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File 135977223747.jpg - (472.01KB , 1296x972 , 1329093638_79377075.jpg )
3494 No. 3494 [Edit]
sometime i feel like i should be posting with sage activated, but the thread is already at the top of the board so i feel kind of foolish for using sage. i'm wondering if we should have another posting option to use is this case, something which indicates tht the poster would have saged had the thread not already been at the top.

megameganekkonekokomegameganekkoneko unrelated
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>> No. 3495 [Edit]
5 neetbucks on Tohno replying along the lines of "Okay, implement it and I'll use it."
>> No. 3496 [Edit]
Okay, implement it and I'll use it.
>> No. 3497 [Edit]
I think Tohno should implement full shitbooksupport for this site
>> No. 3498 [Edit]
I think therefore I am
>> No. 3499 [Edit]
Hell is other people.
>> No. 3502 [Edit]
Start typing safe instead of sage and we'll know what you mean.
>> No. 3503 [Edit]
Don’t think. Feel, and you’ll be tanasinn.
>> No. 3506 [Edit]
File 135985072753.png - (97.53KB , 452x102 , ict.png )
>> No. 3507 [Edit]
lol i put that in the wrong thread
>> No. 3509 [Edit]
You can do what I do, think "If someone posts on another thread while I'm writing my post, this thread won't be bumped when I submit".
Of course, in TC you'd need to write two and a half walls of text before someone bumps a thread, but try getting this habit in imageboards with more movement and you'll eventually bring it into your TC posts naturally.
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