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File 135798289357.png - (120.00KB , 591x225 , 3d.png )
3438 No. 3438 [Edit]
Tohno, apparently you used to love 3D and 4chan rnernes.
What made you change your mind?
>> No. 3439 [Edit]
I used some random image someone had linked to, when testing out spoilers on the site that doesn't mean I love 3D or memes, that said I'm not the one whining and complaining about memes or banning people for using them. As for 3D, I haven't liked 3D in more than 6 years, I could go into detail about what made me grow to hate 3DPD but I doubt you'd want to hear my life story.
>> No. 3441 [Edit]
I think I might hate the OP more than anyone else on the planet
>> No. 3447 [Edit]
That pic is not that bad.
>> No. 3454 [Edit]
Many of the mods and users have had things with 3d partners in the past tc, why bring that up?
>> No. 3457 [Edit]
Exactly. I'm pretty sure almost every single one of us started out liking 3D. I'm not one to judge based on what people did in the past, I judge them for who they are now.
>> No. 3476 [Edit]
I started out liking 2D.

I just didn't *always* stick to that.

3D did help reinforce my love for 2D though.

My grandmother was a wonderful human being and you are a cunt and a liar and a control-freak Mary-Beth.
>> No. 3479 [Edit]
I liked my grandma too. Poor old woman died from a stroke and she probably could've fared less worse if I checked up on her in her room two hours earlier. But I guess maybe its for the better, dying in an unconscious coma instead of fighting an undignified struggle for a few months.
>> No. 3616 [Edit]
Im sure we all liked girls when we were 14
>> No. 3619 [Edit]

>> No. 3670 [Edit]
...dude you live with a 3DPD.

Post it. I am interested Tohno
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