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2745 No. 2745 [Edit]
Maybe we should have a sticky thread dedicated to birthdays in /mai/.
>> No. 2747 [Edit]
Nah I don't want to see that thread every time I visit /mai/
>> No. 2748 [Edit]
don't know about a sticky, but keeping it in one thread might not be bad
>> No. 2749 [Edit]
I don't know how you could keep it in one thread otherwise.
>> No. 2750 [Edit]
A sticky probably isn't needed, since the board is slow enough you could always find it. But keeping it in one thread might be a good idea to start considering.
>> No. 2751 [Edit]
If it isn't on the first page, people won't see the birthday thread and create a new one.

poor attention spans, laziness, and some genuine missing of the thread are things that can happen.

I love birthday threads to be honest, but with so many we love here, there may end up being too many.
>> No. 2752 [Edit]
I guess you're just going to ignore how people bump up old threads all the time on /mai/?
>> No. 2753 [Edit]
Those birthday threads drop down pretty soon anyway. I don't think we need such thread. Having multiple stickies isn't very good idea anyway.
>> No. 2754 [Edit]

I think it was implied 1 sticky for all birthdays, not one for each. That would be chaos.
>> No. 2755 [Edit]
Just make a thread for it, it doesn't need to be a sticky. if you think people wont bump old threads on /mai/, you clearly don't browse the board very much.
>> No. 2760 [Edit]
We already have one sticky on /mai/. If we had one more, we would have multiple stickies. That was my point.
>> No. 2938 [Edit]
why would it have to be a sticky?

Post edited on 15th Oct 2012, 10:07am
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