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File 136277089061.jpg - (178.74KB , 539x960 , 1362536427413.jpg )
3576 No. 3576 [Edit]
Will there ever be a Kigurumi board?
Not demanding anything, just curious what the anons here think about it.
Expand all images
>> No. 3577 [Edit]
Pretty sure most people here don't like it.
>> No. 3587 [Edit]
I see, I went from not like it at all months ago when I first discovered it, to love to death in the last few days, and Im preparing to be a kig myself soon. I love the clothes most of all and wish to learn to sew as well and make my own clothes.
But Im kinda disappointed, Im rather new to this place but I figured there would be some fans here...oh well.
>> No. 3589 [Edit]
No thanks
>> No. 3592 [Edit]
So if I were to try and make a kig thread what board should I use?
>> No. 3593 [Edit]
/ot/ I guess, but I don't think it would be the first.
>> No. 3596 [Edit]
I think /pic/ would be more appropriate.
>> No. 3597 [Edit]
You're more than welcome to use /cr/ to make threads about your sewing endeavors. I don't personally have a problem with Kigurumi, but I know that some people here throw fits when viewing images of 3D people, so it's difficult to guess how it would turn out.
>> No. 3598 [Edit]
File 136278104199.jpg - (94.24KB , 467x550 , kill30.jpg )
>> No. 3599 [Edit]
I understand that, I used to group kigs with 3DPD as well, but not anymore since the kig is not a person or a real human but rather a fictional character with ideal traits and appearance.
>> No. 3600 [Edit]
Do you think the kig on the right in the op picture is a girl or a boy?
>> No. 3601 [Edit]
Kigs are cosplay, with masks. you're just deluding yourself if you think it's anything more.
>> No. 3602 [Edit]
No idea, nor do I care, they can both be boys and that will be cool with me.

Its more than that as you cant see a single inch of the imperfect human body in them as they are all fully covered.
>> No. 3603 [Edit]
Would you fuck one in the butt not knowing if it were male or female?
>> No. 3604 [Edit]
Kigurumi is 3D and weeabootry, hence simply against the rules and /tc/'s SOP. However, most of the people inside them are dudes so it could be acceptable within that thing about wanting to be the little girl and shit.

I'd vote no, but will accept what Tohno says.
>> No. 3605 [Edit]
how nice of a butt are we talkin' about here
>> No. 3606 [Edit]

Its not 3DPD though as all we see of them is 100% fiction
>> No. 3607 [Edit]
Most normals think it's creepy. I don't think it's weeabootry, it seems like the kind of delusional stuff that this site would embrace. They're like living dolls.
>> No. 3608 [Edit]
Normals think its fucking sick, its a complete negation of the real human body
>> No. 3609 [Edit]
There's no way to know. All you know is that it's a warm, real living person under that full-body costume and you're sticking your dick into it. All you know is the body type; roughly its weight and height.
>> No. 3610 [Edit]
Id only do a kig If I was a kig myself.
>> No. 3611 [Edit]
Would you let a kig do you?
>> No. 3612 [Edit]
Sure thing as long as I was a kig as well, we would be just cute girls doing cute things.
>> No. 3613 [Edit]
A cute girl wouldn't stick a dick in your butt, though. You'd have to know you were crossing over to the other side.
>> No. 3614 [Edit]
They have cute lil dicks, covered too.
>> No. 3615 [Edit]
Yes they would, thats like basic cute girl behavior.
>> No. 3618 [Edit]
File 136279561020.jpg - (129.58KB , 554x739 , 60898_138540029631748_1259382681_n.jpg )
I think a board for it would be too much. It could be enough with setting it as a non persecuted subject on /ot/, with an only thread holding the entire thing together (say, like the cinema thread).

Post edited on 8th Mar 2013, 6:21pm
>> No. 3620 [Edit]
How about a hidden board then?
>> No. 3621 [Edit]
This is very weird...
>> No. 3622 [Edit]
Normie detected!
>> No. 3623 [Edit]
So, it's okay to toss a fit about figs and the like being "3DPD" with claims that they lead to cosplay, but a bunch of dudes in drag and talking about gay sex with them is okay becuase they're wearing masks and wrinkly bodysuits?

You guys have some really fucked up standards if you think this isn't 3DPD.
>> No. 3624 [Edit]
>You guys

What the hell are you talking about, there's only like one person in this thread defending it
>> No. 3625 [Edit]
So you're saying >>3576, >>3592,
>>3599, >>3602, >>3606, >>3607, >>3610, >>3612, >>3618, and >>3622 are the same person?
>> No. 3626 [Edit]
>> No. 3627 [Edit]
Well, no, I'm sure I'm not all those.

