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File 134796515412.png - (383.01KB , 612x717 , taniguchi.png )
2796 No. 2796 [Edit]
why isn't there more taniguchi related content on tohno-chan?
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>> No. 2797 [Edit]
Because you're not posting it.
>> No. 2805 [Edit]
what this guy said
>> No. 2812 [Edit]
File 134801169682.png - (210.22KB , 344x641 , shot0015.png )
you're both trying to tell me that nobody else on tohno-chan is interested in taniguchi? not even peripherally? what about kunikida fans? those two eat lunch together every day.
>> No. 2813 [Edit]
the last guy who posted taniguchi was banned for life
>> No. 2814 [Edit]
He wasn't banned, he was murdered. By my hand
>> No. 2815 [Edit]
> Disrespectful behavior on /mai/.

Since this isn't /mai/, I'll just come out and say it: your taste in waifus makes you seem pretty gay, d00d
>> No. 2820 [Edit]
it's not gay if op is a woman

Post edited on 19th Sep 2012, 2:46am
>> No. 2821 [Edit]
Who gives a shit if it's gay? I rather OP be a gay guy than a woman.
>> No. 2823 [Edit]
>> No. 2886 [Edit]
I have to say here that I think you're all misunderstanding Taniguchi horribly. Taniguchi himself might be somewhat of a laughable goof, and you all get to enjoy amusing yourself at his expense. Do you think he is that way by accident? No, of course not. Taniguchi is an entertainer, a professional. He doesn't care what you think of him so long as you're enjoying Haruhi, Taniguchi is a happy man.
If you take a look at traditional manzai comedy, the boke gets all the laughs and the tsukkomi is made to look foolish. The tsukkomi volunteers to "take one for the team" so that the act can be successful. "Cool" characters like Nagato take no blows to their ego to benefit the show. They just go out and look awesome and everyone loves them. The Taniguchis of the world neglect their public image and look like utter douchebags on camera for your entertainment. He is going to be hearing shit about it for the rest of his life and he knows it and doesn't give half a crap if thats the case because Taniguchi is an entertainer. Guys like Taniguchi and Bacchi-Gu (fat guy from Green Green) will never be anyone's waifu, they don't get to be in the doujin, they don't get the glory or even get to be on screen very much, but Anime would be a whole lot worse without them, god dammit.
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