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File 13248888095.jpg - (25.29KB , 503x149 , FEELS BAD MAN.jpg )
1889 No. 1889 [Edit]
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>> No. 1892 [Edit]
I get the same thing most of the time, and I'm here at almost every hour of the night.
>> No. 1893 [Edit]
It's been floating around 300 nearly every time I've looked, apart from that time we got temporarily added to overchan.

I like to think that it's the same 300 people every day.
>> No. 1894 [Edit]
I find it quite funny that sometimes the counter would say there are 0 users online.
>> No. 1895 [Edit]
I find it quite funny that sometimes the counter would say there are 0 users online.
>> No. 1897 [Edit]
Could partly be due to the fact some people were linking the site on 4chan throughout christmas.
>> No. 1898 [Edit]
People linking the site on 4chann, caused op to be the only person online at the time?

...they're right, you really are like 1000retards all rolled up into one.
>> No. 1899 [Edit]
How sweet, the irc still talks about me.
I was talking about the online today part though, I don't pay attention to that stuff enough to know if the 300 is partly due to christmas shitposting or something else.
>> No. 1900 [Edit]
wrong again, /jp/ said that.

and users per day is always 250 - 300
>> No. 1901 [Edit]

>I like to think that it's the same 300 people every day.

We get around 150 new unique visitors on daily basis.


>and users per day is always 250 - 300

When I drop by it's always past 300 already (326 right now).
>> No. 2780 [Edit]
I have a hard time believing that more than 10 other people come here. I like imagining the site being like a secret club, only letting the most pathetic of the pathetic coolest of the cool in.
>> No. 2781 [Edit]
/tc/ gets a fair bit of traffic, but it's mostly lurkers.
>> No. 2782 [Edit]
File 134775028499.jpg - (290.88KB , 625x1660 , p1.jpg )
yes, introverts tend not to post
>> No. 2798 [Edit]
If it's any solace, moot fucked up 4chan and so alot of oldfags from there will come here.
>> No. 2799 [Edit]
It'll blow over in a few days and nobody will care as usual
>> No. 2800 [Edit]
What did he do this time to ruin 4chan forever?
>> No. 2801 [Edit]

>> No. 2802 [Edit]
It's funny to see people say "oh no its ruined!!!" whenever something happens, because the site hasn't been worth a shit for years anyway. It's like someone peeing on a destroyed sand castle, which was already made with sand wet from urine in the first place
>> No. 2803 [Edit]
Gold account. For 20$. Cue that infamous image requiring gold account.
>> No. 2804 [Edit]
The people who funded canass thought it was worth something at least.
>> No. 2806 [Edit]
And what does a gold account grants you? It needs to be something very good, because I can't see why people would pay money to 4chan, I mean, if you wanted to waste money to talk with a bunch of twats on the internet you can just go to SA, it's cheaper too.
>> No. 2809 [Edit]
You get to skip captcha, nothing else. Lol.
>> No. 2811 [Edit]
They really implemented Gold accounts? haha, wow.
>> No. 2816 [Edit]
Can I buy a Tohno-chan gold account for $20? $50?
>> No. 2817 [Edit]
>moot fucked up 4chan

no, he didnt. youre being stupid.
>> No. 2818 [Edit]
What could it possibly even do?
Should I, like, implement a captcha across the site then latter charge people to remove it? like moot did?
>> No. 2819 [Edit]
He's joking, tohno
>> No. 2822 [Edit]
In his defense, I think captcha was needed very much to stop spam, and allowing people to pay to remove it to generate some extra cash is a good idea. You don't HAVE to pay to remove it, and having the option to pay is better than not having an option at all. Also, it would've been easier to simply allow donations rather than implement this.

Seems like you guys still haven't graduated from hating on something just because everyone else hates it. Its ironic that we commit the same bigotry that normals commit towards us, just in a different form.
>> No. 2824 [Edit]
>hating on something just because everyone else hates it

That's not really the case and you know it.
>> No. 2825 [Edit]
Join TohnoGold™ today! Benefits:
- Access to secret truneet board. Like /so/, but anyone who admits to interacting with other humans in person is banned.
- You and your waifu are listed on the registry of /tc/ sponsors.
- Option to enable recaptchas if you really enjoy doing those.
>> No. 2827 [Edit]
if i donate $500 can i have mai waifu on the frontpage
>> No. 2829 [Edit]
>> No. 2833 [Edit]
sure whatever
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