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File 132686492615.jpg - (17.66KB , 565x142 , protest.jpg )
1923 No. 1923 [Edit]
I can only hope for the best...
I need to.
>> No. 1924 [Edit]
this is kind of useless seeing as the whole point of these protests is to raise awareness, and i'm sure everybody who frequents this site already knows
>> No. 1925 [Edit]
it makes tohno-chan look important
>> No. 1926 [Edit]
but we aren't!
>> No. 1927 [Edit]
thats the joke
>> No. 1928 [Edit]
>> No. 1929 [Edit]
I said almost the exact same thing the other day...
>> No. 1930 [Edit]
I know I should've known better, but I almost lost it when I was stopped midway to /tc/.
>> No. 1931 [Edit]
Human Garbage delivery!
>> No. 1932 [Edit]
It's almost hard to believe those are real comments and questions from real people.
>> No. 1933 [Edit]
what's weird is that the more outlandish the post is (IMA GET JESSE JACKSON TO GET IT BACK UP) the more likely it is it's real. It's like the opposite of internet humor logic
>> No. 1934 [Edit]
>> No. 1935 [Edit]

Imagine a world without google cache
>> No. 1936 [Edit]

You know just yesterday (I'm not using it as some sort of rhetorical figure or anything, by 'yesterday' I actually mean 'on 17th of January 2012') I time traveled to the time where I pondered what's intelligence and if there's anything like that at all. Pretty much all life long I've been surrounded by people capable of forming coherent sentences, people who liked to read, people who were interested in philosophy and history, people who appreciated art etc. etc. Well rounded individuals as I'd like to call them. But because of it I had accepted it as a norm. I began to think that all people are like that - isn't history fasicnating? Aren't books humanity's biggest treasures? I honestly began to believe that all people think like that, or at very least understand that line of thought (even if they have other hobbies). If everybody is intelligent then why bother pointing it out at all?

Then I read something like this and go back to my full Twain/Vonnegut mode - I could either cry or laugh but I do the latter because neither will work and with this I can at very least practice my megalomaniac laugh.
>> No. 1937 [Edit]
Front page won't load for me anymore, I assume it's a problem with the blackout page
>> No. 1938 [Edit]
Quite a few people have come out against the laws today, including some co-sponsors of the bills changing their positions. Let's hope there will be a lot more, and that it will be enough!
>> No. 1939 [Edit]
I tried removing it, hope it helps.
>> No. 1940 [Edit]
Oh it started working again even when it was still up, so I guess it's just the site in general being wonky.

Thanks though!

Post edited on 18th Jan 2012, 2:43pm
>> No. 1991 [Edit]
Please teach the world about moderation.
>> No. 1992 [Edit]

How would they even get Jesse Jackson involved? This has nothing to do with manufactured racial tension.
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