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No. 2955 [Edit]
How many active moderators Tohno-Chan has? I know there is list on FAQ, but afaik that list is outdated, right? Sometimes it takes few hours that post I reported gets deleted, which is bit depressing. Maybe moderator team could use some reinforcements from multiple timezones perhaps?
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>> No. 2956 [Edit]
We are all moderators apart from you.

Post edited on 28th Oct 2012, 9:05am
>> No. 2957 [Edit]
>Sometimes it takes few hours that post I reported gets deleted, which is bit depressing.

Come on now. You have bigger problems than that.
>> No. 2958 [Edit]
But who are the shitposters then?

I don't. It's depressing to see site I enjoy in such condition.

Post edited on 28th Oct 2012, 9:12am
>> No. 2959 [Edit]
There are about 4-5 active mods/admins out of 11 total. I think most are North American yeah sometimes posts can take a while to get removed.

A faster way to report something can be IRC. Just hop on there, and private message any of the mods or people with OPs: tohno_, Stalwart, ticks..I forget who else.
>> No. 2962 [Edit]
OMG, some of us have lives you know! I got better shit to do than watch over this site like a hawk, I got mid terms and crap to deal with.

lol, but really, sometimes some of us like to think about and discuss weather or not to delete a post or ban the poster or whatever. if Someone's spamming 3DPD porn or something it's a no brainier and I'll delete it the as soon as I see it, but there's always plenty of grey area posts.
The list of mods on the front page is indeed outdated. but like, we're not exactly swimming in a sea of spam here, I don't think we need that many mods, but hey I do try to hire some on, not my fault if they keep running out on us... or maybe it is, anyways.. what was I saying? oh yeah bacon and eggs wait no, the site! yeah umm.. if you wanna be mod or something like PM me in the irc channle just like hit up Tohno_ and be all Yo word up Tohno_! make me a mod bitch! and maybe I be all like aight and do it.

While I might be a neet who rarely leaves the home, I do still distract myself with stuff here and there, so I don't always see crap on the site as it comes up, letting me know on IC works, if I don't respond to a PM on irc right away just give me 24 minutes or so. or hit up one of the other mods, whatever works.

but yeah, like that one dude above me said, all our mods are straight outta comp.. north America.
>> No. 2965 [Edit]
I don't. It's depressing to see site I enjoy in such condition.
I take back what I said.

Maybe there could be some sort of janitor in Europe just for cleaning up.
>> No. 2966 [Edit]
I'm still more comfortable with fewer mods, rather than a ton of them. It seems like the current moderation seem pretty capable of handling the site's modest traffic.

OP seriously shouldn't expect mods to delete every post he doesn't like enough to report, let alone delete those posts within minutes of his reporting.
>> No. 2967 [Edit]
I agree having many moderators isn't good either when we have small userbase.

While problem is I am reporting post AND it gets deleted. Problems is the delay. There have been very awful posts sometimes that it makes me not want to use this site for while.

On active boards like 4chan it doesn't really matter because awful posts drop down pretty fast, but here they stay on the top for long time.
>> No. 2968 [Edit]
Maybe a more reasonable request would be to implement a hide post/thread feature. Some users probably already utilize custom scripts that do just this.
>> No. 2969 [Edit]
File 135149062572.png - (3.42KB , 82x22 , hidethread.png )

You can do that already. Leftmost button.
>> No. 2970 [Edit]
Oh, that doesn't show up for me.

Anyway, problem solved, OP. Just hide the threads you don't want to see, report the ones that don't belong.
>> No. 2971 [Edit]
It doesn't show up for me on individual posts, that is**

It only functions to hide whole threads? Being able to hide individual posts like 4chan X can do would solve OP's problem entirely, I think.
>> No. 2972 [Edit]
being able to hide individual posts would be pretty neat...
>> No. 2973 [Edit]
Threads aren't the problem. Whole tc discussion is pretty much centered in few threads. I don't feel like hiding whole daily report thread just because there is one awful post.
>> No. 2974 [Edit]
Yeah its pretty crap. A while back I called for more interesting threads to be made on /ot/ to breathe some fresh discussion in. We got a few bad ones at first, then they got better. And now months later we are stuck in the same rut again. The problem is also starting to affect /mai/ to an extent.
>> No. 2980 [Edit]
The threads in /ot/ are bad because...

>This is a board for topics that don't fit on other boards, but that are still otaku/hobby related.

...and very few of them are otaku/hobby related, they're entirely off topic.
>> No. 3113 [Edit]
>they're entirely off topic.
Is that meant to be a joke? or are you unaware the board was named 'off topic' for years?
>> No. 3115 [Edit]
So off topic that it's too off topic. It's too off topic for the site!
>> No. 3118 [Edit]
Yeah the rule ssay 'otaku related stuff which doesn't fit in elsewhere' but nobody cares and nearly every thread there breaks that rule. In fact the rule probably shouldn't be there.
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