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File 132801414342.jpg - (270.78KB , 622x564 , 20dcac9899e0a03c6452a7dd1a0c02a7770b0eb5.jpg )
1982 No. 1982 [Edit]
brought this up in the irc some time back, but sort of forgot about it.. and stuff...
just tossing this out there.

what do you think about combining /foe/ and /vn/ into a sort of general Nipponese games board?
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>> No. 1983 [Edit]
you cant really merge boards, unless you mean scrapping all the posts on /foe/ and /vn/ and starting a whole new board
>> No. 1984 [Edit]
File 132801862528.jpg - (53.87KB , 512x755 , 1327189731001.jpg )
but then /vg/ would just be for english games or...?

Doujinsoft idea that came up for a /jp/ board name sounds kind of cool though. That'd be a nice name for a board, or I think anyways.
>> No. 1985 [Edit]
I think it would be a good idea.
>> No. 1986 [Edit]
Is it really necessary? As in, would that board cover anything /foe/, /vn/ and /vg/ don't cover already?

If not I don't see any point. Then again I never understood what's so bad about dead boards. It just means people aren't willing to talk about something. If anything, I'd rather leave them the way there are now so that new people wouldn't come ot /fb/ and star 'so how about that touhou board' threads. And hey, who knows, maybe the interest in subject in question would sky rocket and it'll suddenly turn popular!

Or not. The point is I think new boards should be created when it's obvious that one subject covers majority of other board (say, starting now 99% of thread on /ot/ would be movie related). However, Deleting unused boards doesn't really seem to serve much purpose (as far as I can see at least). If anything, I think having more boards opens up more possibilites for discussion.
>> No. 1988 [Edit]
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Can we talk about melting breads on this new board?
>> No. 1989 [Edit]
as long as we keep the touhou clock
>> No. 1990 [Edit]
yeah I guess not, like I said, just tossing the idea out there.
>> No. 1993 [Edit]
I wouldn't really care if you did.
>> No. 1994 [Edit]
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I would rather prefer a sticky on those boards for education,stuff so people know were to go if they are even remotely interested and later post experienced with confidence in the subject.
>> No. 1995 [Edit]
I rather stay like this, but it isn't really important. Do as you please.
>> No. 2447 [Edit]
I think it'd make sense.
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