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File 133211511032.png - (13.59KB , 452x102 , awesome.png )
2278 No. 2278 [Edit]
I have a suggestion with respect to the hide function. I know that there are frequent complaints here about bad threads that need to be deleted (I should admit that I have been the perpetrator posting bad threads on a couple of occasions, but it was never intentional. Sometimes I make a joke and it comes off wrong because I can't make text match the vocal intonations of the voices in my head) and there are also people who complain about too much stuff being deleted. I think that all of this might be corrected by making the hide function better. I know that there was some trouble with Finns here recently and as a result I looked at some of their channels. One of them,, has a unique and superior hide function. I think that implementing something like that here could clear up a lot of problems.
I don't have a pic related to this thread so I'll just post this awesome banner I made.
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>> No. 2280 [Edit]
File 133211564142.png - (30.24KB , 800x400 , ks-kenji-flag.png )
I think I'm better with mod's nazist locking, deleting and stuff. I mean: I have been myself the subject of such practices, and at the end of the day, I'm OK with it: they DO act in response to the community's demands and sake so it's fair enough.

Post edited on 18th Mar 2012, 5:09pm
>> No. 2281 [Edit]
Cool looking banner there
>> No. 2282 [Edit]
I don't view it as nazi-like, but rather as maintaining the niche status of the board.

Also you stole my idea for a banner you bastard. I love it.
>> No. 2285 [Edit]
I'm just gonna leave this right here.
>> No. 2291 [Edit]
People don't apprieciate the mods enough because they only see some threads getting deleted (which means 'their threads' more often than not) and miss some stuff that very much needs to be deleted. I guess our mods are too good for their own sake since they delete bad threads too fast nobody even notices their work.

I on the other hand applaud their efforts in eliminating Ford Driver propaganda (seriously, that thread was literally gone before I managed to report it).


>there are also people who complain about too much stuff being deleted

The solution is the same as always, stop making shitty threads.


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