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File 13690139866.jpg - (44.68KB , 512x384 , 1369013893252.jpg )
3924 No. 3924 [Edit]
can we have a board for funposting?
i know you don't like to have people making jokes and stuff on all the serious discussion boards you have, but sometimes jokes and stuff are fun and also since people complain about slow post rate here another board couldn't hurt.
Expand all images
>> No. 3925 [Edit]
Why are you still here? Are you really that bored?
>> No. 3926 [Edit]
Some of us don't have anything better to do
>> No. 3932 [Edit]
I wouldn't be opposed to this.
>> No. 3935 [Edit]
/ot/ is kind of a funposting board no?
>> No. 3938 [Edit]
Sure what the crap, you can use /lol/
>> No. 3939 [Edit]

this is going to turn out to be an incredibly bad idea probably
>> No. 3940 [Edit]
It's a hidden board. What's the worst that could happen?
>> No. 3941 [Edit]
>What's the worst that could happen?

We will find out soon enough
>> No. 3942 [Edit]
At least hide the board's posts from the front page.
>> No. 3943 [Edit]
>> No. 3944 [Edit]
While the admin is here, can I ask why this website has so many boards despite having so little activity?

I thought everyone knew by now that having so many boards is a horrible idea.

/an/ and /ma/ are pretty much the same thing, except one is in color and the other one is in black and white.
>> No. 3945 [Edit]
>/an/ and /ma/ are pretty much the same thing, except one is in color and the other one is in black and white.

Also one is aired on television in animated form with voices and music and the other is drawings in books. So actually not the same thing at all
>> No. 3946 [Edit]
if u don't make /lol/ a public board then we are going to be forced to publicize it ourselves
>> No. 3947 [Edit]
Because shutup that's why.
>> No. 3948 [Edit]
I'm just trying to help. This didn't work on iichan/wakachan and it's not going to work here. Enjoy your dead site.
>> No. 3949 [Edit]
People been saying that forever, but we're still here. how's /ota/ doing by the way?
>> No. 3950 [Edit]
make everything clicked on /lol/ go through linkbucks somehow, so only the most dedicated people can shitpost AND you get paid for it
>> No. 3951 [Edit]
A lot of them already have as stated by some in a now deleted 4chan thread. I'm assuming they're the ones with hyperlink addons for 4chan. In fact TC is already set up so that pretty much any link on almost any outside site will go to adfly. Nothing can be done about those who put the url in manually.
>> No. 3952 [Edit]

Yup, merging everything into one board is a wonderful idea. I mean, look how well that worked out for /bun/, it's literally bustling with activity! Surely nothing could go wrong, right?
>> No. 3953 [Edit]
Please keep it that way. a number of us here access the web via an array of proxies, VPNs, and all sorts of remote network access and other trickery; sometimes due to paranoia or shame or even for legit reasons. If you put up some sort of barrier that only lets in trusted IPs then you're making things unnecessarily difficult for us.
>> No. 3954 [Edit]
That's why I don't really like the idea of banning proxys all that much.
>> No. 3958 [Edit]
not only that, but it'd also be a massive pain in the ass for you.
its a nearly impossible task.
>> No. 3959 [Edit]
True that yo.
>> No. 3960 [Edit]
Now that /ota/ is back can we please get rid of that eyesore of a board?
>> No. 3961 [Edit]
How is it an eyesore if it's hidden?
>> No. 3963 [Edit]
I have neutral feelings about this. I recall a shitposter (and I don't throw around this term lightly) on a certain /so/ thread that was deleted fairly recently admitting to using a VPN to spew their garbage, bypass bans, and avoid being "profiled" by the mods. At the same time, I do know there are some posters here using them for less assholey reasons.
>> No. 3964 [Edit]
>I don't throw around this term lightly

you might throw the term around lightly without realizing it.
people are generally quite bad at analyzing their own actions in a logical and objective fashion.
i, on the other hand, certainly don't throw the term around lightly because i don't throw it around at all as it is just a 4chan buzzword and using it immediately impugns the judgement of the authors who do throw it around.
>> No. 3972 [Edit]
Nice armchair psychologist analysis and ad hominems, but I would argue that your absolutely horrendous grammar harms the validity of your posts more than what you proclaim is a "4chan buzzword".
>> No. 3973 [Edit]
File 137102788726.jpg - (221.04KB , 680x510 , 308874688958824448_35s_d.jpg )
Please delete /so/
It attracts too many non-otaku to the site.
They have plenty of websites of their own, I don't see why we should have to share Tohno-chan with them.
>> No. 3974 [Edit]

It's not
Going to
happen please
stop asking
constantly, thanks
>> No. 3975 [Edit]
Well put.
>> No. 3976 [Edit]

there is nothing wrong with admitting a mistake
/so/ attracts a type of person that this site doesn't need
go look in the archives and check out how much more otaku TC used to be compared to it's current state
fixing a problem will make you more of an internet superhero than soldiering on with a bad choice even in the face of obvious failure
>> No. 4075 [Edit]
>/so/ attracts a type of person that this site doesn't need
So does /fb/, but both you and this board are still here.
>> No. 4122 [Edit]
/fb/ is a hidden board and posting on it is denigrated, it was created to keep a particular type of post from shitting up the actual otaku boards .
/so/ was created to keep a particular type of poster from shitting up the actual otaku boards with their personal IRL problems and incessant whining about 3D shit, so maybe /so/ should be a hidden board too.
>> No. 4123 [Edit]
File 137292311831.jpg - (67.23KB , 867x252 , lebronjames.jpg )
>/fb/ is a hidden board

Are you completely wasted right now or is this one of those 'epic trolls' where you say something blatantly untrue and make arguments based on it?
>> No. 4124 [Edit]
please elucidate with respect to the file name
>> No. 4166 [Edit]
/ota/ is such utter vomit, its surprising that they actually managed to put together something stupider and less worthwhile than 4chan.
so happy that they're not here anymore.
>> No. 4176 [Edit]
It's not trying to be 4chan.
>> No. 4189 [Edit]
File 137491117834.png - (202.39KB , 874x517 , typical ota thread.png )
sick dubs dood
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