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2711 No. 2711 [Edit]
/ot/ is seriously stagnant, please make some nice new threads
>> No. 2712 [Edit]
Make one yourself, tough guy.
>> No. 2713 [Edit]
In the past I used to be the only guy keeping Tohno-chan alive by posting threads and I'm sick of it.
>> No. 2714 [Edit]
It's funny how everyone thinks they're the one's single handily keeping TC alive.
>> No. 2716 [Edit]
So who else has said they've been doing it?
>> No. 2717 [Edit]
few people in the irc channle.
>> No. 2719 [Edit]

Lots of people in the IRC channel openly admit they visit the site only once in a while. And I'm talking about regulars who have been around since forever.


Tohno replying to himself etc.
>> No. 2720 [Edit]
Don't make me force identifications across the site, I can do it.
>> No. 2721 [Edit]
/ot/ is fine.

The new threads in there suck, however.
>> No. 2723 [Edit]
Yeah they suck.
>> No. 2724 [Edit]
/ot/ is the last board that needs more activity.
>> No. 2725 [Edit]
Thanks for making those really awful threads in /ot/, this will help the site greatly. I just love seeing people argue about feminism and normals, these are things that always turn into great discussions and don't make me wish I was dead at all!
>> No. 2726 [Edit]

It was a friendly joke, not a mean spirited one.

And sure, why not, go ahead, not like I care either way.


Let's blame the OP, he made all those poor souls post those awful threads afterall!

I'll make one that's even worse tomorrow, look forward to it.
>> No. 2727 [Edit]
3 new /ot/ threads and they're all complete shit.
Thanks OP.
>> No. 2729 [Edit]
maybe you guys should make some better threads to push off the shitty ones.
>> No. 2730 [Edit]
If the thread sucks, report it. We don't know what bothers people if no one speaks up.
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