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2683 No. 2683 [Edit]
How do you feel about current pace of /tc/? Do you wish the board moved at a faster pace? Do you think it'd be better if we only got two posts a year? Does it differ between the boards (meaning there are boards which you wished moved faster and boards which you wished moved slower)? If you think it'd be better if we got more posts what pace would be ideal?

Or is our current yukkuri pace the best afterall?
>> No. 2684 [Edit]
I wish more people posted (instead of just lurked) but what can you do. I'd much prefer a slower paced site than something obnoxious like 4chan anyway.
>> No. 2685 [Edit]
It's started to move a lot faster in a different way than say 6 months ago. the /an/ and /mai/ boards seem to be moving faster than /ot/ and /so/. But still with an overall faster feel.

I like it. I'm not too much of a fan of some things that are discussed (drugs) but eh, I can just ignore or hide the threads and let it be done with.
>> No. 2686 [Edit]

>It's started to move a lot faster in a different way than say 6 months ago.

Well we might have had a bit of a drought during winter but I don't think the boards move that much faster.
I think the fastest period yet was Spring 2011, around May and June or so. That was kinda nice, would be cool if we could maintan that pace.
>> No. 2687 [Edit]
Really? I remember it being (or maybe just feeling) like there were maybe 10 posts every 24 hours back then.
>> No. 2688 [Edit]

/mai/ is busy but at an all time low lately; 3DPD talk, 4chan memes/phrases, quizzes, meta talk.
>> No. 2689 [Edit]
I liked it when the boards moved slowly; it made it feel like more of a tight-knit community to me. But I guess more people visiting is sort of nice
>> No. 2691 [Edit]
I like that it's slow, but I wish that all of the 4channers would die.
>> No. 2692 [Edit]

Just report their shitposts any time you see them.
>> No. 2693 [Edit]
I've noticed, higher posting pace gets, lower the quality goes. 4chan stuff and normal discussion like drugs and drinking. Lately there have been pretty annoying discussions in /so/ and /ot/, so I don't feel like participating. Even I needed to use hide option first time.

Still I think pace is okay. There are different problems.
>> No. 2694 [Edit]

>normal discussion like drugs and drinking

I absolutely despise this argument because back in the day discussing stuff like online dating sites and whatnot was an everyday thing on /so/. I guess there must've been a mass emigration from /jp/ when the ib4f ship sank because the userbase got visibly more spiteful and elitist and boy were (are?) they outspoken about it. Nowadays people seem to go all 'remember when /tc/ was good' every time they start meta discussions (whether alcohol/drugs are /tc/ territory or not included; me, I don't give a shit, hidden etc.).

>higher posting pace gets, lower the quality goes

That's inevitable, the real question here where the 'it's still worth it' point lies.
>> No. 2695 [Edit]
I think it's fine. There some very obvious "what the fuck is this person doing here" kind of posts from time to time but they are usually dealt with
>> No. 2696 [Edit]
I don't care what kind discussions we have had in past. Nobody is pulling "tc was better back then" card. In this thread we are talking about present situtation. If TC was better back then or now, it doesn't matter because point of meta threads are to increase quality of board.

In my books drugs, drinking and acting like retard without using your own brains will be normal, and shouldn't belong here. I will complain about this decision in every metathread because I have right to tell my opinion to make this board better.

Post edited on 9th Aug 2012, 10:41pm
>> No. 2697 [Edit]
The drug thread is kind of stupid. I don't think /tc/ is the place for a bump when high/drunk thing and I doubt anyone here cares if someone is getting fucked up on random things or what their experience was. But the subject matter was considered tolerable so all you can do is hide it or avoid /so/ and /ot/ all together (since it's all just off topic crap).
>> No. 2703 [Edit]
Well yeah, thats due to the defense mechanism our community has developed over the years. Its silly to tell our users to take it easy since if we took it easy we'd be overrun. To maintain quality and keep unwanted people out we heckle, complain and ban whenever we notice anything off. On one hand it protects us by telling people whats acceptable and whats not. On the other hand, it creates a culture of fear, encouraging people to be more and more 'conservative'.

In my opinion I'd be nicer to get more activity and we can handle more activity so long as we keep the defense mechanism strong.
>> No. 2704 [Edit]
I agree. The 'culture' might change a bit, but the report button is still there for anything that is not acceptable or wanted.
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