But is not really worth the fight, to be honest. /jp/ kigu threads already give a fair forum to that subject and I can't imagine anything but reposts from there filling whatever is started in here.
>> No. 3628 [Edit]
The whole hypocrisy and double standards thing was really pissing me off earlier, but then I forgot and gave up from complaining.

Don't call me that!
>> No. 3629 [Edit]
Who the fuck has ever complained that figs are 3dpd? If anyone has, it's been one retard trying to stir up shit for no reason, and I even doubt that's happened.
>> No. 3630 [Edit]
I've seen it happen and it did indeed seem like it was just some idiot
>> No. 3635 [Edit]
Personally I don't mind if a board was made, but others might have an issue with seeing 3d.
>> No. 3637 [Edit]
kig is not 3DPD at all, everything about it is fiction.
>> No. 3638 [Edit]
>it's been one retard trying to stir up shit for no reason
Well, yes, that's how /fb/ has been for the past few months.
>> No. 3640 [Edit]
You can't be serious...
>> No. 3643 [Edit]
Why not?
>> No. 3644 [Edit]
It's not "fiction" it's guys in fucking cosplay, a god damn plastic mask doesn't change that. it's the same as guys in drag with the face edited out. I don't give a shit what kind of gay games of 'pretend' you want to play, that doesn't make it any less 3DPD they are three dimensional pig disgusting. you can paint a pile of shit red and call it a race car but it's still shit you fucking retard.
>> No. 3645 [Edit]
File 136309348352.jpg - (21.22KB , 376x293 , teaport_chinz.jpg )
Nobody's arguing that kig isn't 3D, though. That's obvious. The thing you're getting hung up on is that it's "Pig Disgusting." Not everything 3D is considered pig disgusting by this site's standards. Pictures of cute animals are accepted and pictures of figs and scenery are accepted. If you think that all people are pig disgusting and shouldn't be posted anywhere on the site, then to make your argument fit a little bit better: it's like hiding shit inside a beautiful teapot, but then saying that the teapot's outer appearance is inherently ugly because there's shit inside of it.
>> No. 3646 [Edit]
Board for kigurumi isn't needed. I don't mind it because it doesn't really show anything disgusting. Excluding kig porn which counts as "3d porn".

I think /pic/ would be best choice. Unless there is actually something to discuss about.
>> No. 3648 [Edit]
Kigs aren't "beautiful teapots" they're men in drag, and that's disgusting.
>> No. 3649 [Edit]
Well, you're clearly a genius. I'm going to have to forfeit this argument to you.
>> No. 3650 [Edit]

Personally I think that teapot is kinda tacky.
>> No. 3651 [Edit]
i really don't see much of a difference between kigs and figs. thye're two different types of 3D representations of 2D characters.
maybe /fig/ could just be renamed to /kf/ and be for both.
>> No. 3652 [Edit]
You can't be serious...
>> No. 3653 [Edit]
What about dolls (of all sizes)? Does TC like them?

Ok no, thats silly, figures and kigs are not comparable.
>> No. 3654 [Edit]
There's a thread on /so/ for life size dolls, don't think anyone was complaining.
and pretty sure people have discussed the smaller ones a fair bit on /fig/ in the past.
>> No. 3655 [Edit]
OK, I guess that settles it: /so/ is the kigurumi board.
>> No. 3665 [Edit]
>its a complete negation of the real human body
I like this argument.
>> No. 3666 [Edit]
By that logic, we should be allowed to post photos of any 3D person if they're wearing makeup or have had cosmetic surgery.
>> No. 3667 [Edit]
It's settled, then: korean girls thread, here we go!...

No seriously: it's a moot point, of course. However, if you want to take it to the limit, those wouldn't meet the "complete" part of the statement; orthopedic beauty is still not the same than synthetic beauty (I'd say).
>> No. 3668 [Edit]
>orthopedic beauty is still not the same than synthetic beauty (I'd say). Tell that to michael Jackson.
You seem to underestimate how many synthetic items women will put on or in themselves in the pursuit of beauty, they don't just draw themselves. pvc nails, fake eyelashes/eyebrows, contact lenses, rhinoplasty, silicone breast implants, wigs and the list goes on. They don't call it plastic surgery for nothing you know. then there's things like pushup bras and corsets. They go much father than simply tossing on a costume to negate their ugly natural self and achieve their version of beauty, even if it means undergoing massive amounts of pain while having their bodies gutted and distorted. then there's also people who undergo sex changes...
>> No. 3700 [Edit]
killjoys keep on bumping down the kig thread on /so/
could you styx it plox?
>> No. 3701 [Edit]
No, I don't think they are going to sticky a thread (that shouldn't even be there in my opinion) just because everyone else would rather talk about other things. If it dies it dies.
>> No. 3715 [Edit]
You would be correct.
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