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File 132460250341.jpg - (115.17KB , 1147x523 , snow.jpg )
1881 No. 1881 [Edit]
Oh! the first snow of this year...
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>> No. 1882 [Edit]
File 132463574760.jpg - (30.62KB , 627x455 , brightlights.jpg )
Tohno said he'd make the voices go away. He said he'd go inside and replace them with bright lights like Christmas!
>> No. 1883 [Edit]
I really like the snow. Could we keep it going all winter?
>> No. 1884 [Edit]
I'd have no problem with this.
>> No. 1885 [Edit]
This is probably just me being stupid, but what exactly is written on that spinning envelope?
>> No. 1896 [Edit]

See: >>343
>> No. 4675 [Edit]
The snow this year hasn't been as thick...
won't we get a white christmas this time?
>> No. 4678 [Edit]
The snow particles are full stops.
>> No. 4679 [Edit]
This is tohno-chan. We can't have nice things.
>> No. 4680 [Edit]
>> No. 5388 [Edit]
I see it's snowing again.
It's always very nice.
>> No. 5824 [Edit]
Thanks for the snow again.
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