like finding a needle in a hay stack.

There's always discussion about things that surround video games but not the video games themselves. Even when vidya gets discussed it's always the same old same old and nothing new. I've figured it's time for a change of pace and community. Hopefully TOHNO can be my new "home" and hopefully I can learn about new games from you guys too.
>> No. 4215 [Edit]
Well then if you're going to ostracize guro for being a fringe fetish you should do so to loli as well. If you're not going to ostracize loli then make loli acceptable in nsfw and openly say you endorse it.

Don't however stay on the grey over this, you're being disingenuous to your userbase. Play it straight and tell us how it is.

>>just obsessed with showing off how cool and hardcore their fetish is to all their 'sick fuck' buddies.

This strawman can be applied to those who hate 3dpd with a burning passion. Hell the same strawman can be made about any fringe community out there and in here on TOHNO chan. People will always want to connect and socialize with others via different means and mediums, just because you don't like something doesn't mean others like it for attention.
>> No. 4216 [Edit]
>Insulting that is akin to insulting someone's sexuality.
Not quite. A single fetish typically only makes up a very small fragment of a person's sexuality.

>This strawman can be applied to those who hate 3dpd with a burning passion.
It's not really a strawman when a certain portion of the userbase was here spamming guro just for shock value to offend everyone that didn't like it. A generalisation, maybe.
>> No. 4217 [Edit]
>>a small fragment of a person's sexuality

In my case that's true, but one cannot know about others. Just like I don't know if there's more to your Waifu complex than the carnal, platonic or kinky in nature. My point here is respect, I don't insult your preferences, you don't insult mine. There's no need to get personal over something so subjective due to the fact we're both dealing with the 2d realm as well.

>>A generalization maybe.

Regardless, it's unfair for you to say such a thing when you love 2dpd and hate 3dpd this much. A Ford Driver for example could easily say that he finds it disgusting that you post "best girl" is this or that on /an/ or /a/. He could also say you're pathetic for being infatuated with a non real thing. Do you want to stoop to their levels of rudeness over some body else's personal life? If you do then go ahead, but you're no better than they when you do that, you're just as bad, if not worse.
>> No. 4218 [Edit]
OK I'm going to try to break it down for you.

People come here to escape from Ford Drivers, Ford Drivers that come here and complain should know better since this is THE 3D hating 2D loving site for people like this to discuss otaku things among other things. Guro in this case is completely different, because this is not THE website for people who pride themselves in being sick fucks or try to be as different as possible.

So saying that it is the same is completely wrong, the reason 3D and things are not allowed here is because it is popular opinion that 3D is shit. This site was built on the idea of people with waifus coming here and discussing things in peace away from the Ford Drivers back on other imageboards.

This websites main purpose is not what you seem to think it is, i.e a direct copy of 4chan with only less shitposting, there is indeed less shitposting given the smaller userbase and less amounts of pretentious idiots trying to feel cool but that is non the less not the main purpose of this site.

A shit ton of people come here to be in a place where 2D is respected and loved and 3D stays the fuck away so it is largely insulting to see our loved ones being tortured and mutilated and even worse things that go on in guro, yet you want to shove this in our faces and make people cry and vomit just to feel accepted by your one small fetish. This is unbelievably fucked up on so many levels.

>A Ford Driver for example could easily say that he finds it disgusting that you post "best girl" is this or that on /an/ or /a/.

I don't exactly remember what best girl means on 4chan since it's been a long time since I last went there but I'm pretty sure it was a term used for someone's favorite girl from a specific airing series on /a/, now /a/ is full of Ford Drivers so they can do what they want but for a Ford Driver to complain on /an/ is downright wrong because one thing the community here doesn't tolerate is Ford Drivers especially ones who openly admit to it ESPECIALLY ones who complain about us talking about our 'favorite girls' I don't go onto /b/ and complain about them not liking 2D and waifuism. If they were to insult me for that, it would be perfectly fine because I am out of place to go to another website and talk about things that don't belong, for example in this case with you and guro.

You say it is a thing about accepting your sexuality, for example how gays want to be accepted. But gays want to be just accepted as human beings, they don't walk around the streets shoving pictures of gay porn in our faces. I know that you want a place to discuss your 'sick fuck fetishes' with like minded people but this is not the place for that, sorry. Would you go on an imageboard focused on discussing video games and ask to discuss guro? This is just not the place for that, it offends too many people here.

So lastly I have a feeling you won't even read any of this and just skim through it real fast so you can come up with some epic come back and win some internet arguments, but it's obvious to me you haven't been here long so I would advise you lurk, a lot, because the mentality and popular opinion of the userbase here is vastly different to that of current 4chan.

Post edited on 31st Jul 2013, 7:48pm
>> No. 4219 [Edit]
>In my case that's true, but one cannot know about others. Just like I don't know if there's more to your Waifu complex than the carnal, platonic or kinky in nature. My point here is respect, I don't insult your preferences, you don't insult mine. There's no need to get personal over something so subjective due to the fact we're both dealing with the 2d realm as well.
I think it's safe to say that 99% of human beings have more than one fetish, whereas the people here tend to take 'waifuism' pretty seriously. I think even insulting every part of someone's sexuality/sexual orientation/what have you would be much less severe than ragging on their waifu (which seems to be part of the reason the community here doesn't want to see them depicted as mutilated, impaled, etc). Think of it like calling a gay dude a 'faggot' as opposed to insulting his lover personally and directly. He's much more likely to be angry about the latter, don't you think?

>There's no need to get personal over something so subjective due to the fact we're both dealing with the 2d realm as well.
Guro doesn't personally bother me; I've just noted that many of the fans of it that have/do come here have been disrespectful of those that aren't into it, and some of them seriously act a lot like some kind of persecuted minority.

>Regardless, it's unfair for you to say such a thing when you love 2dpd and hate 3dpd this much.
I'm not the person that made that statement, I was just trying to explain some of their reasoning behind it.
>> No. 4220 [Edit]
>Play it straight and tell us how it is.
I already did, I don't know how to put it more simply. Neither guro or loli are currently allowed on the site.
>> No. 4221 [Edit]
Make loli ban as part of the official rules
>> No. 4222 [Edit]
>Uploading, posting, discussing, requesting, or linking to, anything that violates local or United States law.
>> No. 4223 [Edit]
Loli ban is unconstitutional
>> No. 4224 [Edit]
Tell that to the feds when they kick down your door.
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