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File 136479013312.png - (186.94KB , 721x1024 , aa7f70611d3b47e55868cc294c8c9469f55393b6.png )
3716 No. 3716 [Edit]
So are we going to do something this year?
>> No. 3717 [Edit]
I don't think anything is gonna top Tohno convincing everyone he killed himself last year, so I don't think we should
>> No. 3718 [Edit]
Nah, rather not screw with the site again. couldn't think of anything clever anyway.
>> No. 3719 [Edit]

force the awesome theme to load or something similar.
>> No. 3720 [Edit]
Thats not a bad idea.
>> No. 3721 [Edit]

>> No. 3722 [Edit]
I heard the thrashy music through my headphones sitting above computer and freaked out because I thought the noise was coming FROM my computer, like something inside was fucking up big time. You april fooled me in a way you didn't intend to!

Post edited on 1st Apr 2013, 2:42am
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