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3671 No. 3671 [Edit]
In your opinion, what do you believe makes a person a Ford Driver?

I think we really need to clarify this matter if we're going to keep throwing this broad term around and expecting people be banned/exiled for it. keeping it an unwritten definition and assuming everyone else agrees with your definition clearly doesn't work. Before this thread goes the way of the last time, I must stress that not everyone thinks it means the same thing, even if you think everyone does. Some people think it's anyone that likes popular things, others think it's anyone who so much as leaves their home, some will claim it's someone who doesn't like japanese stuff and some even think your born a normal and nothing you do will ever change anything... the list goes on but what does it mean to you?
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>> No. 3672 [Edit]
Oh my Haruhi
>> No. 3673 [Edit]
This thread seems like a terrible idea.
>> No. 3675 [Edit]
Please stay on /fb/, /fb/-dude.
>> No. 3676 [Edit]
Youll know it when you see it. A nonrigid definition means you can just use common sense to see if its ford, wheras a strict one people will find ways to work around
>> No. 3677 [Edit]
Get out.
>> No. 3679 [Edit]
I think the problem with a nonrigid definition is you get which hunts with people tossing around the word for anything/anyone they don't like.
>> No. 3681 [Edit]
Is she a stocking designer?
And a good one at that. She's got one framed, with an award. Damn. Now that's living the dream.
>> No. 3682 [Edit]
Whole concept is pretty widespread. It cannot be defined by few words. By simple definition, people who say "It isn't normal to do x" are normals. Like
>It isn't normal to watch cartoons as adult and fap to anime characters
>It isn't normal to stay home alone on Friday night
>It isn't normal to sober 24/7. Normal people need to relax and have fun.

Normals aren't rational. They do everything based on their emotions. They aren't able to use their own brains and they follow the trend under peer pressure or because it looks "cool" or "fun" and are pressuring their view to everyone because it is "cool" or "fun". They aren't able to find single rational argument for their doings. if someone disagrees with this irrational view, normie will not accept it.

But THE WORST thing which makes the ford driver is terrible urges to tell everyone what you did. No matter how stupid or irrational it was, everyone, even the darkest corners of internet need to know it. No matter if people there like it or, they have to like it because it is so "cool" and "fun". Of course if someone doesn't agree with their irrational view and criticizes it, normie will start to despite people who can't find the coolness in his irrational actions.

In /tc/ Ford Drivers aren't problem. Problem is "wnb normals", who wish they were normals, but they are too pathetic and don't get accepted by other normals. Therefore they are trying to fit in here, but they still need to seek attention and force their own point of view to everyone, matter what other people think. Everyone needs to know so they can be closer their goal of achieving "cool of the normality", but everyone of us knows, that is just waste of time for them. Typically these "wnb normies" think everyone on tohno-chan wants to be normal too.

Popular misconceptions here in /tc/ are:
-Normals are people who do average things.
-Normals are people who aren't interest in Anime related things.
-Normals are people who go to cons, cosplay and watch naruto.
-Normals are people who jobs.

While I do think it is bad idea to mention in here if you go to cons and cosplay or you have job, still it isn't what makes the Ford Driver. Typical salaryman who just wakes up every morning and goes to work isn't typical ford driver. Rather who falls in typical ford driver category is person who says to salaryman "Enjoy your ratrace SLAVE. I am getting some beer and weed today and will get drunk and high." Naruto watchers and cosplayers are despised by normals as much as people in here, it should be easy to understand why they aren't normals.

While everything in normal culture should be against the rules in /tc/ (atleast in my opinion), it doesn't mean only things against the rules is the normal culture. There is consensus of some other things most people here don't like (like cosplay). So far allowing drug (experience) discussion is the only thing which courages normies to come here and tell people how high or drunk they were.

Post edited on 25th Mar 2013, 11:39pm
>> No. 3683 [Edit]
It isn't normal to do drugs
>> No. 3685 [Edit]
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We have (had) at least two threads on this matter on /ot/. Just look for them.

A Ford Driver is a normie who isn't just normal and likes normal things but also vehemently hates everything that deviates from the norm and wants to purge it with the holy fire. Basically he'll do his very best to shove his opinion down your throat and make sure you understand how wrong you were before you had the luck to meet him.

A normal person IS NOT a Ford Driver. They like normal things and live normal lives but they are tolreant enough not to care about people who aren't painfully plain.
Please note that even though Tohno said having normal people on /tc/ is not a problem for him discussing stuff that relates to normal lives is foribdden by the rules by now (girlfriends and whatnot).
>> No. 3686 [Edit]
Gladly, seeya. There, and nothing of value was lost (on either end).

Have a nice life.

Not too nice though, otherwise you won't be able to go to /so/ and whine about how bad everything sucks.
>> No. 3687 [Edit]
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>In your opinion, what do you believe makes a person a Ford Driver?
In short: social life; interpersonal relationships such as fellowship, friendship, sex, so called love and the believe that those interactions are real, given and constitute all there is to know and do and pursue in life.

