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3129 No. 3129 [Edit]
This place would be booming if every single person who visits the site set a goal for themselves just to make 2 posts a day.
no really, at 250 visitors a day, that would be 500 posts a day. and how hard is it anyway to make two posts? this is just one post and I'm already half way done for the day. Come on, anyone can make just two posts a day, it's not hard guys! just try it! we can do it!!
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>> No. 3130 [Edit]
The current pace at which people post on TC isn't too bad.
>> No. 3132 [Edit]
Why would we need faster pace? I like tc because it is slow.
>> No. 3137 [Edit]
Or maybe people should just make more threads. Theres always a mini-boom of posts with every thread.
>> No. 3138 [Edit]
I usually try for 2-3 posts a day if there is anything to reply to or say.

Tohno-chan has always been a slower website anyways. I wouldn't want too much activity (though more frequent posts outside of /ot/ or /so/ for once would be nice).
>> No. 3146 [Edit]
I don't have that much to say
>> No. 3152 [Edit]
yet you're already half way there.
>> No. 3153 [Edit]
If we compromised quality for speed, then we would just get 4chan.
>> No. 3175 [Edit]
I don't think people here are incapable of making two quality posts a day.

Post edited on 5th Nov 2012, 7:17pm
>> No. 3182 [Edit]
Well, no, but its hard to control people's behaviour. In my opinion a something like that is only possible with some sort of physical change to the site, or a major shift in culture.
>> No. 3232 [Edit]
while i agree the post rates are, indeed, slow, i am mostly content with it. 500 posts a day seems pretty high, but i could deal with 250 or so and i think we could maintain our current quality with such a rate. at the current time, from what i've seen, we have about 20 posts a day, and that's pretty slow. im not saying we need to become a hulking powerhouse, but a bit more activity sounds nice
>> No. 3233 [Edit]
I like being able to read every new post on the site every day. 250 just seems out of place for the /tc/ I know.
>> No. 3243 [Edit]
tc is more like a collective of otaku information.
We do not need more shitposting we need more activities to connect to other boards.
But sure i would like maybe somebody say "that was a great post i learned something today"
>> No. 3244 [Edit]
I am very, very stupid. I doubt you will ever learn anything from me, so hear me complain about things.
>> No. 4778 [Edit]
I think this issues seriously needs to be addressed here. I feel that the site's slower than ever now. Lately it's been like I'm the only person posting on /an/ while the only board still active is /mai/. I know people say it all the time but this time I'm worried the site really is dying. I'm trying to post regularly but I can't carry the whole site single handedly.
>> No. 4781 [Edit]

They were right all along, though. You just decided to ignore them. On some sites the posting rate fluctuates but we're talking about 4chan-sized molochs here. In small communities like /tc/ you have to react to a drop in post rates RIGHT AWAY. There's no 'I'll try my best tomorrow' here. Frankly rather than reactory the methods should be preventory if possible but since /tc/ is an anonymous community monitoring some data is hard (and people certainly wouldn't like it anyway).
Anyway once the post rate starts dropping it usually gets worse and worse and worse and it keeps snowballing and getting worse and worse and worse. If you thought '/tc/ is dying' was some 'epic maymay XD' you just caught on really late. People noticed what's going on years ago. Frankly I think it reached a state where it was too late to prevent everything in late 2012. If you'd look at post rates starting with ~June 2011 you'd notice that with 'each' (not literally but almost I bet) month things got progressively worse. It wasn't some apocalypse that happened overnight.
The worst thing about dropping post rates is that the people who already left the site are very unlikely to come back. Once they leave they usually cross the point of no return. And a dying community doesn't really appeal to newcomers. On the other hand if you were to globally nuke the site I can imagine the post rate going up for a while because of the fresh start (frankly I think the same thing happened after ib4f died but I have no numbers to work with here so maybe that's just my imagination) but this effect would have diminishing returns.
>> No. 4782 [Edit]
The best thing for site activity is doing activities. The banners thread, awesome. That project, awesome. Our site has rules which try to keep the bad disucssion out but it tends to stifle activity. I would like to see more stuff like the above, as well as stuff I see on 4chan like drawfag threads, scanlation threads, game competition threads and other creation-based projects.

The second best thing besides activities is information sharing. This is best typified by image dumps, manga dumps, news threads, sadpanda threads, visual novel translation status threads, etc.

Both the above types of threads require a high degree of knowledge and technical competence to participate in. This has the effect of attracting more experienced and mature users to the community. By technical knowledge, I don't neccesarily mean someone who can draw, or someone who can translate and scanlate. It also includes those elite users who are particuarly knowledgable about a cetain area e.g someone who did a lot of research on onaholes, or are obsessed with certain series or whatever.

I think this is more powerful for improving forum quality as opposed to introducing a ton of rules and vicious anti-outsider sentiment. If you focus on productive activities like creation and information sharing as opposed to gossip, you naturally weed out non-elite users, because they can't fake it and will stick out like a sore thumb if they open their mouth.
>> No. 4783 [Edit]
whelp, you guys are welcome to try and help.
>> No. 4784 [Edit]
>The worst thing about dropping post rates is that the people who already left the site are very unlikely to come back.
Unlikely, but not impossible.
Not saying this as a wishful thinker either, but as someone who did leave for some time.
>> No. 4787 [Edit]
Yeah I've been dropping in and peacing out of varying degree over the years. This time may be the longest and most active I've been since first coming here. I get really embarrassed every time I recognize an old post of mine.
>> No. 4789 [Edit]
One quality post a day from each user would be enough, I'd think. Also, as >>3137 mentioned, new threads tend to accumulate responses fairly quickly. Threads that ask open-ended questions, even if they're seemingly trivial (ie: would our waifus get along?), also tend to attract a lot of lighthearted discussion. Sadly, such threads typically only appear on /mai/.

>That project, awesome.
While I do not agree with what you have to say, I'll defend to the death your right to say it. I'd file that one as a quantity over quality thing, given the amount of shitposting it has attracted.
>> No. 4793 [Edit]
Do you guys think we should abandon the one thread per topic format we've been using?
>> No. 4794 [Edit]

For what purpose? Decreasing the amount of threads will most likely lead to decrease in number of posts.
>> No. 4795 [Edit]
I think that's the opposite of what they're getting at. Allowing more than one thread per topic would increase the number of threads.
>> No. 4797 [Edit]

Oh, I missed your point. It seemed you're suggesting we should just start making catch-them-all threads.

I don't think that'd change anything, though. Like, I seriously have a hard time imaging a situation where this would matter. There are lots of merits to one-per-[topic] formula. But I don't care much either way.
>> No. 4801 [Edit]
1-2 posts a day is asking too much of most people here.
>> No. 4819 [Edit]
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A couple of very related questions, Tohno:

1. Are we allowed to link to /tc/ hidden boards on /jp/?

2. Do you heed reports from hidden boards as well?

Post edited on 10th Jun 2014, 9:45pm
>> No. 4820 [Edit]
sure why not
>> No. 4821 [Edit]
Will only abide to Tohno's word. Sorry.
>> No. 4822 [Edit]
Sure why not.
>> No. 4823 [Edit]
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