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File 133151536624.jpg - (33.41KB , 557x301 , ujrtik.jpg )
2142 No. 2142 [Edit]
Suddenly, the site is deserted.
Expand all images
>> No. 2143 [Edit]
Only the cute 2D little girls, like me, remain
>> No. 2144 [Edit]
File 133151576665.png - (3.69KB , 569x80 , Capture.png )
Whatever you say bro...
>> No. 2145 [Edit]
Replies: >>2147 >>2148
Any of you cute little girls want to talk about semi lewd things like spooning or cuddling?
>> No. 2147 [Edit]
I only spoon with stuffed animals. CUTE stuffed animals
>> No. 2148 [Edit]
Replies: >>2150
Are you a fucking faggot?
Get a life loser and try to hit on some real girls in the REAL world.

Mods ban this no-life please.

>> No. 2150 [Edit]
Replies: >>2151 >>2152
im pretty sure this was a joke post
>> No. 2151 [Edit]
I have the feeling it wasn't.
>> No. 2152 [Edit]
Replies: >>2155
well was the guy already a poster here? if not he probably came with the raid
>> No. 2153 [Edit]
Replies: >>2154
please tell me this site hasn't died

for fuck's sake, i can't deal with it
>> No. 2154 [Edit]
it's still alive, but only if you are a cute little girl
>> No. 2155 [Edit]
His only other post was made around the same time, one about /r9k/ and being alpha as fuck.
>> No. 2158 [Edit]
File 133155681194.jpg - (31.29KB , 321x340 , 131578242010.jpg )
Oh look, another one of these threads. This is new and exciting.
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