Once they bought that illusion of reaching others, they're lost for me... lost and delirious.
>> No. 3688 [Edit]
People that think being social is the most important thing.
>> No. 3689 [Edit]
Say that to ford driver.
>> No. 3690 [Edit]
Many would agree?
>> No. 3691 [Edit]
Ford Driver = 3D lover
>> No. 3692 [Edit]
Yes this, everything else they do are symptoms of this, they arent free.
>> No. 3693 [Edit]
>> No. 3694 [Edit]
so everyone in this thread is a Ford Driver?
>> No. 3695 [Edit]
none what?
>> No. 3696 [Edit]
Do you really lack ability to following discussion?

None of the Ford Drivers would agree with that it isn't normal to do drugs. Whole Ford Driver culture is based on doing drugs. Without drugs, there wouldn't be Ford Drivers.
>> No. 3698 [Edit]
Ford Driver culture is based increasingly on shitbookand twitter and youtube, i.e. the Internet which this site is a part of. The difference is in how and why they do things.
>> No. 3699 [Edit]
Thats what I thought, but it was too stupid and ignorant so I had to ask and make sure.
>> No. 3702 [Edit]
That's what ford driver would say.
>> No. 3703 [Edit]
'Drugs' should be an autoban word, it sparks the worst discussions in history of /tc/, they easily beat 'discussions' about politics and religion, the only stuff that compares is /tc/ discussing anything related to women. The worst part is that this thread didn't even have anything to do with them until >>3682 just had to drop 'the 'd' word'.

At least filter it to something like 'candy' or 'parsley' or whatever.
>> No. 3705 [Edit]
To me a Ford Driver is a normal person. A person that wants to be or is normal and lives their life to normal standards, while not realizing that it is making the life of others difficult with its shitty existence like all of the other shit that do normal things with normal people outside. Fuck them.
>> No. 3706 [Edit]
This sounds like the best explanation so far.

Like with this whole drug thing, I can't understand why people would be so hypocritically judgmental and intolerant of it. When it comes to drugs people here act like irrational Ford Drivers who hate it for no logical reason, and like Ford Drivers instead of giving a reason when questioned about it, they just call you a Ford Driver. And before you say "go do drugs somewhere else" I never have or will do drugs.

All Ford Drivers eat sleep shit and breath, you guys gonna ban everyone here that does that? stop being so stupid.
>> No. 3707 [Edit]
Nobody has said doing drugs is ford driver thing. Coming here and telling everyone how you did drugs, on other hand is. How many numerous times it needs to be said that people here don't like such things and that's why we've come to the tohno-chan so we can be free from such things we don't like? This place is like the last fortress where we are supposed be to free from things we don't like from real world.

Why do you think people here are intolerant about memes, politics, /b/shit, 3dpd porn, sex, females etc.? Because we don't care or we don't want to know and we try to forget they exist. While I always try to be polite and "take it easy", but when someone comes and tries to force things which are the reasons people have come here to escape reality, hell I will shout and defend my last fortress till the end.

>All Ford Drivers eat sleep shit and breath, you guys gonna ban everyone here that does that?
Nobody has said doing average things is normal in this context.
>> No. 3710 [Edit]
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>> No. 3711 [Edit]
>How many numerous times it needs to be said that people here don't like such things and that's why we've come to the tohno-chan so we can be free from such things we don't like? This place is like the last fortress where we are supposed be to free from things we don't like from real world.
The reason why it's not against the rules is because that is not true at all, it's only a a few vocal individuals who think they can speak for everyone. You can't compare it to "/b/shit, 3dpd porn, sex, memes" because unlike that stuff this is not unanimous. As people have said before, substance abuse is very much a part of this culture and for many is a form of dealing with depression. surely you wouldn't act this way if someone said they cut themselves or drink to kill their pain would you?

>Nobody has said doing average things is normal
Thats the very definition of normal.

Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
The usual, average, or typical state or condition.
adjective. regular - standard - ordinary - common - usual
noun. normality - normalcy - perpendicular

Oh, and if you're going to speak for eveyone, you should at least read what they said before saying things like "Nobody has said doing drugs is ford driver thing."
>Whole Ford Driver culture is based on doing drugs. Without drugs, there wouldn't be Ford Drivers. >>3696

Post edited on 28th Mar 2013, 12:51pm
>> No. 3712 [Edit]
Yes you didn't read my post at all. Try again.

Also because you seem to be so skilled with dictionaries, look word "context" next. You know ford driver doesn't mean person who drives ford in here either.
>> No. 3713 [Edit]
>A person that wants to be or is normal and lives their life to normal standards, while not realizing that it is making the life of others difficult with its shitty existence

if any group is making life difficult for others its NEETs.
>> No. 3714 [Edit]
Well, it depends on the type of NEET that we're talking about, as normals are shit and will ruin things for anybody. Aside from that, what do you mean? Does staying home all day and doing nothing to these people that you love so much hurt them in a way that doesn't involve bullshit money and/or social reasons that you'll defend them from any insult?
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