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File 132843463349.png - (499.88KB , 1412x2000 , 1326574767_35852084.png )
2015 No. 2015 [Edit]
Just something random and insignificant. Pages on tohno-chan which have been archived on get hotlinked there, such that on their archives two banners appear on the page, one which is hosted on their site and one hosted on tohno-chan. thought i'd say this in case there was some technical stuff which makes this an issue.
>> No. 2016 [Edit]
looks like one of the two banners shown was just whatever banner was on the page when it got saved.
no clue why a second set would be showing up next to it.
must be a problem with how they save pages.
>> No. 2019 [Edit]
why is this worth making a thread about
>> No. 2024 [Edit]
Because I suck, hamish, because I suck.
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